
Silver Sage

In the not-so-distant future, humans finally evolved and superpowers became the norm. Heroes were made as part of the new military. The existence of mastermind Villains could not be ignored either. Eren Fortis, son of the two greatest Heroes of all time, discovered that he had his grandmother's ability. The ability to walk through walls. It was one of the weakest abilities. Washed with disgrace, his parents sent him off to boarding school, with a false identity, claiming to protect him. But the truth was they were ashamed that he was not blessed with one of their powers, or the combination of both. All was miserable, until Eren discovered something...His ability wasn't to walk through walls, but the ability to steal the powers of others! So what next? Make my parents proud? Revenge? Or take over the world? This is my second book, and my first, Descendant of LUCIFER is not doing that well...I just one to tr my luck here. Any form of support is greatly appreciated. THANK YOU.

Denzel_King_2962 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


Eren looked at Carl who was still standing there awkwardly.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered and he rapidly sank into the ground. Carl was still connected to his shadow, so he sank into Eren's shadow too. A loud explosion suddenly took place where they were standing before. The smoke cleared, revealing a bulky young man with yellow spiky hair. Eren eerily rose from the ground behind the boy.

"What do you want?" Eren asked coldly.

The boy stiffened for a moment before he turned around to face the emotionless face of Eren.

"Scum! You better transfer to another dorm or else I'll burn you alive!" the boy said, after sizing up Eren.

Eren just looked at the boy. The boy's palm was blazing hot, like a hot red iron in a furnace.

-His ability is explosion...- Eren has become more knowledgeable since he had been training under Gwen for the past 8 years. His knowledge was wide, and his mastery over martial arts was basically off the charts! It was all in a bid to make up for his 'weak' ability.

"We should just mind each other's business" Eren said without blinking.

The boy clenched his teeth. "DIE!" He pointed his palm at Eren, and another explosion took place, originating from his palm. He was already grinning when a kick landed at the base of his neck. His neck flayed like a broken twig, and his head hit the wall. His vision spun. The last thing he saw was Eren standing behind him, and the last thing he thought was how a weakling like Eren had defeated him, with his amazing ability.

"What the hell did you just do?!" Carl screeched.

"You're welcome" Eren said and he opened the door into the dorm. He immediately froze.

Carl came up behind him and peeked over his shoulder. "Holy crap!"

Inside the dorm, two gorgeous ladies were dressed in skimpy towels and tying up their wet hairs.

Eren's face darkened. This dorm supposed to have 5 inmates. One was him, the other was Carl, the third was the guy that was sprawled on the floor outside the dorm, and the last two....

"Can this day get any worse?" Eren grumbled.

"What are you talking about?! This is great!"he walked into the dorm. "Hello ladies, I'm Carl!" he said as he strutted into the room, elegantly.

The two girls turned around. Carl felt his nose heating up as blood almost jetted out. These two were absolutely gorgeous. And their boobs...tsk tsk.

One had pink hair, and the other was blonde. They were twins! Carl was already envisioning a threesome as he saw their boobs wriggling slightly in their towels.

"I'm Sara, and this is Sasha" the pink haired girl said.

"Hehe..." Carl was at a loss for words as he stared at their boobs.

-God...what have you done?-

Eren just walked in and picked a bed. All beds were lined against the walls. He sat fell to the bed firmly. It was not as soft as the one at Gwen's home, but it was not as hard as he had imagined.

"Hey. That's my bed"

Eren initially thought it was the guy from earlier but as he stood up, he was mildly surprised to see it was the blonde twin.

"Now, now, let's get along shall we? Sasha you should stay beside me, or that nice young man!" Sara said, beaming.

Sasha was till glaring at Eren, but Eren didn't even blink. he just stared at her with half open eyes, nonchalantly.

"Sasha!" Sara whispered furiously.

Sasha harrumphed coldly before turning around.

Eren chose the bed closest to the door, while the bed beside him was vacant, obviously, the guy that was in slumber outside would choose this one. After that was Sasha's bed, then Carl's bed, followed by Sara's bed. Carl was in utter bliss. He was stuck between two girls. Their thin night wears, their unrestrained boobs, their peachy bottoms.... He was getting a boner just thinking about it. The had confiscated all their belongings before they were admitted. If not, he would have some 'toys' to play with.

Eren was about to fall asleep when the door was thrown open. A Lieutenant with a curly mustache barged in. Eren was expecting him to scold everyone and ask who was responsible for the unconscious Cadet outside. But instead...

"Good day ladies and pricks. My name is Lieutenant Ethan. And I am your hostel manager!"

Eren was mildly surprised again. Someone with the rank of Lieutenant was clearly not a nobody. A Lieutenant was just under a General!

"Now. Get ready! Your first assessment is coming up soon. After all student s are checked in, you will be sent on missions to access your abilities further, and place you in squads were each and every ability will be balanced, and headed by a senior in their final year. Don't think just because you are cadets makes us obligated to teach you in classrooms" Ethan shook his head. "Your real class rooms will be in the wild, in real life situations!" He proclaimed. His throat was getting dry. This was the 10th time he was saying this. Thankfully, it was also the last.

He was about to say something, when the students ID cards lit up. A hologram was projected, giving them directions to the barracks.

"Looks like its sooner than I thought" Ethan sighed. "Move out!" The immediately jumped out of bed and followed him.