
Chapter 8 - Relics

Currently, Han was laying down at the bed with his eyes still open, he didn't sleep yet.

Just few minutes ago, when he wanting go to sleep' after finished setting the tent. But, just as he lies down at the bed, system prompt appear.

Han almost forgot about the new feature, the Dimension Travel.

To shorten thing out, from what he can understand. This so called Dimension Travel are akin to VR-MMORPG, he can only 'Login' one time a day and his stay inside the game was also limited. The 'player' can choose to 'login' to the games at the Dimension Travel control panel.

As for their character at the other side, no need too worry. It will disappear naturally once the 'player' 'logged out' from the game.

But there still something unclear to Han, what if he died inside the 'game'? Will he die for real or, only the character the one that will die?

He didn't dare to give it try though, the item from inside the 'game' can be bought outside. So' even though it maybe just his 'consciousness' that being brought inside the 'game' not real body, it also stated that the real body will remain in the state of sleeping. And if there a case of the real body getting stabbed/attacked, the 'player' will also died for real.


'user..Are you going to use 'Dimensional Travel' chance for today?

Or are you like rest for today?

Just as a reminder, if you not used up your chance for today, it will disappear. You cannot save it for another day.



"use it" answer Han.

'confirmed, user will be logged in automatically after sleeping'

Lying down at the bed, Han quickly fell into deep sleep. No one can be blamed for it, he actually almost forgot the comfortable feeling to sleep above the bed, after just few days sleeping above hard surface (the ground). It was the Survival skill taking effect, thinking about it was quite scary.

Maybe, one day, he will feel sleeping above the bed was painful while sleeping above the 'bed' at the caves are more comfortable. Unfortunately he didn't fall too deeply....

Opening his eyes, Han was appear at the warehouse entrance where he leave yesterday. 'my location didn't change'. After confirming that there was no problems with his body.

Han going to leave the area without further ado, he grabbed white feather looking item from his storage Ring and then equip the item.

With thought, he started levitating above the ground until finally stopped at mid air.

'so this was flying feeling'

Just now, the item that he use was Relics.

'[White Feather - Relics]

This ordinary looking feather was actually not real feather, as for it origin it unknown. The wearer of this item will not be afraid of high anymore! The speed of someone free falling from the skies will be slowed down the closer the wearer from the solid surface (ground).

It also have other mode, it can allow wearer to hover in the air. Must be noticed that the mana consumption will be much higher the longer it stay in the air.


This Relics was one of few Relics that he got from random Relics draw.

After acting as system Mysterious Traders in the morning, he received lots influx of material. Han was spending 100k credit to just buying decorative items, amongst few hundreds of decorative items, only few are actually reacting to the 'Nothing'.

The rate of getting decorative item that usable was little like 1:10, and it's not even guaranteed to get one. So from 100 decorative item he only getting like 10 pieces.

So out of 500 decorative item he should get at least 50 pieces that can be used, but his luck not really that great. He only get like 43 pieces out of 500.

Han started regretting for buying at double the price, if he set 100credit each, he actually can get 1000 decorative item and probably hundred of usable pieces.

As for nothing, that thing was too expensive. He spent like 600k credit, another 200k or so also used up to buying some other goods as a cover. Now, all his balance left are little 50k credit. He suddenly went broke, when before he was a millionaire.

Anyway it still good harvest, since he doesn't have money anymore he chose to closed the Mysterious Traders shop shortly after just running less than half a hours.

Also, there actually someone who tried to buy his stuff but he cancelled putting it on the display. He need to keep the most of item, like fire core, anvil, hammer, and portable furnace.

All he needed to do was just putting the notification beforehand if someone trying to buy his stuff, the system will warned him.

Out of 43 Relics drawing chances. Han only used up 13 pieces of it, there no need to open them all. He was actually planning to sell 10 to 15 pieces next time he open Mysterious Traders.

Of course' he wasn't dumb as putting Random Relics draw into Shop Stalls, it was alright if people only getting some less useful Relics, but if they getting the overpowered one....that still hurt to him.

Probably he will just open the Relics draw beforehand and only sell maybe quarter of it or even less.

Anyway he didn't have to worry that no one will buying it, there ware actually no lack of rich people who received 'Roles' as person with a lot of money (gold). Since the real world currency also can be traded into credit.


After just a hours, Han finally done exploring the entire encampment. With help of flying Relics traveling around really become more convenient.

Also he didn't need go to every building nowadays, he received Relics that can help him with exploration from out of 13 Relics draw.

The Relics can help him to scanning if there was hidden room or not.

Relic with simple and straightforward usage, it also comes with 3 different mode. One is seeing trough wall(secret passage), second was scanning any lifeforms (plant), third – to scan anything with magic.

The Relics seems like can be upgraded, because the lifeforms scanning ability was only work on small lifeforms such as rat, cockroaches, insects, and plants.

It stated that only can scanned lifeforms, or by means anything that still alive. So' during exploration, Han are actually encountered his first 'monster' the scanning Relics didn't react was because the monster are zombies.

It didn't take lot of effort killing the zombie since Han was hovering in the air and zombie cannot reach him. Just that it takes little bit of time.

He uses the Bow Relics to kill the zombies, bow was one of two weapon type Relics that Han get. The firepower of the bow wasn't really strong at the first place, that was because there are no real ammunition, and the power also depending at the user, the stronger user the higher the power/attack. In the meantime, he made it as practice target.

The bow ammunition are using surroundings Mana, it takes slightly longer to gather, even so...it was still infinite. Han actually can infused his own Mana, but he tried it and exhausted after just shooting two arrows.

There nothing left at this abandoned encampment, he already looted the most of it. There nothing valuable left and he was ready to move out.

Organized information from 'Second brain' he started to move by following the route that his second brain created.

Han didn't fly away this time, the Mana inside feather Relics was already exhausted and he can only walk by foot.

Let's talk about 'Second brain' for a moment, this item was the first relic that I get. This Relics was really awesome by whole, and I think I know why there usually some novel main character having a 'chip'.

There are saying that human only using 10 up to 20% of their brain capacity, so what happened if human using brain at 100% capacity?

Human probably will have super power, had every control of their own cells, slowing down the cells development or even fastening the development. But human wasn't supposed to do that, taking control of body meaning they will have to move every cells and organ inside their body manually.

All those background processing are now become available, but that also comes with consequences of those background process that supposedly automatic become manual process.

Or human probably already died even before can achieve that because of some burden that being put.

Chip was brain extension to safely using up 100% of brain potential without damaging the brain. As for Han second brain, that was even better than a chip.

So you probably can imagine the Second Brain abilities already...

Han made use second brain to store up the information, he just need to take a glance at the document that he get from encampment, his second brain will record the information for him.

And when needed, he can just order the second brain. The second brain will sent the information to him afterwards.

Back to the real life, there no much clue are left at the encampment. One night, there was monster horde that appears out from nowhere heading to the encampment direction.

The people inside encampment decided to just Abaddon the encampment after listening to the scouts report about monster horde. At the same time, the original residence doesn't have time to pack things up and leave in such hurry.

Its explained a lot as for why there still so much thing left inside the encampment.

After learning about that piece of information, Han Quest being updated automatically.

Now, the quest was asking for him to go follow the original encampment resident trail.

There was no information as where they go actually, he need to figure it out himself.

But looking at the map that he got from encampment, it impossible for them going to the north or south. Even though there was another encampment at those direction. The other two encampment are also received an attack from monster horde

So it was only left with the east and west, there are actually nothing at West side. The closest human gathering point are more than half a month journey. while at the east side, the closest place was just 3 day walking.

It made more sense for the original residence of the Encampment going to the east side which is the closest place from encampment. And since the west side was wilderness, it more convincing for monster horde are coming from there.

Han was also will going to east direction if he didn't have ability to fly

Looking encampment from the sky, he already know which direction he needed to go. From the remains alone he already can tell that the monster are actually came from the east side and sweeping up to the west.



List of Relics Han get from 13 random relics draw:

- [Xeno Blade] a longsword weapon type Relics

- [Mana Bow] second weapon type Relics

- [Ghost Spectacle] probing Relics – utilities

- [White Feather] flying Relics – utilities

- [Zamir Magician Black Robe] – equipment

- [Lucky coin] – utilities

- [Chess Piece – Black Horse] – utilities

- [Cat eyes] – usable Relics

- [Skill:Lightning bolt] – skill book Relics

- [Skill: Slash] – skill book relic

- [Skill: Bloodhunt] – skill book relic

- [Imperial Sword technique] – usable relic.

- [Unknown piece]

Out of 13 Relics Han collected, there are 2 weapon, 1 equipment, 4 utilities, 3 skill book, 2 usage item, and one broken pieces of item with no description.





Author Notes;

All those thing talking about Brain was just purely Fantasy and not scientifically proven. I just made up the whole thing as reasonable I can, so don't forget that this was Fantasy novels.

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