
Chapter 2 : Mysterious death

Chapter 2: Lost in the MelodyDays bled into weeks. Ketsuke, guided by the iridescent rabbits (whom she named Lumi), learned to navigate the strange beauty of the forest. She discovered an abundance of edible plants and the refreshing taste of a crystal-clear stream. The forest, once an alien entity, became a sanctuary, a place where she could begin to piece together the puzzle of her existence.

One evening, Lumi led her to a clearing at the edge of the forest. Curiosity piqued, Ketsuke peeked through the dense foliage. Before her unfolded a scene unlike anything she'd ever encountered. A massive stage bathed in vibrant lights stood in the distance, a pulsating sea of human bodies surging before it. Music, electrifying and infectious, pounded through the air.

KETSUKE (V.O.) (Whispering in awe) What is this place?

Lumi nuzzled her hand, urging her forward. Hesitantly, Ketsuke stepped out of the forest and into the throng of people.The crowd surged with a life of its own, a cacophony of cheers and chants filling the air. She felt lost, a tiny island amidst a raging ocean.

Suddenly, a spotlight sliced across the stage, bathing the figure of a young man in its brilliance. His silver hair swept back in a stylized mess, and his smile radiated pure charisma. The crowd erupted, their cheers reaching a fever pitch.

FAN #1 (Screaming) KAI! KAI!

FAN #2 (Waving a neon sign) You're the best, Kai!

Ketsuke felt a jolt of recognition. This wasn't just any pop star; this was Kai, the idol whose music had dominated her old world. A pang of longing shot through her, a memory flickering at the edge of her consciousness. A concert, cheering crowds, her heart pounding as Kai poured his soul into his song. Was this just a coincidence, or was it a fragment of her past life surfacing?

As Kai began to sing, his voice a captivating blend of power and emotion, Ketsuke felt a strange pull. It wasn't just the music; it was something more, a connection she couldn't explain. She found herself swaying to the rhythm, her body moving on its own accord.

Throughout the concert, the memory of the concert back home flickered brighter. The joy, the excitement, the feeling of belonging. A tear escaped her eye, a bittersweet combination of grief for her lost life and a spark of hope for a new beginning.

As the final notes of the song faded, the crowd roared their approval. Kai, bathed in sweat and exhilaration, took a deep bow.

KAI (Smiling) Thank you, everyone! You're the best fans in the whole universe!

His words hung in the air, a strange emphasis on the last three words. Ketsuke's heart pounded in her chest. Was it just a performer's hyperbole, or was there a deeper meaning?

Suddenly, security guards parted the crowd, creating a path towards the stage. A wave of dizziness washed over Ketsuke.Lumi, sensing her distress, nudged her hand with his furry head.

KETSUKE (V.O.) (Confused) Why are they coming this way? Where are they taking…?

The answer dawned on her with a jolt of terror. They were coming for her.