
1. Innocent childhood

After some hopeless or lonely nights now it's clear to Sin lee that it's time to move on. she is upset with herself that why she is so stupid and emotional that anyone can make her fool. Sin lee is a special child. She is so emotional and always get caught in weird circumstances due to her sentiment and innocent behavior. God gifted her the all flawless beauty. But the problem is her kind heart. We can say that it's only not the reason for her , the problem is also when children get mature more earlier then their age, same happen with Sin lee . She is just 16 but she can understand the every bitter part of life. She is just fond of love. Anyone can grab her kind attention after throwing some kind words toward her. she easily get trapped. lying on a Sofa just looking out from her window she is wandering to the moon who is playing the hide n seek game with clouds. sin lee eyes are just looking at the charm of the night. if you never feel the beauty of the night, then you are not alive. suddenly her eyes lost in her deep memory of past. Sin lee mother is a working lady and her father is also working she remembers when she is just five her mother have to go for the work at early 6 o'clock her father is also working so she left alone in the house. her family lives in a rented room. the room is very small ,

they don't need a big house because they are a small family of three people , and also there income is less then their expectations. when she left alone at that small room she feel abandoned and disheartened. she cries all day long and always kept looking out of her windows for birds. but when evening arrived and the darkness start covering the sky she again start crying because she fears from darkness.

Her hands are too small to reach at the light button. she hide in a corner and closed her eyes from her little palms that's so the ghost can't see her presence in the room (according to her). she kept crying and closing her eyes until her mother come and hug her with warmness of her love. this is the daily routine of the child. she never want to see the darkness as she is afraid of it. she never want that evening come. One day when she is sitting and looking outside at the windows for birds, who are going back to their nests she saw a child who is crying for the balloons suddenly her mother came and bought him that balloons so the child is stop crying. she look at the sky and said "God ! i never ask you for balloons nor for chocolates, i just want to be with my mother forever. she always came when night falls so this is the reason why I don't hate night but i hate darkness because it make me feel afraid. i want to be my mother's brave child. please bless me and make me a brave child of my mother. after mumbling her prayers she opened her eyes she look at the watch and remember that her mother's come when the clock hit at the 10. she took the small clock in her hand and start moving it's hand towards 10, when she done this she immediately run to the door thinking her mother is arrived but there is no one at the door. The door is still silent. The sky is still dark. and the eyes of a child is still searching for her mother in every corner.

The innocence of the past memories make seen lee's eyes wet. she opened her eyes and immediately get up from sofa and look at her clock. it's 10 O'clock of night and she can hear her mother Calling her for food.

Just try to feel the loneliness beauty of night. Some times it is the most beautiful feeling u can feel ever.

sonalijhacreators' thoughts