


"What?!" came the muffled voice from the couch.

"I need you to find some information on someone."

"Who? No wait, you told me to never do that and said something about the law, how it was important to follow and blah blah jail time blah…"

"Amb, if you don't want me to play football with your head, you won't try my patience."

I went around the counter and sat on the semi broken chair. Amb looked at me from the couch, seeming to realize I wasn't kidding. And I wasn't. Aidair gave me the impression he wouldn't let go of the matter. He knew things about me, about my adoption, I wanted to know how much he could dig up on me. On us. Evidently I needed to know if we had to move again.

"Ok, what's his name?"

"Aidair, dark hazel eyes and black hair, bronze skin, Protector for the Guard, could sense my magic"

"Protector for the Guard, Xee, what the hell happened?!"

"I was approached by one, he seemed to find me intriguing, like I needed that in my life right now."

I wasn't angry at him, obviously I'm awesome. I was so annoyed with myself, I shouldn't have called him. That was stupid, and I prided myself on not being stupid. Well at least until now.

"How much time do you need?"

"You want a thorough check up or a little biography?"

"Do we need to move?"

"Thorough it is. Give me two hours."


I was waiting in the kitchen for Belinda to come home when the phone rang. Might be a bit untrue to say kitchen, more like living room, my bedroom and kitchen combined. Anyway I picked up the phone knowing who the caller was. Only one person ever called.

"Lexie, how are you?"

"I need a break from work, let's hang out."

Well that was pretty straightforward. As always when it comes to Lex, I suppose.

"Home or bar?"

"Haven't seen the kids in a long time. I'll bring dinner by 7, 'kay?"

"Yeah. See ya" that was it.

My relationship with Lex was always simple, we accepted each other with our flaws and qualities and offered the other a different perspective when needed. I loved her like a sister, thinking about it, she might actually be my only true friend. She was also a major pain in the ass when it came to the Guard.

Where I thought the Guard would eventually want to kill me, she thought they'd try to use me but would protect me nonetheless. They really needed new blood and I would certainly be an asset. The Guard was initially created in order to protect the Earth inhabitants from the Breachers: evil creatures that appeared from another dimension at random times. Nobody really knew why and when the Breach had opened thus there was really no idea as to how to close it. It was a never ending loop of killing.

As the Guard became more efficient, they took on more roles, one of them being sort of a protector against any threat to Earth. And that irked me. I knew nothing of the men and women who presided over the council, the ruling body of the Guard, and I didn't trust their judgement. Who were they to decide who should die or not, I didn't even know their process of decision.

Anyways, Lexie, like me, just liked killing things but unlike me wasn't bothered by such interrogations. She wasn't a bad person but then I was never on the receiving end of her kill orders.