
Silence upon the hills: Indigo’s experience

Haylee_Gallo · Teen
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1 Chs


(silent hill inspired)

Indigo watched as the scenery went by quickly, the green and brown mixed together as they drove towards their destination. Looking at her family, they all looked towards the front. Not looking at each other, just staring. She felt something was off and went to talk and realized that she couldn't speak, not a word. Her parents turned down a road that was unnamed, there was a giant cliff at the end of it. They kept driving and driving, never stopping once.

Struggling with her seatbelt and the door, Indigo tried to get it open and jump out and take her sibling with her, not wanting them killed in the crash. The door refused to budge and stayed locked, so she decided to open the window, grabbing her siblings and maneuvered out the window. But her siblings pushed against her, refusing to leave the car. With all the struggling, it caused Indigo to fall out the window, and tumble against the cement.

Scars and blood covered her, pain filled her limbs. As she watched in despair as her family went over the cliff. Her screams echoed the hills as she cried for hours until someone heard her cries. Police arrived and they took her statement about everything before the crash and their demise down the cliff.

"Indigo," she heard someone saying her name, in the distance. She tried to ask who was calling her, but no one even knew what she was talking about and went on asking their questions as if they couldn't hear what she was saying. She continued to answer questions. But the voice came again suddenly and unexpectedly.

"There again! Did you hear it?" she asked again, desperately. Trying to get someone to believe her. No one heard it. She felt like she was going crazy, when suddenly her eyes went sluggish and she fell to the side and everything went dark.

She quickly opens her eyes by the feeling of shaking against her arm. Looking to her left, she realized that her brother, Remy, was shaking her awake. Slowly, her recollection slowly comes back to her.

She was asleep.

But it felt so real and the feelings felt genuine. The feeling of being alone, the pain in her limbs, and the feelings of pain filling her entire core. It felt real. Looking towards the front, she realized they stopped at a gas station. They possibly stopped along the way, while on the trip to Silent Hill. The resort area that her parents suggested going when the new came on about it days ago.

The nightmare still fresh in her mind, she looks from her surroundings to her siblings beside her. Out of instant reaction, she gathers her brother and sister tightly in her arms, causing them to whine immensely. They tried to get her arms off them, only serving it to get tighter in response.

"Indi! Why are you doing this?" Remy exclaimed, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden hug from his older sister. Letting them move away, they realized Indigo was crying. Before they got a chance to ask what was wrong. She quickly cleared her tears when she saw two figures coming to the car.

"Were you crying?" Her mother asks curiously. Not trusting her voice, Indigo just shakes her head in denial as she looks out the window. Watching as the lights went by and the calming feeling of the car as it starts to move, slowing her anxiety a bit as she relaxed against the seat.

Time went by as they started to continue on their way towards Silent Hill, quite the whole way there. No one spoke a word, and Indigo started to get nervous, thinking the dream was looping again. But they arrived at their destination.

Silent hill.

Everything fades as it goes dark. The lasting sight is of the sign of Silent Hill, and the fog that set in the moment they entered the town. The silence that followed the sounds of crying and screams entered the mind as it was scared awake.

Indigo woke up in a sweaty mess, her hair matted to her head, clothes sticking against her skin. She panted heavily as she coped with the dream she just witnessed again for the 5th time since it happened. It's only been a month since Silent Hill and it still feels like it was yesterday. Looking at the clock and sighed as it said 6;30 am.

Rubbing her arm, remembering the obvious burn mark was there, covering her body were millions of scars. All she immensely hates more than others. Scratching at the mark, the pain brings her back from the memories and thoughts of what happened before it started.

Today isn't a day to dwell over that, today was the first day of school. Her aunt thought it would be best to have her to move to her house, away from any unwanted memories. So it was her idea to start her into the local school here in Athens, Ohio. A way of a distance away from her home of West Virginia.

She groggily got up and gathered her things to go to take a shower. When walking into the bathroom, she gets a flash of something burst into her face, a flash of a creature - a fiery flame creature with horns and a wicked smile passed through her mind. This caused her to scream loudly and fall to the floor. Suddenly she heard a pair of footsteps come running down the hallway and grab her by the shoulders

Screaming again, she thrashed around and slammed at the arms holding her, but they wouldn't budge. They just hugged her tightly, then finally she heard the calming voice of her aunt, Dianna. Relaxing from her tense position on the floor to lay against her aunt, seeming to suck in the warm and calm down enough for her emotions to set in. Silently sobbing her heart out, her aunt decided to ask; "do you want to just stay home? I can call and say you need another day?"

"No" Indigo said a bit too quickly. "I can handle school, I just.. was caught off guard" she hesitated a bit. Not wanting to stay home and remember everything all over again.

Sighing, her aunt agreed, knowing how hard it was for her niece, being cooped up all day to think about what happened that one fateful day in Silent Hill. Deeming Indigo okay enough that she wont have another breakdown, she got up to help Indi up.

She quickly thanked her aunt and walked into the bathroom. Time went by as the water washed away whatever panic came over her, and any nervous ticks that she had about starting a new school.

Walking out, and to her room, she grabs her bag and books. Turning to leave, she noticed the covers and removed them, placing them in the dirty clothes basket, setting them by the door for later. After that, she turned and walked out the door.

She walked down the hall and down the stairs. Seeing her aunt washing the dishes and her uncle sitting there, reading the newspaper. She walks in and sits down at the table across from her uncle, Andy.

"Hey Indi," Andy said as he flips the paper to the other page. Her aunt comes over smiling, hugging her niece, giving a small good morning. Before going back to washing dishes.

"How did you sleep, Indi?" she stopped, knowing that was a stupid question, she turned back to apologize. But Indigo beat her to it and said it was fine and just waves off the question easily.

"That's okay Aunt Dianna, don't need to apologize. It's a habit." just waving off any apology that is thrown at her. Not fazed in the slightest. She smiles at her the smallest smile. Telling that she was bothered by it but didn't want to say anything about it. Looking at the clock, she realized that she'll be late to school if she didn't hurry.

"Oh! It's 7, we're gonna be late!" She exclaims and gathers all her stuff and rushes out the door, her aunt dropping everything and walking behind her, getting into the car. Indigo looked down the road, seeing three people come out of their home, catching eyes with one individual. He looks kinda cute.

Indigo might like it at this school after all.

this is a story inspired by Silent hill, but with a original twist to it. Silent hill was reported on the news for the gasses from the fires was manageble enough to control the amount of poision gas.

its based off both the movies and the games and other inspired stories because I love them so much.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Haylee_Gallocreators' thoughts