

Every little girl's fantasy is to live a wonderful life full of riches and luxuries. This was the future she imagined, and she was willing to go to any length to obtain it. She was spoiled, pampered, and doted on by her family, and she was proud of herself. She knew she deserved the best, and she went for it. This, however, is where the nightmare began. Wanting to leave the clutches of poverty wasn't as simple as she believed, given the things she had to give up, the humiliation she had to endure, and the numerous things she had to lose. It was not worthwhile. When she thought she had it all, she was slapped in the face with the cold, hard truth: she was only a SUBSTITUTE. And when two of her closest companions turned on her and betrayed her, she was shoved aside and got humiliated by people she used to know. With nothing and no one to lean on, she was forced to make decisions. Decisions that gradually resulted in something breathtakingly amazing. [DING! SIGN IN! THE HOST HAS BEEN REWARDED WITH ******]

GEEGEE · Urban
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358 Chs


"Okay, let me see what I need to do. How did they even start these things, anyway?"

"If it's troublesome, how about broadcasting it LIVE? Won't you share better with them than a simple video? For a video, you will have to edit and take out a lot of content and people might doubt you. What do you think?" Kian suggested after seeing how she was having issues with starting.

Diamond's eyes lit up when she heard that. "I love you; you know!" she said happily to Kian, an idea forming in her mind already.

'She confessed!' Kian's mind suddenly went into overdrive, he zoned out with a foolish smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Diamond snatched her phone from Kian and called Garnet.

After a few rings, the call was answered, "Hello!"

[Hello. How are you?]

"I am good. Let's stop with the chit-chat. I will be doing a LIVE pretty soon, in fact, as soon as I drop the call. Just giving you a head up."