
Chapter 4: Day One of the Winter Festival

Mari had woken up earlier than usual, she could barely sleep due to her excitement. Today was the day that the Silver Torches were going to the capital city. Tomorrow was the first day of the Winter Festival, so they had to set off the day before in order to make it in time; the Winter Festival celebrated the start of winter, the time when the dragons hibernated. Everyone in the village was prepared to leave; the hunters and eggs were going to the city as a part of their duty, farmers and blacksmiths were preparing to sell products in the market, children were simply happy to leave the village. As Mari didn't have her own horse yet, she rode in the caravan along with the other eggs. It was a long journey from their village to the capital city, Augustmere. The scouts still rode ahead of the others to find a safe path to the city; if there was a threat on their route the hunters would deal with it or or bypass it if it was too dangerous.

As the journey continued, Mari grew restless. She wasn't used to sitting in a caravan for hours on end. The eggs had played every game they could think of, some had gone to sleep trying to pass the time. The hunters also seemed to lose interest in their hobbies as they rode. Victor, who had slept for most of the trip so far, had decided to annoy Nico to pass the time; eventually, others started to join in. Talia, Bait, and Victor, each took turns finding new ways to annoy him. Ranging from singing complete gibberish, to throwing small anything they could find at him in the hopes of breaking his concentration. Eventually, Nico's patience wore off and their fun was over. Luckily by then, the sun had started to set, so, they found a place to set up camp for the night. Everyone was expected to contribute in some way, either collecting firewood, cooking the food, setting up the tents, or watching the children who were too young to help out in any way. As the night went on, the temperature dropped, the fires had reduced to embers, emitting a light orange glow over the ones that were still awake. The Silver Torches had delegated the order of keeping watch between themselves, Victor who had been asleep most of the day took the first watch.

The following morning, the caravan set off once again. Their journey wasn't as long today, as most of the distance was covered the previous day. Within a couple of hours after setting off the city walls appeared on the horizon. To Mari, it was a sight that was greater than anything she could have imagined. Mari was excited beyond compare, she couldn't wait to see inside the walls; a world that, until recently, was entirely out of reach for her. As they approached the walls that surrounded the city; Mari's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she admired the giant structures that extended high into the sky, intricate designs carved into the walls depicting the history of mankind's struggle against the dragons.

The city gates were manned by a couple of knights who seemed far from pleased to see the Silver Torches. After a few minutes of irate discussion between Briggs and the knights, they were allowed through the city gates. The caravan was greeted by roads surrounded by buildings that mimicked the canopy of the forest, that they were used to. Families gleefully strolled through streets as they enjoyed the festivities, bards playing their music energetically for anyone that would listen, and merchants trying to sell the products they had brought from their hometown. Due to her excitement, Mari hadn't noticed that every member of the Silver Torches donned full plate armour, it was only brought to her attention when she saw the people of the city staring at them as they passed, they finally looked like Knights. She scanned the city streets trying to see take in all the sights, as if they would disappear if she looked away, Mari noticed that other knights all glared at them, but the reason why was unknown to her.

Once they approached the city square the caravan stopped. The people of the village all started to split up, each leaving for different parts of the city. Briggs commanded the hunters and eggs to gather around him.

"Listen up, while we are here, and you don our symbol, you represent the Silver Torches, while Artemis, Ulrich, and I attend to the political side of our duties you are expected to be on your best behaviour."

Mari was confused as to what the political side of Dragon hunting entailed but she felt it wasn't the time to ask.

"Lars, Talia, you two are in charge of the eggs. Do not let any of them out of your sight" Briggs ordered as his trio started to set off.

They were headed towards the castle, a building that looked like it came straight out of a fairy tale. It loomed over the rest of the city, towers reaching far into the sky, topped with what looked like dragon skulls, walls that separated royalty from the rest of the population, a divide, emphasised by a moat that surrounded it. Mari had never seen such a huge building, it looked like the entire village where she grew up could fit inside of it.

Briggs, Artemis, and Ulrich entered the throne room, a massive hall filled with an array of colours as the sun shone through the painted glass windows. Paintings of past kings adorned the walls; newer generations wearing less armour than their predecessors, indicating that they had less of a reason to fight as time went by. Conversation filled the air, the sounds of laughter echoed through the halls as captains shared tales of their own conquests. Briggs, Artemis, and Ulrich strode towards a smaller group of dragon hunters, each of displaying their culture through their armour, body decorations, and their weapons.

"It's good to see you again, Magnus" Briggs said as he and another man clasped each other's forearms in a friendly greeting.

"Likewise" Magnus replied in a deep, gruff voice. He was as tall as Briggs but with a more commanding figure. Artemis noted that he had three spears printed on one of his pauldrons, indicating that he was the captain of the Spear Legion.

"This is my vice-captain, Artemis. She also leads our scouting unit"

"It's a pleasure to meet you," said Magnus as he gripped her hand to shake it "I have no idea where my Vice-captain is at the moment, he seemed to disappear the moment we entered the city gates, probably causing trouble somewhere."

"As it is, you, Sir" she replied. Artemis was surprised at the strength of his grip, likely from using a spear or another pole-based weapon from horseback.

Two others approached the small group that had formed, one of them was similar in stature to both Briggs and Magnus, tall, scars etched into his face and arms, the story of each known only to his memories and the battlefield. He wore dreads that lay haphazardly across his shoulders and back. Unlike her own captain, this man wore only light leather armour, and a whip with black blades covered its full length, from tip to handle. A woman strode alongside him, well built, with a long coat draped over her shoulders. She wore a sword on each hip and a tricorn hat on her head, a serpent circling a jewel depicted on the front. Each of the three captains was dressed in a way that hinted at their fighting style, and where they fought; the woman was dressed lightly with two swords because they preferred maneuverability over protection, plus armour would have weighed her down if she fell overboard. Magnus wore armour similar to Briggs so he likely fought in a similar way, through tactics and teamwork and an inevitable close-quarters fight. Finally, the man wearing light armour, like the woman, preferred maneuverability over protection but could wear some armour as he fought on land instead of on water.

"Akachi, Anne, good to see you both again" Briggs bellowed, a smile forming on his face, as he greeted each of them with an equally firm handshake as he did Magnus. In their line of work, it was never certain that you would see anyone again, familiar faces were always a welcomed sight.

"Briggs, loud as ever" chuckled Akachi, "and this must be Artemis. I've heard a lot about you from the rumours that made their way between different groups," he said as he shook her hand.

"Magnus, Briggs, always good to see you, two old-timers. It's strange how two never seem to die" Anne laughed, but her joke seemed to fall flat as both Briggs and Magnus grumbled, "So do you know why we're here today?"

"Same as always, they want horns, to parade, since they can't actually kill dragons themselves" sighed Akachi, adjusting his belt.

"Ugh, did you bring any?" Anne asked "My vice-captain is currently protecting ours, the smallest ones we have" Magnus and Akachi nodded in agreement, indicating that they had done the same.

"No, if they can't hunt it, I'm not going to hand over one that my men risked their lives for" Briggs' tone became more serious. The others were surprised, Magnus not as much as he had gotten to know Briggs over the years and this small act of protest matched his personality.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sounds of trumpets ringing through the hall. Followed by an announcement.

"All kneel in the presence of his royal highness, King Willhelm Augustus the Third" a small man shouted as the crowd started to quiet down.

Everyone kneeled as a man who commanded respect entered the room. It was not respect that he had earned through his own actions, rather it was granted to him by his title. His speech contained no information of note, the captain's tuned him out. He droned on about how dragons were no longer a threat, and that they were always prepared for an attack. The way he spoke about the dragons as if they were a threat long passed made it clear that he and the rest of the city's population lived in a different world to the rest of them. Cities were not frequently attacked by dragons; but the Captains knew different and for that reason, they didn't respect the King.

"Could the Captains of the dragon hunting teams please line up to present their horns?" the small man demanded.

As they slowly moved forward through the crowd; the nobles and other knights looked at them with expressions of disgust, unwilling to accept that they were breathing the same air as those they considered to be less than themselves. As each Captain presented the horns they had brought with them, they moved to the back of the room. Finally, Briggs had reached the front, carrying nothing but a smug expression. The King unable to grasp what was happening, raised his voice.

"Where is the horn?"

"I'm sorry, your highness we haven't hunted any dragons this year" replied Briggs.

"What do you mean you haven't hunted any dragons?" the King's voice slowly rising volume.

"I mean just that, it's been a very uneventful year"

"You are the captain of the Silver torches are you not?"

"I am"

"Then where is your horn?!" the King's patience was wearing thin, he was unwilling to accept the blatant disrespect that he was being shown.

"I told you, your majesty, it was an uneventful year"

At this point, the King was seething with rage, but unwilling to lose face by giving the roach in front of him the satisfaction of publicly ridiculing him, he retained his composure.

"This is the last time that I will forgive this insult" the King's voice was cold, "Your position is not secured, you are replaceable. Now get out of my sight"

Briggs walked away, grinning ear to ear, as he joined the other Captains, all of whom could barely contain their laughter. They were used to that treatment, they were not born into their titles like other knights or nobles; they had earned them and fought for them, yet the nobles felt only contempt for the peasants that were placed on equal footing to them. But they didn't mind, to them, the ones who showed them only contempt posed as much of a threat to them as a rat to a fox.

The ceremony ended with the King wishing everyone a Happy Winter Festival. The captains said their goodbyes and went their separate ways, back to their teams. The worst part of the festival was over.

Briggs, followed by Artemis and Ulrich, rode their horses back into the city in search of the Silver Torches.


While the leaders of the group were away the other silver torches sought accommodation and some entertainment for the afternoon. Lars and Talia were guiding the eggs into an inn with Victor and Nico grumpily following closely behind, eyes darting around the room, searching for an escape route. Mari felt equally oppressed, the difference in age between herself and the other eggs becoming very apparent. She wanted to explore. She had finally left the village for the first time since the attack, and she was in a completely new environment, this was the most freedom she had ever experienced and yet she was expected to stay with a group composed mainly of children almost half her age.

As she looked around she noticed the other two making their exit through the crowd, aiming for the door through which they had just entered. This was her chance. Mari quickly followed them. She was on her way to a world she had never seen before. The small world that she had grown up in was blown away by a dragon and she was uncertain when the world she had recently come to know would be destroyed too, so she was going to live without regrets. The sound of the festival filled her with joy as she quickly tried to catch up with her co-conspirators. Her head swiveling from left to right, trying to take in as many sights as she could before she had to return to the group. Mari approached the two knights leisurely strolling through the streets, idly chatting.

"Can I join you?" she asked, breathing heavily.

The two knights turned around, equally confused as to who just spoke to them. Their eyes showed slight recognition, but not fully sure of who was trying to turn their duo into a trio.

"Uhhhhh, who are you?" asked Victor, the taller of the two with a sword extending from over his shoulders till past his knees.

"I'm Mari, I'm one of the eggs" she replied, quite meekly, her breathing stabilising slightly.

"Ahhh of course, that's where I know you from. I'm Nico" said the shorter of the two, pointing at himself, "and this is Victor" as he pointed to Victor.

"I-I-I know, we've received training from you a couple of times"

"Oh... right"

Victor and Nico stared at each other. To Mari, it looked like they were communicating telepathically.

"Since you've already left the others, it would be a shame for you to have to go back now, so you can join us for the day" Nico smiled as he spoke, "This way we're less likely to get into trouble."

The three of them set off. They had a mission unlike any they had received before and were likely to receive again, they were on a mission to enjoy themselves. This was a festival that only happened once a year and the one time a year that dragon hunters could relax and enjoy the fruits of their labour. They walked through the stalls and admired the work of local artisans and bakers, more so the bakers than other artisans. Children that walked past them stared at the two knights in admiration, others even greeted them. They were still greeted by the odd expression of contempt and condescension, but they were unbothered.

The afternoon turned to twilight, and the lamplighter walked through the town lighting street lamps, signifying the end of the day. The rowdier of the crowds made their appearance as families went home, and the guards that had protected the city during the day replaced their post with the pubs. Victor and Nico realising that they were likely to actually get in trouble now exchanged quick glances.

"Mari, it's time to go back to the inn," Nico said very sternly.

"What? Why? There's still so much to see" Mari whined.

"No, we can see everything else tomorrow. Now is the time for us to rejoin the others" Victor chimed in.

Mari begrudgingly submitted and they started their journey back when they were interrupted by a guard who looked like he was having a tough time standing upright.

"Excuse me" he started, punctuated with hiccups, "Who are you two, young knights?"

"We're no one, Sir" replied Victor, "We're just returning to our inn for the night."

"No no no, with those swords and fancy armour you two are-hic-knights"

"No, Sir"

"Is that right? Then you don't need this sword" the guard said as he reached forward trying to grab Victor's sword.

Victor moved slightly out of the way which caused the guard, in his inebriated state, to fall forward. The sound of his armour hitting the cobblestone road alerted the patrons of the surrounding pubs to the transpiring situation.

"Oi! You little Shit! Look at what you did to me!" the guard shouted as he tried to regain his footing.

"I didn't do anything" Victor remained calm as he spoke to the guard, "As I said before, we're going back to our inn."

Nico walked forward so that he stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Victor, and guided Mari with his hand so that she was standing behind them. The situation was slowly becoming more heated as the crowd gathered, yet, strangely, neither of her comrades were reaching for their swords. Mari was confused.

"Do they not feel threatened or is there another reason why they're not drawing their swords?" she wondered.

The guard, however, did not share their strong will. Once he was back on his, feet he reached for his weapon. A noble, like himself, was being taunted by two young knights he had never seen before. He could not allow this to continue. He had to teach them a lesson.

"Draw your sword!" He shouted. The blade of his sword swaying back and forth as he held pointed it at Victor.

"These swords are not meant for you. I apologise but I have to decline this duel, our comrades are waiting for us" Victor stated calmly as their trio started to walk backwards. They only managed a few steps before the guard swung at them. Once again, Victor used only the slightest movements to cause the guard to lose his balance. After all, dragons are not meant to fight dogs. As the guard lay sprawled across the road, Mari, Victor, and Nico made their way back to the inn. Where they were they received the punishment they had justly incurred.