

"Maya!!" Chip's yelling slowly pulls me back as I hold my throbbing head. What he hell just happened? Carli holds me up while checking my heart rate. I pull my wrist away from her as I sit up and hold my pounding head.

It felt like it was splitting open... I grit my teeth and look back to the male Zombie with watery eyes. I glare at him "What the hell did you do?" I ask pushing up off the ground. Chip watches me with worry as Carli tries to help me.

I shake her off and glare at the Zombie. He slowly walks back to the glass and puts his hand back against the glass. "Oh hell no! I'm not falling for that again... Screw you! You can just rot down here..." I say the last part in a low growl.

Knowledge my ass! Head trauma was more like it... The male Zombie slams his hand against the glass as he glares at me. I flip him off and walk away. The Zombie screeches causing my pounding headache to nearly bring me to my knees. 

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