
Silver bloods of the vast lands

A world ruled by races was fated to be divided, unknown to the powerful an abomination had been born. born with the blood of two powerful but hated races in his veins the world Rejects Alex. Join Alex in his journey to becoming a great chieftain, ruler of the silver blood, and, if need be a terror. ____________ Join my discord server; https://discord.gg/XsTFC4mBzt ________

Silver_smile · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Aatrox sacrifice

BOOM!, BOOM!!, The drums sounded and fifteen thousand red armored dragon knights, stationed at the eight meter tall wall, they were almost two meters tall and they had a terrifyingly sharp Aura with their commander who wore a scale armor and a long crest helmet. he stood at the height of almost three meters with a big sword as tall as a normal human, glowing in dull golden red runes.

This could be their last stand, so every single warrior were ordered to fight to the death, at the bottom of the wall were about twenty two thousand red knights, the ones that fought the previous day, they were forty six thousand before the battle but only twenty five thousand came back, with three thousand heavily wounded. these red knights are mostly made of mid and high level warriors with few top level warriors.

On the opposite side were the void warriors with lower numbers than yesterday, which showed the red knights fighting power. seeing the state of the void army, the morale of the dragon knights raised higher, but remaining warriors of the void were numbered forty four thousand and were ready for war.

A green light shone at their rear and shot into the sky, dying it green. RUMBLE!!, when they saw the signal, the void warriors ran towards the last walls of zelkmond.

Seeing the approaching void army both the dragon knights and red knights activated their warriors Force, immediately the whole army lit up in blood red light as their combat power increased, respective of their levels.

"ARCHERS!,READY!", The commander of the red knights shouted as ten thousand men drew their bows. "STEADY!..... STEADY..", when he saw their symbols on the armors of the void warriors,he shouted"FIRE!!!!!". The ten thousand men let go of their arrows as they immediately reloaded and fired, arrows filled the sky as some just deflected off their armors but others pierced through, void warriors fell in hundreds still they never stopped, the void warriors stepped on their dead and ran towards the wall, they mounted ladders as they reached the walls and began climbing,the Titans were given a different job as their other weapon which they used in destroying the outer wall was destroyed by the red knights,the aggressiveness of the dragon bloods was never expected. so they gathered large trees during the night and joined them together to make a gigantic ram, which the Titans carried while they marched steadily towards the gates.

Pu!, Pu!!, Pu!!!, Large arrows were shot from arrow turrets by huge rune trebuchets, the arrows where engraved with runes that explode when it comes in contact with either the ground or the void warriors. BOOM!, BOOM!!, The arrows exploded as they contacted the ground, "arrrrgggghhh!!!, a loud scream came from a void warrior whose skin began to melt at a fast speed as the fire from the explosion hits him, "arrrrgggghhh!!", "arrrrgggghhh!!!!!", just like him, screams of hundreds of void warriors filled the battlefield.

An operator of a huge trebuchet turned it to face the Titans and fired straight at the chest of a targeted titan, CRASH!, The titan fell to the ground with a large hole at its chest, there was no blood as it dried up, only smoke that smelt like burnt flesh came out of its corpse.

"Nice!",the operator shouted exhilarated, he stared at the other Titans and aimed, he shot again with another titan falling, armors were useless towards these kind of weapons. In his joy of killing two titans, he dropped his vigilance unconsciously and that's all was needed for his death to commence. SPLAT!, His head burst as a huge spear pierced through it, killing two other knights down the wall,but he had made an example as other operators focused on the Titans, causing them to withdraw.

It was mid day and the void army had made no progress, neither had they succeeded in scaling the walls nor destroyed the gates, it had became a stalemate for hours now, besides the numerical advantage of the void army.

Seeing this battle was going no where, Marcus,the commander of the fifteen thousand top and peak level dragon knights, went to the Elders as he seek for approval to charge into battle as just defending the wall was unwise for his troops.

"We can finish this battle,lord Aatrox, just give the order and I shall offer you the head of their leader by the end of the day". Marcus spoke calmly.

"We can end this war, lord Aatrox, commander Marcus troops can spearhead it", the green haired man said, as he also felt staying at the wall, was pointless, especially against such weak enemies. The other Elders kept silent as they all watched the battle with unreasonable expressions.

"Attack", Aatrox said slowly.

"Yes,lord Aatrox", Marcus saluted as he went back to his position, the rune behind his ears glowed as he gave orders to his troops.

Aatrox dying wooden staff, began to light up in strange runes as it's dying body began to peel, revealing a brilliant staff made with unknown materials as it glowed bright golden red. Natural runes began to appear on Aatrox body as his aged look receded, his hunched back straightened as his feet left the ground.

"Dragon bloods, today we shall vanquish this plague called the void,out of the empire, we shall let them know that, this is our land and they have no right or the the strength to take it from us, now CHARGE!!", Aatrox said with a booming voice unlike his aged one.

Immediately the fifteen thousand dragon knights jumped down the wall as their body glowed and like a spreading fire, runes activated all over the place, BOOM!, They collided with the void warriors, it was a massacre as neither the void warriors nor Titans stood a chance. They were butchered to pieces by the raging dragon knights.

Boom!, A red beam collided with the ground as it created a Crater, as the dust cleared, a huge armed man with long crest helmet was at the center or the Crater with chilling blood red eyes,(info:the red Aura, vibe and colour, emitted by the dragon bloods is all because they train in the dragon bloods body technique, all clans has their techniques and all races have their different body training technique which gives them unique colours, well except hunters,opps! Spoiler alert!!).

Marcus sped towards the Titans, any void warrior he met on his way were cut to pieces, before he even got close to the Titans, he had became a walking blood man. Marcus closed towards two titans, he lifted off the ground as he waved his huge sword in a semi circle, landing at their backs he continues to move forward, CRASH!, CRASH!, The huge bodies of the Titans slammed on the ground with both of them having the same injury of half of their necks sliced open with large amount of green blood spilling,even turning nearby warriors green. The other Elders activated their runes as they entered the battlefield. slaughtering any void warrior or titan they came across.

The void warriors stood no chance as they were decimated almost instantly, suddenly the bright sky turned dark as rumbling sounds echoed throughout the battlefield, a large gate portal, ten meters tall and six meters wide appeared as Titans flooded through and entered the battlefield and directly engaged in battle, the Titans continued to pour out until they were about ten thousand Titans and more than forty thousand void warriors,and they engaged with the shocked dragon bloods,who never expected this in the least, The tide of battle changed in an instant.

Aatrox eyes widened in disbelief as he muttered"how could this happen", he steeled his mind as both his staff and runes shone brightly, the temperature of the entire place began to increase at a rapid pace.

BAM!, Marcus knees collided with a Titans jaws as it howled in pain, twisting his body mid air he pierced deep into the Titans eyes as his sword burst out from the other side, still gripping his sword the titan fell, CRASH!, Walking out of the dust, Marcus felt the temperature increasing sharply, he looked up and saw Aatrox as Sparks of fire where manifesting around him, Marcus leaped to the top of a destroyed building and shouted with all his might "TO THE WALL!!!", He jumped down and began running back to the wall, killing who he could kill and saving any of his men in dire need.

Both dragon knights and red knights began to withdraw at a fast pace because of the urgency in their cheif commander's voice.

"Vos avun ku van", Aatrox roared with a deep voice as a large ball of fire formed above his head as he launched it towards the void army. A thin black man clothed entirely in black came to the front of the void warriors as a round white rune shone on both of his palms, he stretched his hands towards the sky, a large protective Iight screen covered the void warriors, BOOOM!!!, Aatrox large fire ball collided with the light screen,but did no damage as the screen only rippled a little, Aatrox was shocked at this sight, such strange powers such as opening portals and creating such defensive force has never been seen in the empire, at this.moment Aatrox finally realized that what they were fighting could not be understood by the ways of the empire, regret filled his heart, as he knew he had made a grave mistake, he should have listened to skyrax and eborsisk.

Hahahahaha!, Aatrox laughed madly as he said "velrish luzian", immediately all the natural runes in his body shone brightly like a mini sun, as they began to burn so did his body.

Aatrox mad red eyes faced the void army as hundreds of fire balls twice as large as a basketball formed around him and began raining on the void army. Six other black men came out and stretched out their hands as white runes lit up, reinforcing the light screen as they feared the first one could no handle such intense power.

BOOM!,BOOM!,BOOM!,BOOOMM!!!!, Such intense explosion almost blinded the eyes of the onlookers, CRACK!, CRACK!, The light screen began to crack as three of the black men died instantly as blood poured out continuously from their mouths, more came out to fill the gap and reinforce the screen more."arrrrgggghhh!!!", Aatrox screamed with such loud voice that warriors of both sides were shocked.

Aatrox body began to burn as he was eating up his life force, more fire balls formed and launched towards the screen continuously.

"Aatrox!,stop,stop this madness!", eborsisk shouted with panic, seeing Aatrox burn his life in such painful way brought deep pain to him.

The rune at his ear lit up as he heard Aatrox voice"I am buying you time,run or fight to the death,the decision is yours, eborsisk", Aatrox groaned in pain as he spoke because his limbs began to burn from his flesh first before his bones. His eyes turned blackish red as his staff burst into pieces because it couldn't handle such power.

He looked at the void warriors with such fear inducing eyes as he laughed maniacally with both seething pain and hatred, he poured dark red fire balls as more than ten black men had died from his Carnage. After more than ten black men died, the protective screen broke into pieces as fire balls rained down on the defenseless void warriors,only the void Titans could withstand the fire balls, with his eyes that couldn't see clearly only red signals, Aatrox saw that the huge red signals are not getting high damage, he then burned his remaining body into a very big fire ball and like a missile he sped towards the middle of the void army,even the heat from such high distance was alarming.

Suddenly a huge titan as least seven meters tall emerged from the still opened portal and gazed at the incoming fire ball, his entire body lit up in white runes as he prepared for the incoming fire ball as BOOOOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!!!.