

The school gym pulsed with the sounds of heavy breaths and pounding feet as students powered through their laps.

"Come on, you can do it!" Mike, the gym teacher, rallied them on.

Amidst the collective exhaustion, a girl quipped, "I'm sure this is abuse."

Mike chuckled, "No, it's exercise."

Finally, the bell rang, freeing the students from their cardio ordeal. As they bolted out of the gym, Mike couldn't resist a parting shot: "If you had that much energy, you could have finished faster!" He shook his head, amused, and exited the scene.

In the oasis of the teacher's lounge, Mike aimed to recharge, heading straight for the microwave.

The physics teacher, leaning against the snack machine, couldn't resist a greeting, "Hey, Mike," in a tone that dripped with flirtation.

"Hi," Mike responded casually, determined to heat up his meal.

Seizing the opportunity, the physics teacher, still wearing that flirty smile, pitched her plans. "Some of the other teachers and I were planning on getting a drink after the meeting."

Mike, though, stayed true to his priorities, "I have plans with my wife."

The teacher's smile faltered, revealing a flicker of disappointment.

The physics teacher's flirtatious pitch hung in the air as she suggested, "You've never let us meet your wife. She could join us tonight."

Mike, standing at a solid six foot four with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a physique that turned heads, was the subject of many admirations. However, his commitment to his marriage was unwavering.

With a friendly smile, Mike responded, "My wife doesn't drink."

The physics teacher's smile faded, but she wasn't ready to give up. "Of course, she doesn't. I'm not sure she's even real anymore," she quipped a hint of bitterness in her tone.

Just as the atmosphere in the lounge took a slightly awkward turn, Mike's phone buzzed. His eyes lit up as he glanced at the caller ID: "Wifey." A genuine smile broke across his face. "She's real," Mike declared before answering the call.

"Hello, the love of my life," he greeted sweetly, and for a moment, the ambient tension in the room seemed to dissipate. 

The physics teacher scoffed, her disappointment palpable, and she left the teacher's lounge. The air hung with a subtle tension, but Mike's focus shifted as his phone buzzed with a sweet incoming call.

"Darling, I'll be running a little late today," came the soothing voice of Mike's wife.

His expression shifted, a mixture of sadness and understanding. "Is it your boss again?" Mike asked, a hint of anger evident in his voice. His wife's job as an air hostess for a wealthy individual often meant dealing with an overly familiar boss.

"Yeah, I'll be home around nine, maybe?" his wife replied.

Mike's frustration surfaced. "One day I'm going to punch your boss," he declared, his protective instincts kicking in. The thought of another evening where his wife had to endure unwanted advances didn't sit well with him.

His wife chuckled through the phone, her laughter like a melody to Mike's ears. "The day you do that is the day I lose my job," she explained.

Mike, ever supportive, asserted, "I'll support you." Her response was filled with gratitude and love.

"I know. Love you. Bye," she said before ending the call.

As the connection was severed, Mike stood alone in the teacher's lounge, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Mike decided to reach out to his long-time friend Leslie. Dialing her number, he waited until she picked up. "Hey," Leslie greeted.

"Les, what's up?" Mike asked, hoping for some company.

Leslie groaned, and a teasing note entered her voice. "Is your darling wife too busy to hang out with you again?" she quipped. Leslie had been Mike's best friend since the first grade, and despite a brief high school romance, they'd remained close.

"Yup," Mike replied, a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Before he could make his case for hanging out, Leslie cut him off. "Well, I'm busy, so later," she said briskly, ending the call. Mike sighed; it seemed like loneliness would be his companion for the evening.

He wasn't keen on calling his brothers-in-law, so it looked like it would be just him and the cat at home. Putting his phone away, Mike couldn't shake a feeling of solitude settling in. Little did he know that this seemingly ordinary evening would mark the beginning of a journey into the silent shadows that encircled his life and his marriage.


After the final bell rang, the teachers gathered in the principal's office for what seemed like an endless meeting. Mike, sinking into a chair, yearned for the monotony to end. All he could think about was escaping this academic prison to be home with his wife, where he belonged.

As the principal droned on, Mike's mind began to drift, and his thoughts floated towards the comfort of his home. He let out a groan, feeling the weight of boredom settling over him. It wasn't until an intrusive sound sliced through the monotony that he snapped back to reality.

His emergency phone, the lifeline for urgent matters, had started ringing.

The principal frowned, irritated at the unexpected disruption. "All phones are supposed to be on silent. As teachers, you ought to know the importance of this. Whose phone is it?" he scolded disapprovingly.

Mike shot up from his chair, a sense of urgency replacing his boredom. "I'm sorry, but it's my emergency phone. I've got to take it," Mike declared as he answered the call.

The principal now irked, tried to assert authority, "Mr. Andrews!" but Mike paid him no mind.

"Hello," Mike spoke into the phone, his tone shifting from annoyance to concern. "Yes, this is Michael Andrews... What? Is she okay? ... Yes, I'll be right there," Mike said, his face turning serious.

"I have to go; my wife got stabbed," Mike's words hung in the air, a sudden and shocking revelation that shattered the mundane atmosphere in the principal's office. As he swiftly gathered his belongings, the gravity of the situation etched across his face.

The other teachers, eager to witness the mysterious Mrs. Andrews, seized the opportunity they had long awaited. Mike, who had boasted about his wife countless times, had managed to keep her hidden from their prying eyes. The perfection he described seemed almost too good to be true.

"How could someone that perfect exist?" they whispered amongst themselves, casting doubtful glances. Yet, the urgency of the situation weighed heavier on their minds as Mike prepared to leave.

The physics teacher, seizing the moment, offered, "I'll drive you," grabbing her keys and bag.

The math teacher chimed in, "I'll join you," as she too gathered her things. The eagerness to finally meet the elusive Mrs. Andrews was palpable among the teachers.

Most wanted to follow, but the reality of their roles as educators held them back. However, to everyone's surprise, even the principal couldn't resist the temptation. "I shall also join you," he declared, shocking everyone in the room. The man who should have demonstrated more self-control succumbed to the collective curiosity.

A collective murmur of surprise and disbelief echoed through the room. The principal, momentarily abandoning his leadership role and the ongoing meeting, succumbed to the allure of solving the mystery surrounding Mike's wife. After all, how could anyone resist the chance to unravel the secrets that Mike had so diligently guarded?


The urgency of the situation propelled Mike, the physics teacher, the math teacher, and even the principal to rush to the hospital as fast as the law would allow. Anxiety gripped them as they entered the hospital, their collective worry etched on their faces.

At the reception desk, Mike, visibly shaken, wasted no time. "My wife is here, Lily Andrews. She was stabbed," he blurted out urgently.

The receptionist, understanding the gravity of the situation, pointed to the emergency wards. "She's over there," she directed, but Mike didn't wait for more information. He hurriedly rushed into the emergency ward.

The physics teacher, following closely behind, felt the need to apologize on Mike's behalf. "Sorry, he's just really worried about his wife," she explained to the receptionist.

"I understand," the receptionist replied, her expression softening.

The teachers and the principal hustled behind Mike, weaving through the hospital corridors. Mike, driven by concern, scanned every bed in the emergency ward until he found Lily. She sat on the last bed, leaning against a nurse, weakly providing her statement to the police officers who were on the scene.

Mike's wife, Lily, embodied a soft and innocent beauty. With her black hair, brown eyes, and a demeanor that exuded gentleness, she had an allure that made anyone who laid eyes on her want to rush and protect her. In that moment, weakened and tired, she sat, making her vulnerability all the more evident.

The policemen, taking her statement, wore soft and caring expressions, recognizing the fragility of the situation. Even Lily's weak voice held a certain allure. As they observed her, a surge of possessiveness rose in Mike. The desire to shield her from harm burned within him.

"Lily," Mike called out as he rushed to her side. Lily turned towards him, her brown eyes lighting up at the sight of her husband. The policemen, however, didn't seem to appreciate Mike's arrival. With great care, Mike took the nurse's place in supporting his wife.

"Mike, I was so scared," Lily confessed. She tried to hug him, but winced in pain as she moved her arm. Mike's gaze intensified as he noticed the bandages on her upper back. Anger radiated from him, and a fierce protectiveness enveloped Lily. Whoever had hurt his sweet wife would face the wrath of a man who believed she deserved only the best.

The sight of Mike's wife was met with stunned silence from the other teachers. As the principal broke the silence with a low whistle, "Damn, girl," the math teacher swiftly retorted, "Sir, you are too old to say that." The shock on their faces was undeniable; Mike's wife was enchantingly beautiful.

The teachers finally understood why Mike had been so protective of his wife. She was a stunning woman, the kind that would make anyone turn their heads. The realization dawned on them, and they couldn't blame Mike for wanting to keep her hidden. If they had a wife as striking as her, they might have done the same.

"Clara, give up. If that man leaves his wife, he's a big idiot. No, he would have to be completely mad," the math teacher remarked to the physics teacher, who was still silent, contemplating the scene.

Interrupting the quiet exchange, the policemen cleared their throats, loudly bringing attention to them. "And who are these people?" one of the policemen inquired.

Mike swiftly stepped in, "They are my co-workers, who can leave now."

The teachers, sensing the tension, promptly responded, "Right, sorry. We'll leave now."

As they exited, the principal couldn't resist capturing the moment. Taking out his phone, he snapped a quick picture of Mike and his wife before turning to leave. "The other teachers aren't going to believe this," he chuckled, revealing a mischievous glint in his eyes.

This is my new story. I hope you like it. The chapters are inspired by the titles, at least it is for me. Please comment and review.

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