

I always was quiet now i'm being called mute. No one really knows the so called nerd with huge glasses and brown wavy hair but it was fine with me the me the less they knew the safer i am by the way my name is Jennifer Lawrence. Yes the daughter of " The Joseph Lawrence" but here i go by Sophie Parks. Well no one does know i speak, till Daniel Rider happened and now i think my cover might just get blown.

Yapido · Teen
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Leaving the United States wasn't a choice it was me trying to survive, leaving my friends and family to live with someone I really had no clue but I call my uncle. When I looked in the mirror I see someone else, I see Sophie Parks. Sophie has brown wavy hair and brown eye glasses that she doesn't need but uses as a disguise and I have to live as her. North Ridge High just like any other high school everyone is categorised we have the populars, jocks, floaters, good-ats, fine arts, brains, normals, stoners, goths, anime kids, and loners. You might as well guess which I fall into. If you chose loners well you're darn right.

Living with Mr and Mrs Crowns wasn't all that bad but it still doesn't feel right. Their house is a cottage styled house, small and casual and gives off a pleasant charm compared to my home in US it had a soft touch and some emotion I wish I could feel it.

I'm awake before my alarm goes off and I have my shower then pick out my clothes I choose a grey hoodie and my favourite jeans and somehow I feel like I was forgetting something but I just neglect the feeling and go out of my room then straight into the kitchen.

"Morning Sophie." I really don't know how she can hear my footsteps no matter how light I make them.

"Morning." I say in a not so cheerful manner don't be mistaken, I'm not the cheerful type but I am kind to those who deserve it.

"You okay?" She asks. I just nod to avoid getting into any conversation. She lays my food in front of me and it's my favourite, custard and milo I had this in Nigeria, I made sure to buy a lifetime supply of checkers custard. I mean you should try it. I eat my breakfast and mutter a thank you to my aunt, I walk to school rather than taking the bus it was quite early.

It's early September, the weather is comfortable and the fall foliage is gorgeous. I get to school in some minutes and the parking space is not as busy after all. I'm 40 minutes from the time the bell rings. Luckily for me I get to class without being tripped or punched in the guts. I was alone in class sitting at the top right.

I still haven't figured out what i want to become I can't decide between becoming an oncologist, invasive cardiologist, orthopaedic surgeon, software engineer, psychologist, neurologist, a businesswoman, the CEO of Lawrence Inc the list goes on and on. Quite frankly I got no clue on what I want to become.

I decide to get my purple notebook and write down all the career opportunities I have a liking for I start taking notes. A couple minutes later other students started walking in as the loner I am I decided to guess who it was using their footsteps, boring I know, but this is my life. I guess each person as they go in missing a few but still getting a higher percentage right.

Being invisible to everyone else makes the little things count from the rise of the sun to the colour of the skies noticing everything but trying to see the beauty of it, appreciating all you have.

I looked out the the window watching a blue bird till I felt someone step on my toes I turned my neck so fast I could have suffered from whiplash. I cursed under my breath and I looked up at my usual bully; Jason. I've done some background search on him and I found it he's from a rich home not too rich but amongst the richest in this city. He has a little sister and his mom was a surgeon. When I looked at him he had this evil smirk on that i was tempted to wipe off his face. He walked off and I'm pretty sure he went to tell his friends of our little encounter.

Mr Dinkles AKA buttface walked into the class with his brown briefcase and his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose he greeted the glass and started with the lecture which as usual I already understood and paying attention to him would just confuse me on the topic so I decided to study some people in the class, I knew everyone in my year but they didn't know me obviously because I didn't speak.

"HOLY MOTHER OF CHICKEN AND EVERYTHING SWEET IN BETWEEN!" I muttered I didn't put on my shocker I always put it on before I leave the house basically my shocker sends a small shock to me whenever I try to speak that's how I keep this low profile it basically reminds me of my father's last words "You will die the moment you blow your cover."

I feel my stomach churn. I mentally slap myself like what the hell Sophie do you wanna die. No, I'm not crazy, I talk to myself it keeps me busy, remember I have no friends. Back to the matter, I had a routine, wake up, shower, get dressed, shocker in hands or pockets, go down for breakfast, put on.my shocker by the door and head to school.

I need to do something quick. Countless ideas go past my mind which if I'm being honest are suicidal and would only complicate things. I finally decide to call my aunt, hell it feels so weird calling her that, I decide on telling her I'm not feeling too good and I would really appreciate if she could come pick me up. I could just walk back home but I would get detention tomorrow and im really hoping to get out of here as fast as I could.

First day back at school and I'm already getting myself in trouble. Jennifer get your head in the game !! You can do this.


A/N:Hey Guys.

This is my first book on web novel. There will be mistakes and if you spot any feel free to comment on it i will sincerely appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment.

I have no update schedule. I'll try to make one but I don't think I'll be able to make it work because of online classes and all but I'll try my best.

Thank you so much for giving this book a try.

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