
Silver Prince

He was supposed to be the beggar king. The one who begs and demands others to make him a king in his kingdom that has been usurped. However, his destiny changes when a lost soul takes over his body. Now his destiny is changed, what will the future hold for him?

Fangrove · Book&Literature
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141 Chs

Chapter 25


I smile a little as I see Dany running toward me with a big smile. I crouch down and welcome her into my arms.

"How are you, Dany? Are you having fun?"

"En! I made this!"

Dany gave me a little ring made of flowers.

"Oh, a flower ring."

"En! Put!"

"Of course."

I put the small ring on my pinky and see Dany smile even brighter than before. I give her a hug and kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, Dany. It is beautiful."


"Do you want to come with me, Dany?"


"I want to go to the market. Do you want to come? Or do you want to play with the other"

"No!" Dany shakes her head. "Come."

"I see. Then shall we?"

"Up! Up!"

I smile a little at her and say.

"You have grown, you know?"

"No! Up!"

"Hahaha. Sure."

I pick her up and hear her scream of delight.


"Hahahaha. Of course, my princess."

Both of us walk away from the garden and meet Ser Willem on our way.

"Your highness. My princess."

Yeah. He started to call me that. My prince is already bad, and now he starts to call me Your Highness.

I try to tell him to call me anything else, but he is adamant about it.

"Can I ask where you are going?"

"We want to go to the market, Ser Willem."


He nods his head and says.

"Then let me come with you, Your Highness."

"Fine, you can come."

I know that he will come even when I say no.

"Thank you."

The three of us walk away from the manor and see the road leading us to the ever-growing city just south of this manor. We follow the road and arrive in the town of Solian (Yeah, the people ask me to name the town as well).

When the town's guard sees us, their eyes widen up, and they walk toward me.

"My lord! What can we do for you?"

"Ah, please don't mind us. We want to go to the market and buy some ingredients for cooking."

I can see both of them have that look at the mention of cooking. The look when someone just loses their virginity, the dazed look. The look that someone has is reminiscent of something good from the past.

"Ah! Sorry for the insightful behaviour, my lord."

"No. No. You did not need to bow again. Anyway, can we get inside?"

"Of course! The city is yours, my lord."

"Thank you."

I smile at them and walk inside the town. As I get inside, I can see people widen their eyes when they see me. I waved at them, and did that woman just faint? What? I decided not to think about it and walked toward the fish market as fast as possible.

However, when we reach the fish market, we get many goods given to us by the people. There are loaves of bread, wine and some fruit. If not for Ser Willem, there would be a large pile of goods from the people.

"Muuu! Smelly!"

I chuckle a little at Dany's declaration.

"Yeah. It is a little bit smelly, right? Those are fishes the fishermen bring."

"Fish? Fishy ball?"

"Yes. The fishy balls are made of the fish around us."


Dany looks around with an excited expression. Well, I guess it is my fault to make her love my food. I keep feeding her something special to make her grow stronger and make her healthy. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on which point of view you use, every food that helps her grow is very delicious.

She became a foodie, but instead of travelling around the world in search of food, she only wanted the food cooked by me.

"Hmmm, what kind of fish should I buy today?"

I look around for a few seconds before my eyes land on a certain creature that gets my attention.


I quickly run toward the men who want to throw the creature inside the box.

"My lord! What can we do for you?"

"Ah, sorry for interrupting your work."

"Don't mention it, my lord. We will stop if you ask us to stop because it is you."

I awkwardly smile at them. I will ignore that.

"Anyway, can I ask what you want to do with that octopus?"

"We want to throw it back to sea, my lord. These pests keep getting inside our net."

"Can I have two of them? I want them for my cooking."

"I guess but are you sure, my lord? That thing has hard meat. We try to boil or grill them, but they are still tough to eat."

"Don't worry about it. I want to try new dishes and new ingredients. These octopi will be the perfect ingredients for me."

"If you want it, then you can have it."

"Great! How much?"

"Please take it, my lord. We cannot charge you who help us when we are at the lowest. It is not right to make you pay, especially for these pests."

"I see. Thank you! Also, can you kill them for me? Pierce its brain from here."

After another hour of walking around, we decided to get back. While walking back to the manor, I look at Ser Willem and say.

"We have grown so much, huh?"

"We do, Your Highness. Because of your hard work, the people of Lunaria can grow and have a bright future."

I smile a little and look at the town once again before saying.

"No. It was not because of me, ser."

"Pardon me?"

"It was not because of my hard work. These people also work hard. We cannot make a bright future alone, ser. We need the people. We all need to work hard to achieve a brighter future."


|Ser Willem Darry - Knight of the Silver King|

I look at my king with my eyes wide up. I can see him glow a little after he says that. I know that he is the right king for my service. He is the perfect king.

It is just a shame that he did not want the iron throne.

"Ser? What are you standing there for? Come on! Dany is hungry."

I snap from my thoughts and quickly walk toward my king. I know that my king will become a great king. A king who will be written in the book of history as the greatest king.

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