
Simple System in Solo Leveling

Can our protagonist, Raido Kubo survive in a world full of Dungeons and Hunters? Monarchs and Rulers Beware! -- Patreon -- www.patreon(.)com/MisterRen Just remove the parenthesis! -- Cover Art -- Created By: Subaru_sama If you want it remove please message me.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 017 - Go Gun-Hee (Edited)

[Received, Mask of Slender, +30 Intelligence, and Sense. For the cost of one soul, you can reverse death. Passive Skill: Auto Revive.]

'Is this mean that I am immortal, as long as I have souls?' Raido thought then quickly equipped the mask.

[Slender Set 1 Bonus: +5 to all stats.]

'I become a national-rank hunter just like that, I am not even using my remaining stats points' Raido thought of this surreal scenario.

Raido tried to balance his stats by placing 20 to strength, and 10 to Vitality and Sense.


[Name: Raido Kubo]

[Level: 20]




[Hunter Rank: National-Rank]

[Race: Slenderman +5 Agility per Level]

[Job: Thunder God +10 Intelligence per Level.]






[Available Status Points:0]

[Race Ability:Teleportation(500mp), Fog Manipulation (100mp), Stretching, Mind Manipulation(100mp), Physical Damage Resistance, Stretching Gigantification(1000mp, 500mp/10s), Page Creation(0mp) ]

[Job Skill: Lightning Chain(50mp), Thunder Speed(100mp), Wrath of the Lightning God(2000mp), Thunder Immunity, Fire Resistance.]

[Item Related Skill: Auto Revive(1 Soul)]


Japan Talk Show.

"So Chairman Matsumoto, Why is your reaction to this manga?" A woman with a perfect fake smile asked.

"I am not bothered by that manga, as there are more crucial matters to focus on. I will demonstrate through my conduct that I am an honorable individual. As a representative of the people of Japan, I pledge to safeguard your welfare. I will join forces with the Draw Sword Guild to achieve this."

The talk show continues in the following manner, The Host will ask questions and Matsumoto will deliver flowery words to grab the sympathy of people.


Raido is on his way to hunter association. He knows that the hunter association cannot reject another S-rank in their organization. He just needs to show them his power.

Raido entered the building and joined the queue.

After some time of uneventful waiting, Raido has finally been called inside.

The agent goes to his control table then checks for Raido's info. 'He's been banned from being a hunter in Japan? What should I do?'

"Is there something wrong?" Raido questioned.

"It seems that you were a C-rank hunter before, are you here for reevaluation?" The agent questioned.

"Yeah, I been reawakened," Raido answered.

'Whatever, I will see his current rank before making a decision, I don't want to lose my job," The agent thought then said, "Just put your hand in the black crystal and I will do the rest."

If the agent refrains from granting a license to Raido, then there is no illegality involved in the situation. Technically, assessing Raido's suitability for the license is a legitimate process that does not breach any rules or regulations..

'Huh? That goes smoother than I'd anticipated,' Raido thought as he put his hand on the machine, fully releasing his power on it.

"Huh? That is weird, Something is wrong with the machine, It says immeasurable," The agent said, "Please, Mr. Kobu put your hand in the black crystal again, I need to double-check."

The agent's words noticeably became more polite after seeing Raido's previous result.

As the agents expected, this man is South Korea's 10th S-rank. His power is immeasurable. "Um, the machine is malfunctioning. We will greatly appreciate it if Mr. Kobu can come back after 3 days."

Raido just nods, It doesn't matter anyway, the system that he holds is very precise, he knows that he is a National-rank hunter, 3 days of waiting is not a big deal.

The agent escorted Raido to the room's exit then said, "Remember Sir, Please come back after 3 days, We need a more precise detector to measure your energy."

The scouts outside the room murmur to themselves and think of just going for it and ask him to join their guild.

Raido know-how being small felt, So whenever someone asks him to join their guild, Raido will politely reject them.

Raido didn't take a cab to go home this time, He just runs, he is faster than any land vehicle anyway.


"When should we visit him, chairman?" Woo Jin-Chul, Chief of the monitoring division said.

Woo Jin-Chul is the Chief of the Korean Hunters Association's Monitoring Division. He was among the very best within the A-ranked Hunters and could be considered the core fighting force of the Monitoring Division

"Tomorrow, as early as possible," Go Gun-Hee replied.

Go Gun-Hee is a South Korean S-Rank Hunter and the Chairman of the Korean Hunters Association.

Go Gun-Hee already knew about Raido and Japan's chairman conflict. He thinks that Japan's hunter association is led by an idiotic leader that only cares about himself and his reputation.

Go Gun-Hee believes that every hunter is important to defeat their common enemy, which is the monsters.

"I might be bad for me to say this but I am glad that chairman Matsumoto kicked out Hunter Raido in their association." The Gun-Hee said.


Early in the morning, Raido is watching the Television.

Yesterday he told his parents that he is an S-rank hunter now, Making them jump in joy. Although he still needs to wait 3 days to be an official S-rank hunter.

It seems his father is now posting his webtoon on the internet for free. His father completely left his Job, drawing right now is just his hobby. The eye bags under his father's eye also disappear, but sadly his Otaku nature is permanent.

Right now, Raido's parents are traveling all around Korea while Raido can easily cover their expenses and put more money for their life savings in case something happens to him.

"News, gates, gates, hunting party, news about gates, gates in front of news companies, oh! Finally something good! Tower of God first episode is airing right now," Raido said but quickly got sad as 1 episode is not enough.

The sound of the doorbell rang disturbing Raido's fun time.

Raido opened the door and saw 2 people outside.

"How can I help you?" Raido politely then thought, 'What is the chairman of hunter association is doing here? Don't tell me my license is revoked again? Jokes on you, I still don't have a license.'

"I'm the chief of the Monitoring Division, Woo Jin-Chul. This is the chairman of the hunter association, Go Gun-Hee, can we please enter? We would like to discuss some national concerns," Jin-Chul professionally said.

'His aura is overpowering mine...by a lot,' Gun-Hee thought while seeing how enormous Raido's aura is. But he is professional, he can't be seen as weak, so he hides his surprised expression but the sweat on his forehead can't escape Raido's eyes.

"Um, Please enter," Raido said with a carefree expression.

The chairman sat down on the sofa while Gun-Hee stood beside him near the door.

Raido sits down parallel to the chairman then crosses his legs. "So...tea or coffee?"