
Silver Genesis

This is the story of how a boy become the hunter he was meant to be with the help of his friends and the past. He gain experience and grow to new heights every day

SuperGokage678 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Jester Plan

I wake up and head downstairs. I see no one around. I guess they left. They are very busy these days. Still making amends from the last war 7 years ago. I don't know much about it besides the name. It was called the enlighten war.

I make me some breakfast and head to school with Isamu behind me. "How was practiced yesterday." I freeze up. "How do you know about that?" "My personal magic of course." "So, you were spying on me."

"Keeping tabs on you actually." "Same thing" I said madly. "Don't be a baby about it. I like to have my privacy." "Your privacy dead." "Noooooooo." "How did it die" I said with tears in my eyes? "When you found out you're a genesis hunter." "Rip my privacy" I say with a sad face.

"You need to stop being so dramatic over this." "It hasn't been a week yet." "It takes a while to accept change." "I know but you need to stop making a scene every time."

I look around and see people staring weirdly at me. I sweat and say, "oops sorry." We head to school. We take all the same classes, so I never get rid of him. My defensive magic sensei Mr. Ishikawa say, "there is a test coming next week."

I say "already it's only the second week." "Yes Mr. Akechi, this will help you think rational quicker when on the battlefield." Minato start to laugh. "You shouldn't say that stuff out loud Eiji."

"Jerk" I say with a mad face. "Cheer up buddy it could be worse." "How" I asked. "He could have made us take it now." "But they would never allow that." "They did it last year actually."

I gulped. "What did they do?" "They played a prank on a female teacher." "I'm not going to ask for more information on that subject." "Good cause that I got no more information."

Then we finish the class and head home. I was going to Minato house today. It was a basic commoner house. Nothing much else to say.

Me and Isamu walk to my house. Once we arrive, he says "you better watch your back Eiji." "I heard some shady things are happening this month."

"I will and thanks." "No problem I am your bodyguard after all." "Just doing my job." "Do you like being a bodyguard." "I don't hate it but this probably only going to last till we graduate." "So, 2 more years with you."

"Stop being so harsh about it." "My privacy is gone because of it." "Your privacy left you a long time ago." Huh!!!!! "Wait how much do you know." "Everything from 8 and up." "Don't ever repeat what you know to anyone you got it."

"I might" he said with a smirk. "To no one got it." "Yeah, yeah just stop screaming." "You're making another scene." "...Why don't you ever warn me about this!!!" "Cause your reaction are hilarious." He starts laughing.

You're not a good bodyguard I thought in my head.


"Jester pulls up in a black car with a raincoat on and some shorts"

"You look out of place here J." "Well R that's what I want." "You know this mission important for your life J." "I know and this time I'm not holding back." "I am the great Jester after all."

"I always wonder why you choose a j name when you have a j name."" Also, why jester." "First off familiarity and secondly because I was reading Batman when I came up with the name."

"That has nothing to do with a jester." "I am a professional version of joker." "That's how and I like medieval times."

"You don't act like the joker, and you don't do anything like the joker." "Such a downer aren't you." "Nope just a realistic person." "There's no point in life if you don't have a dream you are pursuing."

"While that may be true but if you can't actually achieve them then what's the point of chasing them." "Do you think I will fail?" "Failure is always a possibility. Whether it low or high depend on the person or plan."

"So, you might fail J." "I got things to live for, so failure isn't an option for me." "Don't worry I'm going to make it out of this." "You usually promise these types of things without hesitation."

"So, you are not sure if you'll make it out this time." "At least you know the risks." "Yeah, I know R." "How's your brother doing." "He's doing fine for now." "Do what you got to do J."

"If you fail, then that's your fault remember that." "I will take that to consideration." "R drives off. Jester moves behind a guard and grab him into the shadows." The guard comes out listening to Jester.

This will work perfectly. Nothing can ruin this plan. Not even those brats. Well to the next one.