
Simplified Beast Evolution Path

In a parallel world where everyone was a Beastmaster, people would tame, train, and evolve their beasts. The Federal Government would give everyone their own beast egg at their coming-of-age ceremony. However, to evolve and grow the beast, they would need potions, gems, and other rare ingredients. Fortunately for Su Bai, he had awakened the Divine-grade Simplification System. With the system, growing a beast was as easy as it could get. “Lightning Rat detected. The evolution path has been simplified. Plugged in. Evolution points +1, +1, +1…” “Bubble Turtle detected. The evolution path has been simplified. Shower. Evolution points +1, +1, +1…” “Flame Cat detected. The evolution path has been simplified. Sunbath. Evolution points +1, +1, +1…” A few years later, Su Bai, the Divine Beastmaster accepted an interview. “Mr. Su, can you tell us how you achieved your success?” “I spend my time growing my beasts when other people are showering or sunbathing.”

Pokemon Zhu Zi · Fantasy
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439 Chs

A Bronze-Level Beastmaster

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

'Was Su Bai crazy?' Those were the words in the minds of everyone present.

Su Bai had to be arrogant to challenge the Xuanyuan family on the spot if he wasn't ignorant.

"Doesn't this guy know about the Xuanyuan family?!"

"Did Su Bai fall on his head or something?"

"My God, this is the first time I've seen such a brave person. Awesome!"

"Look! Xuanyuan Haoyu's face is livid!"

The crowd's initial focus on watching a show quickly shifted to being on edge.

After all, the other party was the Xuanyuan family.

Su Bai was just a commoner and there was a huge difference between him and the Xuanyuan family.

Even though this was military territory and the influence of the eight great families could not reach here, Su Bai couldn't stay there forever and he would have to leave someday.

Once Su Bai left the military territory, the Xuanyuan family would try to kill him.

It was as easy as crushing an ant.