
Silver Millennium Legend: Kimoon

Lesbian. GL. Yuri. The top-tier songstress of the Kingdom of Purple, Kimoon, returns to her homeland, the Kingdom of Light, to engage in battles through the power of her singing. Enduring a tragic fate—abandoned by her mother, forsaken by her first love, rejected by her beloved, and expelled by her own kin—Kimoon survives the harsh realities of life in the depths of despair. After several years of enduring a hellish existence, will a reunion bring back everything that was once lost?

QiannianZuiai · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Refuse Combat

Yoko waved to the crowd, most of the songstresses below gazing at her with admiration. Yoko, once the ace composer of the Saint Purple Orchid Academy, had written many world-renowned pieces and propelled numerous outstanding songstresses to fame. Three years ago, she returned to the Kingdom of Light, continuing her musical career and supporting the songstresses of the kingdom, gradually leading them onto the world stage. Therefore, for most songstresses present, Yoko was a legend. Many considered it an honor to collaborate with her.


"Welcome, everyone, to the Holy City Palace. After the highly intense global concert, the royal families of the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Purple have invited you here for a celebration. I hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight. Starting tomorrow, all members of the royal family, including myself, Benchu Yoko, will engage in deeper interactions with all of you."


Upon hearing Yoko's words, the crowd was slightly surprised. No one had expected the renowned music goddess to be a direct member of the mysterious and classical Kingdom of Light royalty. However, excitement and anticipation filled the air as they looked forward to tomorrow's meeting with the noble royal family. "Benchu Yoko," Kimoon frowned. Although she knew Yoko had some connection with the royalty, she was unaware that Yoko was a direct blood relative. Well, it doesn't concern me, Kimoon thought. Right now, she just wanted to leave this noisy venue and had no interest in tomorrow's arrangements.


Remaining on the stage, Shizuru caught a glimpse of Kimoon's figure and felt a ripple in her heart. Their eyes met in the air. Kimoon saw Shizuru seemingly unchanged, but her demeanor appeared more elegant and mature. Of course, she was now a mother of a one-year-old child. Shizuru, on the other hand, noticed a significant change in Kimoon. Firstly, Kimoon's appearance became more refined and beautiful, more captivating than three years ago. Between her brows, the youthfulness faded, replaced by a resemblance to Zui Ai. Shizuru cast a gentle gaze at Kimoon, but all she felt was Kimoon's indifference and coldness. I did hurt her deeply in the end, Shizuru self-mocked.


After the speech, Shizuru followed Yoko offstage, leaving the crowd to revel.


Kimoon, with little interest, was about to head to the temporary residence prepared for them inside the palace, the Moon Inviting Palace. However, she heard someone calling her name and walking towards her.


"Hello, I'm Sheryl, a songstress from the Kingdom of Light. I really like your music, and today I finally get to meet you in person. Nice to meet you."


The newcomer, about Kimoon's age, had shoulder-length pink-golden hair and was wearing a fashionable dress adorned with sparkling diamonds. Kimoon remembered - Sheryl had performed a song composed by Kimoon, with lyrics written by herself, the divine song "Diamond Crevasse" at the concert. Over the years, Kimoon not only personally handles various musical works but also occasionally sends some of her own songs, which she either lacks time to perform or is unwilling to sing, anonymously to other female singers through Seju. Kimoon didn't care who eventually used these works and only learned about it when she occasionally heard the published pieces. Therefore, there was no prior interaction between Kimoon and Sheryl. Kimoon only heard Sheryl's performance that day and realized the composition had become an outstanding piece.


"What do you think of my performance of 'Diamond Crevasse' a few days ago?" Sheryl asked.


It seemed like Sheryl was probing. From a young age, Sheryl had displayed remarkable musical talent. She could write her own lyrics and compose, delivering various songs with excellent skills and genuine emotions. With Yoko's return, Sheryl became Yoko's proud disciple, and her career continued to flourish. Sheryl occasionally heard Yoko mention Kimoon. According to Yoko, Kimoon was another musical genius, and Yoko had high expectations for Kimoon's future in music. However, while mentioning Kimoon, Yoko would occasionally sigh secretly. All of this did not escape Sheryl's notice. What kind of person is Kimoon really? Sheryl became intensely curious about this foreign songstress she had never met.


Kimoon's indifferent gaze swept over Sheryl. Straightforward type, Kimoon thought.


"Pretty good." Kimoon replied.


Although her expression was cold, Kimoon meant it sincerely. She disliked lies and rarely lied herself.


"That's great, to receive praise from the composer in person."


Kimoon heard Sheryl's words and instantly developed a different sentiment toward her. The cold expression disappeared, leaving only surprise on Kimoon's face. So far, Kimoon had sent out many excellent compositions, most of which had become famous pieces. However, no one had ever been able to identify these pieces as coming from Kimoon. That was her intention. Unexpectedly, this first encounter with the songstress from the Kingdom of Light could recognize her work. She seems quite impressive. A barely perceptible smile crossed Kimoon's lips.


"Too kind." Despite having let down her guard, Kimoon still dealt with Sheryl in a cold manner. She was used to it; she kept people at a distance.


Sheryl noticed Kimoon's resistance, then flashed her signature smile, bid farewell, and walked away.


Several other songstresses gradually approached Kimoon to exchange greetings. Kimoon, using a pretext of feeling unwell, swiftly escaped the venue.


Starting the next day, the songstresses arrived at the Holy Music Hall one by one, following the schedule. This time, however, only one songstress at a time was led to the second floor. After a short or long period, they would come downstairs and leave. This process continued for several days.


On the last day in the final stage, Kimoon was led to the Holy Music Hall. Only a few people remained. She noticed that those who left had either relaxed expressions, happily boasting about their close encounters with royal members, or serious expressions, silently leaving with an escort. Finally, as the last person, Kimoon was informed to go to the second floor.


Opening the door, she found a singing room in front of her. Empty and with only a note. It said, "Please sing your proudest song." Kimoon sneered but also wanted to see what the royal family was up to. She remembered the conversation with Sheryl days ago, so she chose to sing Sheryl's "Diamond Crevasse".


As the song ended, the singing room's walls near the inside transformed into transparent glass. Through the glass, Kimoon saw what seemed to be a gigantic creature, seemingly powerless and terrifying. Is this a creature on this planet? Kimoon wondered.


Then applause echoed around her. Kimoon saw people appearing one by one beside her. Most of them were members of the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Purple royalty. They had been in the room from the beginning, only remaining invisible. They would only reveal themselves after each songstress had finished singing.


"We asked all the songstresses who came here to sing to test whether this foreign monster would lose its combat ability under the influence of the song. Your performance was excellent, exactly what we need – a songstress who can fight," Yoko said, leading the way.


Combat? Kimoon felt a sense of conspiracy and discomfort about her current situation among the royal members. Without thinking too much, she spoke directly:


"I refuse."