
Sincerely, Faye

MistyCoppi · Urban
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6 Chs

Lime Ice Cream

I step back as I watch his eyes travel thoroughly from my eyes to my mouth and back to my eyes. His painful cocky smile grows, knowing he's alright. I'm panicking. This is not good.

What card should I pull? Victim so do I tear up and act scared of his look? Or cocky dumb bitch and make a statement?

Acting like a victim seems appealing enough, but I don't think he'll buy it. I mean if I am this soft, I wouldn't have approached him myself, right?

"You're right," I blush and twirl a piece of my hair shyly. Yes, this seems smoother than the latter scenario. "I mean, you are kinda cute and I didn't exactly make the best impression last time."

Abruptly, he jolts his hand and holds my face, leaning in and staring into my eyes.

Shit, shit, shit. What the fuck?! What is he doing?! How is he this unpredictable? I am genuinely shocked. I can feel my heart racing so fast that it might break my ribcage while it's at it. I can barely move. My body is paralyzed, and my eyes are locked into his stare.

Breaking my fear, my phone vibrates. I push him away and check it.

*why would mom go out at such hour?

I open Mirai's message.

What. The. Fuck.

Since when mom even get out after work hours?

Shit. I am starting to have a headache from this bastard's stress he inflicted on me. I can't think clearly. Actually, I can't think at all.

I look up at him, rubbing the bridge on my nose while apologizing. "I'm sorry-" but then I remember I didn't actually do anything. "I take that back. Now have a nice day." I leave him unattended and rush back home.

I barely arrive as mom steps out of the house. "Mom? Where are you going at this hour?"

"Excuse me, miss Faye? Are YOU interrogating me about my business?" she yells, and I flinch back. "Holy, dear god. Now, it's the daughter asking about affairs, not the other way around. Step aside!" she pushes me to clear the way so she can leave but stops midway and turns, "Oh, by the way," she scours her bag, getting out a paper. "You're failing a class?!"

"It's only one class mom, and I can fix-" I mutter but she interrupts while furiously walking to me.

"I did not raise a failure." She stresses every word.

Yes. Actually, you failed to raise me properly but we're not going to talk about that.

Honestly, I feel like crying and screaming but here I am standing in front of her with a straight face and indifferent to her scolding.

"I don't know what the fuck did I mess up for you to end up like this."

Oh, a lot. You messed up a lot. And you're doing it to the rest of your children too if you don't fucking try to improve yourself as a mom.

"Can I have that back? You won't listen anyway."

She throws the paper to my face muttering, "such a disappointment." And dashes away.

"By the way, if dad ever decides to file the divorce papers, we're all going with him." I start, making her turn around.

I can see the rage in her eyes. "what did you just say," she asks.

"why is that? I think you can figure it out on your side as a mom, mom. I am so done defending you." I enter the house and directly to my brother's room.

"Call your sis," I demand.

"Until we're sure what mom's doing, dad doesn't get to know anything. Do I make myself clear?"

They both nod assuring me.

Fuck this corrupted family seriously.

"Faye!" calls Felix aggressively, slamming the table and making me flinch back to reality. "What's going on with you? What you're in is not okay. Why do you keep zoning out? This isn't you."

"Cut the drama," I reply, looking like I am on the verge of laughing.

"Well, you got me there indeed. I was practicing for the project and wanted to put more emotions into the lines." He laughs. "Seriously though. What's wrong? You've been zoning out for days now."

Everyone's looking at me again. I look at Lauren only to find her looking disappointed. Please, not that look.

"Guys, chill. I'm wrapped up by the upcoming exams. Nothing serious."

"Honestly, understandable. That shit's taking my whole functioning mental capacity. If it weren't for Anne, I'd fail." Eric moans as he lays his head on the table.

"Bro, even with Anne's help, you're gonna fail. You don't even look through the material after studying with her." Jaden scoffs.

"I mean, I am going to fail just with a better mark than every time," Eric responds and Jaden shakes his head disappointed.

"You guys are meeting up today too?" Laura asks.

Everyone agrees while Felix interrupts. "No, I'll have to practice the lines for my play."

Laura looks at him confused.

"What? This is before the exam and can fix my failing grades. I need it."

Failing grades… I need that.

The memory of my mom scolding me before going to god-knows-where flashes in front of me. I want to fix my grades, but this bitch had to interrupt and show me how disappointed she is in me. Now I don't want to do it. I have to, though. Ugh! Why does it have to be like this? I really wanna cry. I really do.

"Can I sign in?" I interrupt the conversation Laura and Felix were having.

Laura glares at me, "Faye!"

"What? I need the extra marks."

"God, you and your priorities…"

"Alright, alright," Felix cuts in, "I think there are a lot of vacant roles. We can go together to sign up if you want to."

Felix and I agreed on practicing together after school while the rest head to Anne's. We head to the park.

"You come here a lot. Are you… eMoTiOnalLY aTtaChEd to the place?" Felix comments, laughing at what he thinks is funny.

"Say something as stupid as this again and I am not helping you," I reply apathetically.

"Alright. Alright. I'm kidding," he scans the park then pauses before talking, "Yo," he calls, and I hum. "You didn't get involved with Ash, did you?"

Cold shivers run down my spine for a second, then I'm back to being indifferent. "No, why?"

"He's checking you out."

"What?" I look up, scanning the park to see his long hair floating as he skates.

Felix looks at me confused, "Say, why did you ask about him last time?"

Shit, I didn't see that one coming.

Why did I ask about him? Because he approached me asking about the book? Or is it because everyone was intimidated by him and I wanted to know the reason? Or was it the time I was drawn to him in the cafeteria? Which is it?

Felix snaps his finger in front of me, "Are you zoning out on me, or are you thinking of the reason why you ask me about him?"

"I don't know why I asked you, honestly. I am thinking about the reason, but I can't find any comprehendible answer."

"you can just say it's a crush. It's not that hard you know." He waves his hand and proceeds to look at the paper.

I glare at him silently, cursing myself that for a second I thought he'd change, and I can grow fond of him like how I did with Laura. People don't change, though, do they.

"What?" he finally notices I'm pissed.

"Nothing. You've always been an idiot and will always be. Who was I kidding?" I mutter.

"Hey! I heard you!"

He rehearses several lines before acting them out to me. I note his "lack of sincerely" and correct him by mimicking the lines.

"Damn, you're so good at this. I believed you for a second." He's taken aback.

Thanks to my everyday training to when I see your faces.

I smile and nod, handing him the papers. "Try again."

I try my best not to cringe, "Okay, why don't you practice for a minute while I go get us some refreshments? Any special requests? I'm getting myself coffee."

"I'll have… lime ice cream."

Odd choice but I'll give him an A for confusing me and being 'unique'.

As I walk out of the store, I see Ash leaning on the light pole on the opposite, smoking.

Shit, I didn't plan on seeing him.

I take a deep breath and walk away, pretending I didn't notice him.

"what was that the other night?" his cold, cocky voice echoes in the empty street.

I'm internally screaming. I'm not in the right mind to deal with his mind games. And I won't be swayed by the illusion that he actually cares.

Hold up. What if this is his game plan? I keep forgetting that he's a sadist. He probably saw me stressing that other night and now wants to pressure me so he can see me break.

Pfft. As if.

From his point of view, though, I don't know anything about his sadistic side. So, he thinks he is coming off as a decent human being who is just concerned.

"what are the odds of meeting you here. Must be the luckiest." I don't put any effort into smiling cause I genuinely can't.

"Well, that's flirty. Do you have multiple personalities you display in front of different people?"

I hold out the paper and force a smile, "the play. I am getting into character.

Way to go, Faye. That was close and you were fast. I'm proud of you.

"and is the character this flirty?"

I wasn't even flirty; I was sarcastic. Is he trying to get a reaction from me? I mean I would but I'm not in the mood.

I open my coffee can and gulp.

"again, with the coffee at night?"

"are you my mom or something?" I sigh, "this conversation isn't going anyway. Have a nice day sir."

"You still didn't tell me what happened last night."

God, he's persistent.

"No, you tell me. Why the sudden change of hearts? Last I checked, you were mad at me for some reason, thinking I might con you or something."

Alright, now that I got this off my chest and played the victim card, I feel better.

He nods, looking down and into my eyes. "You know last night, something really bad happened to me too."

I literally did not ask, and I literally do not care.

"My mom tried committing suicide."

Holy shit- what?

Shit, I did not expect that. I am in literal shock.

Am I supposed to say something? Yes of course. But what do I say?

I feel like laughing from the massive anxious train he tossed me with.

"Are you ok-" shit, no. Of course, he's not. God, this is so stressful. "I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk about it?"

I come out sounding indifferent, but I can't help it honestly. I am in so much confusion.

He scoffs.

I'm taken aback. "Excuse me, why are you laughing?"

Is that one of his sadistic mind games he's playing since I have been dodging the question? I swear to god if that's the case, I'll commit murder right now in this exact spot.

"it's just," he's a hard time talking. "I don't feel comfortable telling anyone, and I need to get this out."

Oh, he's honestly secretly suffering?

I bend to have a clearer view of his face.

No shit. What am I supposed to do? I need help. God, please, crack the floor and swallow me. I have no idea how to comfort. The guy's on the verge of crying.

God. Faye, think. Do something. You can't just stand there.

I swear to god, I'll fake cry if that will make him feel better.

He sighs then takes a full lung of smoke in.

I'm not sure if that's anywhere near healthy but okay.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I mutter.

He stares at me silently for a moment, "She's not dead."

"Oh, shit." I knew I'd fuck it up if I talked. "I did not mean it like that."

Okay, now I feel like crying because I messed up, and I did real bad.

I take out Felix's ice cream and hand it to him. I can't come up with a better idea honestly. I can't talk this out.

He stares at the popsicle for a while and smiles to himself before he takes it.

"I have no idea what to tell you, but get your mom something nice and try talking it out with her if she feels any better now. You need to be calm around her. Don't panic cause it will stress her." I recite, "that's all the information I can offer. I hope she gets better soon."

Good. I am calm and collected now. Much better than seconds ago. I haven't felt strong sincere emotions for a while, and he aroused the worst of them. The news isn't to be taken lightly anyway.

"Don't you see people avoiding me?" he mutters.

"Excuse me what?"

Wait, he realizes that? Though, judging from his tone, he's not proud of it.

"All those rumors about me yet you're the one who approached me. This is why I asked you what piqued your interest. Anyone in his right mind would avoid me as well."

Hold the fuck up. What the hell did I get myself into? I didn't sign up for a misunderstood broken boy; I signed up for a manipulative ass bitch who has demons and loves inflicting pain on others.

Someone, please, get me out of here.

What the fuck am I supposed to say right now?

"Oh," is all that I can come up with at the moment.

His cigarette burns down. He throws it then steps on it before looking up at me.

"Thank you. For hearing me out and for the ice cream."

Those were the last words he said before hopping on his board and skating away.

Well, that was unpredictable.

I get Felix another ice cream before heading back.