

what do you get when you bring together a bunch of musically talented kids from all across the galaxy? with no parents on a planet that offers dreams of stardom to all as the number 1 entertainment planet in the galaxy think Hollywood a place filled with movie stars singers celebrities boy bands rock stars but bigger as in an entire planet PRYLEA The Entertainment world a planet solely dedicated to providing all forms of entertainment to the planets and worlds that are within its surrounding galaxy enter Silver Shadows a rebellious rock band formed by a bunch of misfit orphaned youth who are growing up in this galaxy on their own and their dreams of dominating the galaxy with their music and becoming galactic superstars

kyraangelfae · Sci-fi
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306 Chs

Story about Huassain

"So tell us about Huassain History storytelling time lets go" Sienna cried as she sat down next to Daisuke curling in his arms cozy

they all laughed lounging on cushions in the living room melody had her holo tablet in hand she smiled happily

"now before I begin this very long story of this planet's history, the feast later everyone ready for that? outfits and what not?"

"yes!" Kanna said "I know I'm on a foreign planet theres kids I will dress appropriately around carry on"

"We have snacks and drinks everybody really comfortable?" Melody asked 

"yes! " came the reply the band giggled they loved the Huassain life

"so to start!" Melody began "to help you understand a bit more about Huassain people this that we are lying on these thick soft fluffy pillows and beds on the floor"

everybody laughed and giggled petting their various furry soft things around them