
Silver moon

"Silver is the colour of the moon but why is is that all werewolves are allergic to silver?" I said. " I don't know princessa but I really want to find out " he said grazing my lips That's me,Rihanna Miles, Anna for short, I'm a girl nope scratch that I'm a werewolf, I'm not necessarily tall, I'm a brunette and the only daughter of an Alpha. I've always been attracted to silver since when I was born, I always loved the color and anything related to it, but I was told I was allergic to it and it would burn me so I never touched or moved close to it, but on my sixteenth birthday which was the day I first shifted I found out that I wasn't allergic to it at all, infact, I wasn't only my favorite colour, I could wield it. Some people say I'm blessed by the moon goddess, some say it a curse but I don't think someone in such a high place has time for a carefree girl who loves the wild like me. What happened when some people find out about her gift and wants to use it for themselves? This is my story read it and you are going to enjoy it.

Puregold94 · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

Anna's POV

I stood shockingly as I watched the surprise look on everyone faces as they watched my best friend and my Mate's Beta claim themselves as Mates.

I watched as he went to meet her when I suddenly came to the realization.


If my Mate's Beta is my besties mate then that means, she's going to come with us.

" It seems were not going to be leaving today " my mate Logan said looking at the new couple.

" It seems so too " I said as I watched my bestie and her mate go into the pack house.

I watched as Logan gave some commands to the drivers, probably telling them that we weren't going to be making the trip today.

I waited for him to be done but everyone else went back to the pack house.

I wanted to talk to him before I went to congratulate my bestie on finding her mate.

I watched as every last one of the cars left and my mate walked towards me.

" Princessa " he breathed on me.

" I wanna talk to you Logan "

" Let's go to our place " he said nodding in the direction of the woods. I gave him a pointed look and he said " you know the lake " he said and I suddenly realized what he was talking about.

I find it cute that he regarded to the Lake as our place an blushed.

" Our mate's really caring, oh and extremely hot " my wolf said dreamily.

" Urgh, he's hot we get it, but stop tell me every five seconds " I sassed.

" Oh the lake, ok " I said remembering that I haven't given him an answer yet.


We arrived at the lake and settled on one of the rocks.

" So what is it you wanted to talk to me about, princessa " he said.

How does he manage to look so cute and hot at the same time.

" It's about my best friend Amy and her mate your Beta" I said adjusting my seat on the rock.

"Oh what about them"

" I need to Know if your Beta is going to treat her well, not that I'm doubting him or anything it's just that I don't want to see her hurt, and I know that I shouldn't be asking this since we just met but I just couldn't help but ask, she's my best friend you know " I ranted.

" Firstly, you can ask me anything and secondly I've known Miles since I was young, we were once besties before..." He trailed. " Anyways, he's a really nice guy and I'm super happy for him " he continued.

I noticed he trailed before he continued his sentence, I didn't want to ask why or what it was he wasn't telling me, I figured it would take some time before we opened up to each other.

I'm not even angry that he's keeping secrets from me, mate's or not we just met and you don't suddenly tell all your life secret to someone you just met, it takes time and I was willing to give him that and plus I haven't told me that I'm a gifted wolf.

" Okay, now I feel reassured "

" You know Logan, I'm really curious as to why you named this place our place " I asked

" Because this was the first place I took you as an unofficial date " he said.

" We found it together smart ass" I giggled.

" I like to think of it as I took you here " he grinned.

I laughed and looked at him, my mate the person the world said was a ruthless killer, the masterminds of all evil, laughing here in front of me like no one's business.

I heard the mate bond is really powerful, but can it really change a person or are the rumours false, I guess I'll find out when I get to know him more.


The moment we got back to the pack house I rushed to find my bestie, I asked from some pack members I saw around the house and I was told she was in her room.

I went straight to her room which was on the left wing of the pack house. On getting there I knocked and she answered almost immediately.

" Hey girl " I said wiggling my eyebrows at her and entering her semi-arranged room.

" You met your mate " I said .

" I did Anna, and omgosh he's amazing, his name his Mike " she said blushing.

" I'm so happy for you Amy and what's so great is that he's the Beta of the my Mate's pack which is the white blood pack which means...."

" We are going to be together forever" we both said and squealed.

"Come on let's help you pack we're leaving in the evening " I said.

" I wish my parents were here though " she said with a sad smile.

" Have you told them " I asked

" No not yet I'm planning on telling them later " she said.

Amy's parents were not currently in the pack, they went on a vacation a year ago with Amy's brother who was about Kelly's age.

" They are going to be so happy " I said giving her a hug, I knew how sad she was, when her parents were going on the vacation, she chose to stay because she of me, she missed her parents and brother so much, she only get to talk to them on FaceTime and phone calls.

" Thanks so much Anna, I love you " she said hugging me back.

" I love you too baby, now let's finished packing your stuffs and get you back to your fine ass mate " I said slapping her ass.

" Ouch what was that for " she whined.


We were all gathered in the living room, Amy and I was trying to pacify Kelly, she was very sad that we were going to be living her.

" I can't believe you guys are going to be leaving me at the same time " she wailed.

" We are going to miss you so much as well, I will make sure to come visit you at any chance I get" I said pulling her into a hug.

" Yes and we will call you almost everyday " Amy said patting her back.

" Promise?" She asked pouting.

" Cross my heart and hope to die " I said.

"Enough of the pity party let's go " my dad said rolling his eyes.

" I'll miss you too Dad " I said laughing at his failed attempt to act as if he wasn't going to miss me.

I stood up from the couch I was sitting and pulled Kelly up.

" Come on let's go aren't you going to see me off "

We were all about to leave the living room when a pack warrior suddenly entered.

" Greetings Alpha, We need you at the border, some rogues were seen at the pack border " he said.

My father and my mate growled at the same time.

" Rogues " I hissed.