
Chapter 1

Sitting in the dark hospital room,Vineya looked herself in the mirror. She recalled her childhood days, her running across the field and wind kissing her face. Mary, her nurse brought with her a black box that she requested in return for the compliance with her treatment.

She carefully touched her hair " Vineya, this was left behind by your grandmother. As promised I am giving it to you. Now promise me, you will do as the doctors say and follow the treatment as planned. You already faught this war twice before and came out as winner. I am sure you can do it again".

Vineya smiled, today her smile carried the true happiness. Yesterday morning she received the news that her only living relative, her grandmother Amma died in her sleep peacefully and all her last rites were performed according to Hindu customs and today she was officially an orphan.

No, she was not happy for the death, as she knew how much her grandmother suffered for her. She was happy that she was no longer a burden to anyone and she can finally be free.

Since, birth her father seperated from her family. Her mother and Amma cared for her. At age three she suffered kidney failure. After transplant she managed to be healthy till six followed by another renal failure subsequently another transplant.Again at 12 she again suffered renal rejection but that was not worse, her mother Arya passed away in an accident. Now for last six years ,her , Amma cared for her giving her hope that she will be healthy again but wait for transplant was not easy and repeated cycle of dialysis drained her.

Seeing Amma's efforts she tried to smile,be happy and positive but her heart knew the despair as if the world does not want her to live.

Now that her Amma left her, there was no rope that tied her to this world.

This time she decided,she would not die just like that since young her Amma taught her about her ancestors performing witchcraft and the box that nurse Mary gave her carried a grimoire that her mother and Amma considered a joke. But she does not believe that because this was the only hope left for her.

As she turned the old molded pages she found the page she was looking for " Power over death" this spell carried a warning with it, that performing this will confirm the death of the caster but after death she had power to ask anything from God of death "Yamaraj".

As night descended she looked at the full moon and reached the cementry built near the hospital.

Gasping she hugged the box as secretly she left the hospital behind, what awaited her may be horrible but she believed she can accept anything after having no one left to be with her.

I hope you will enjoy the story of Vineya.I want to confess I am a renal transplant patient and the suffering makes me feel what would my life after death be like this story carries that. The hope that what awaits after death is not something dark and sad but a new hope and beginning.

ApurvaB16creators' thoughts