
Sincerely, Faye

MistyCoppi · Urban
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6 Chs

The Dark Psychology of Analyzing People

My phone keeps buzzing from Laura's nonstop calling. After dropping Mirai back home, I head to my one and only comfort place, the skate park. I watch everyone feeling themselves as they swift around with the rollers beneath their feet.

God, what am I even doing in life? I'm just… existing, barely surviving.

A strong captivating scent brushes against me, having my full attention. I leave my open bag which I was going to grab a book from and look up to see the guy from the cafeteria earlier flying across the park.

So, he skates…

Although skaters look lively and actually having fun skating around, for some reason they portray naïve vibes that aren't worth dealing with. Well, maybe I am being biased because my friend group skate and they're all dumb; regardless, that's the impression I have.

Now the cafeteria guy skating disappoints me. I gave him too many credits. I thought he was smart. I mean, his eyes are fierce. Obviously, I'd overestimate him and think he's complicated in his own way, fun to deal with.

Did I just think that? Being complicated is fun to deal with? As if I don't have enough complications that are draining my energy.

I think I am going crazy. Anyway, back to my book, the dark psychology of analyzing people.

Just as I open the book, I find the cafeteria guy rushing so close to me, which shouldn't happen because I am sitting on the stairs, meaning he did it intentionally.

"What led you to end up buy such a book?" his voice is anywhere but welcoming.

Am I going to get lectured for my book choices? Apparently, yes and I am not looking forward to it. I came here to relax.

"You look oddly familiar. Do you go to the same school?" he asks.

An instant response would be yes but I'd give him the idea that I notice him, or worst-case scenario, that I am crushing over him cause apparently, that's what everyone's thinking about these days.

"Depending on what school you go to." I manage to answer apathetically, not putting the effort to act upon my 'typical' demeanor, the innocent and dumb girl.

"oh," he chuckles with his eyes wandering to my coffee can resting beside me.

What's that bitch laughing at?

I look at him momentarily, giving the impression that I am waiting for an explanation to this quick laugh, but he doesn't offer any. I sigh, rolling my eyes back to the book.

"Coffee at night?" he asks, flickering his skateboard so that now he is holding it.

I look up again and smile, clearly annoyed. So, he's planning on staying I see.

"No, you don't understand. I literally can't hold a conversation right now. I came here to read the book and if not, watch people skate. That's it."

Seconds after I blurted this out, I realize that I might've came a bit more rude than usual, but I mean, it's not like he was anywhere near sweet. If anything, he came to me sounding like he is on the verge of scolding me with his monotone cold voice because of the book I'm reading. So, I guess I can let myself off the hook not faking my sweet self.

He nods, twitching his brows while looking down at me.

"What?" I ask, bothered.

"Nothing. Enjoy your book." He runs then slides the board beneath him.


No. No. No.

I know this look he gave me. This is the look I do when I form a whole perception of someone, which ends up being 100% right. He did not just analyze me.

Ugh! I don't want to overestimate him… nor underestimate him. Regardless, I'm keeping my guards up again.

Tsk. I hate people seeing the real me. Can I just disappear?

I look at the book not feeling like reading anymore and shut it close. Shouldn't have brought this book with me if things will turn out like this.

My eyes wander all over the park until I spot him. I watch him flexing with tricks then landing beside a group of people who seem like they're scared of him. Or is that respect? Nevertheless, he has presence that makes people around him coil.

Ha… interesting.

I wonder how he established such aura.

He takes his hair tie off, letting his hair down, and shakes his head. People around him are hyping him up but he's indifferent. He looks up to meet my eyes and viciously smiles.

I am triggered and disgusted, but I don't want to look like I'm coiling like the people around him. So, I smile back, though, I don't think I am genuinely smiling. I can feel the smile forcefully spreading across my face.

"Faye?" a familiar voice calls out my name. I turn to the side to see Jaden and the rest of the squad coming closer.

Shit. Not now, please. I can't put on my sweet lively act right now.

I quickly yet casually put my book back in my bag and greet everyone with a smile.

"Where did you disappear, asshole?" Felix starts.

Oh, Anne's with them.

"Anne…" I mutter.

"I know right! Once in a millennium, huh." Eric tease and Anne laughs.

My eyes travel to Laura's, and I can see the disappointment in her eyes. Honestly, I have no energy to explain. I am using it all to put on the face I am putting on now.

"And as usual, I am getting ignored. Well, it's my turn to get the refreshments. Any special requests?" Felix announces.

"Orange juice box, here." Eric's first to reply.

"I'll have the same." Laura states.

Felix points at Jaden to take his order. "Soda," Jaden says.

He looks at Anne, "Water." She answers.

"Come on. Who asks for water as a refreshment?" Eric interrupts.

"Eric, another comment and you'll be the one getting the shit the rest of the year." Laura interrupts.

He clicks his tongue annoyed and swifts first into the skating rink.

"What you gonna get, Faye?" Felix questions.

"Nothing. I had my share." I point at the can.

He nods and leaves.

Jaden calls Anne to join him since he promised her, he'd teach her how to skate. Laura ends up sitting beside me and watches everyone having fun.

I mentally sigh my pain away and try to act normal.

"Come on, you didn't come here to sit beside me. Join them." I start.

"I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong." She mutters, clearly raging but holding it back.

"What do you mean what's wrong, dude? Nothing's wrong." My voice's unsteady, filled with confusion and surprise.

Way to go. I need an Oscar for my acting skills that gets better every day.

Shit, now why do I feel like crying?

"Why didn't you answer your phone then?" she asks, still not looking at my direction.

"My phone… died."

That was a lie.

She hums. "Alright then. Though, if something's wrong, promise you'd actually tell me."

I nod, smiling and rolling my eyes. She smiles back before joining the others.

Moments later, Felix comes with the refreshments and calls everyone.

"Hey," I call him.

"What's up?" he answers while giving everyone his beverage. "You didn't tell me to get you something, did you?"

"No," I look at him until he's done so he can give me his attention.

"Thanks, man." Jaden has the final say before everyone heads back to the rink.

"So what's up? - wait, are you going to confess to me or something?" he acts surprised but quails from my indifference. "Fine, I get it. Don't give me that look. It hurts my feelings."

"Who's the guy over there, with the long brown hair?" I move my head to the guy's direction.

"oh, Ash? What's up with him?" he pauses for a bit before looking at me anxiously. "Why are you asking again? Are you interested or something?"

The only answer to that question for me to get information is, "Yeah" I smile.

"No." He bursts. Silence follows and starts to fill the air with awkwardness.

He's probably trying to accept the fact.

After what felt like a minute, I break the silence, "Yes."

"No!" he repeats.

"Yes, Felix. What the hell?" I laugh.

"No, no. You don't understand. You can't. Okay?! You have the whole park to crush over but not that guy. That guy is bad news and not in the fun way, alright?" he pauses when noticing my eyes sparkling. "Faye! No! Wake up! This is not Wattpad or Netflix we're talking about! Don't give me that 'I can change him' or 'he's different to me' bullshit. NO! this is real life we're talking about!" he rages.

"Hey, hey, hey. Chill. Calm down-" my attempt to hold him back from raging fails as he interrupts me.

"No! I'm not calming down, Faye. That bastard is a manipulative son of a bitch who enjoys torturing people's mentalities for his own enjoyment. That bitch has demons in here," he points at his head, "and he'll make them yours." he glares at me then sighs. "Faye, please don't interact with him. He'll destroy you like how he did to so many others. He is brutal, and he won't change."

A moment of silence follows.

I roll my eyes and smile, "God, why do you care that much,"

"What do you mean why do I care? Because you're my friend, idiot, why else?" He snaps as if I offended him. He ruffles his hair, frustrated, then assures me to not have anything to do with Ash.

"friends…" I nod, pressing my lips into a thin line as I watch him joins the other. I return to my seat and stare at the book.

That explains why he was interested in that. That explains why everyone's recoiling when he is around. I wonder what's his story with Felix that made him this traumatized.

Regardless, Ash seems like the type I would want to waste my time with to study his nature. Who knows? I might be worse than him. I seek pleasure from mind games and mental torture too anyway.

Though, I don't have the energy to pursue that desire now. I've got enough on my back.

My attention drifts to him as he swifts by all the skaters. His cold eyes are concentrated on the road ahead. He looks like he is secretly counting the people whom he passes. Well, isn't that childish…

He catches me staring but this time we're both giving each other cold stares. I snicker before leaving to head back home.