
Signing a Contract With The Alien Queen

Bad news, I've travelled across the world to a world with magic and dragons. Good news, I have an invincible pet-Alien Queen! An Alien Queen that can multiply indefinitely!

VawterMOSE · Fantasy
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58 Chs

Chapter 005 - Memory Inheritance

Fate thought that Johnsan, who had been given the heirloom summoning secrets, would be eager to start learning them, but then the two returned to the tavern and Johnsan ran into the kitchen and out again in the blink of an eye.

"I'd forgotten about it if you hadn't told me yesterday, it's been a while since I've been to see Andri, are you going?" Johnsan asked Fate with a wink.

"Go, why don't you go." Fate felt that there should be hilarity, that quest that offered a reward of two gold coins for breaking a leg, there was definitely a story in it.

"What have you got on you, why do you smell so good?" Fate smelled a peculiar scent on Johnsan.

Johnsan laughed and said nothing. Two people along the street has been walking to the east, this time has reached the evening, the Locomotive town of the hustle and bustle of the day is also gradually calm down, from time to time people greeted Johnsan, it can be seen that he is in the town of goodwill.

In a short time walking down East Street, far away Johnsan heard a clanking sound of pounding iron, and turning a corner down the street, the blacksmith's store with a huge hammer hanging in front of it appeared before them.

A big red-bearded burly man close to two meters tall was holding a piece of red-hot iron shank in his left hand with iron tongs, and his right hand hammer was striking regularly and incessantly. Opposite him stood a young guy, all muscular and gnarled, carrying a huge hammer to match the blacksmith's hammering of the discus.

"Andri..." Johnsan greeted from a distance.

"Little bastard." That blacksmith looked up and saw Johnsan, instantly bursting into a rage and rushed forward with his hammer.

"How dare you come." Blacksmith Andri ran to Johnsan in a few steps, with a reddish discus in his left hand and a hammer in his right hand, and seemingly embarrassed to hit him hard, he lifted his foot and kicked at Johnsan.

Johnsan couldn't just stand there and take a beating, so he nimbly jumped to the side, pulled a tarpaulin bag out of his pocket, and said playfully, "This is a token of my filial piety."

As Johnsan opened the tarpaulin bag, a strange aroma wafted out, and the blacksmith who had followed him retracted his foot, looked at the contents of the tarpaulin bag with wide eyes, and asked, "What the hell is this again?"

Oil cloth bag wrapped a few pieces of yellow cake, fried crispy yellow surface stuck with many meat particles, the top is also sprinkled with some strange color powder, not to say that the fragrance, but just this selling appearance is enough to make the next few mouth watering.

"Shortbread, you wouldn't know it if I told you. I've come to apologize to you with sincerity, how about that, is that sincerity enough?" Johnsan had a sly look on his face.

"Bullshit." Andri handed the tool in his hand to the apprentice who couldn't stop salivating and gagging, slapped him, and scolded, "Go back to ironing."

Seeing the apprentice walk away resentfully, Andree turned around and cursed, "Bullshit, a few of these want me to forgive you, dream on. Sally is my most precious treasure, how dare you son of a bitch peep at her bath!"

Fate deng a cold sweat, and subconsciously took a step to the side.

Johnsan smiled sarcastically, "Wasn't that a misunderstanding, I'm so young, how could I have that kind of mind. Even if I had the heart, I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I wasn't looking to build a brazier for the tavern that day, and I just accidentally stumbled upon it."

"Bah." Andri spat, his beard buckled in anger, and cursed, "Even if I'm not in the iron store, who in THE Locomotive town doesn't know that I live in the front yard, and you're sneaking around to the backyard to find me? Cheat the undead!"

Johnsan cried out in a loud voice, and with the intention of digressing from the topic, said: ''Do you know how much effort these shortbread cakes took me, and Anna hasn't even eaten them. Not to mention that this flour is not easy to come by, just these oils are all hand-ground by myself, and the grains of meat on them, but I traded five hundred skewers of hot and spicy meat behind Anna's back yesterday from a mercenary in exchange for the very best snow chicken meat."

Johnsan didn't lie, there is a kind of flour in this world, but the flavor is extremely strange, mostly used to make black bread. It took him a month to find white flour alone, but he accidentally came across a plant similar to wheat, which is extremely rare, and it took him a month to save up half a pot, which he normally wouldn't even eat.

Andri couldn't stop cursing under his breath, but his eyes stayed fixed on the pieces of ghee, the knots of his throat moving up and down as he gulped more and more saliva from his mouth.

Johnsan, looking on, added fuel to the fire and said, "This ghee cake should be eaten while it is hot, if it waits for a while to get cold, it won't be any less delicious."

"At least fifty more." Andri rasped as he grabbed the tarp bag and held out five fingers.

"Fifty? That's easy for you to say, old thing." Johnsan cursed inwardly, blank check at will, as he nodded vigorously and probed over to the blacksmith's store.

"Sally, long time no see." Johnsan ghosted over to the bunkhouse.

A couple of shortbreads went down Andri's gullet in an instant, and seeing his enraptured face, Fate stretched his neck and swallowed, before looking over to the store, his eyes bulging out in disbelief.

The apprentice from earlier took Andri's place, hammering up and down with a small iron hammer in his hand, and right across from him, a blonde girl of twelve or thirteen years old, with a stone platform under her feet, barely holding the huge hammer of no less than a hundred pounds in her two hands, kept hammering away.

The young girl's childish face contains innocence and coquettishness, willow-like soft body, the huge hammer up and down, the fierce pounding sound, and the fluttering fireplace ...

The powerful contrasting contrast of it all made Fate's eyes nearly roll out of his head.

Hearing Johnsan's shout, the young girl gave a slight lurch, but her hands didn't stop, only that she didn't know whether it was the roaring fireplace or something else, a touch of redness swirled on her alabaster-like cheeks.

"Get lost." After the shortbread went down, Andri flipped his face and scolded, "Little brat, with your West Mountain skinny monkey-like appearance, you still dare to hit on my precious daughter's idea. My Sally, in the future, at least marry a nobleman."

Suddenly, a hammer fell from the sky and slammed in front of Johnsan, who was still trying to flirt a few words, and the green stone floor immediately cracked into a spider web.

"Dad, if you keep talking nonsense, I'm going to smash all the wine in the house." Sally, Andri's daughter, jumped down empty-handed from the stone platform she was stepping on, her mouth turned toward her father, but her eyes glared fiercely at the playful Johnsan.

Andri stroked his red beard and said with a smile, "I'll have to say it even if you tear dad's old bones apart."

Sally gasped and gave Andri a blank look, then compared her fists towards Johnsan, putting on a fierce expression and said, "If Auntie Anna hadn't come to me for a favor, I'd have punched you to death, you little monkey."

Her soft, white fists gulped with greenish-colored fighting aura light, and Fate regurgitated a breath of cold air.

"My god, how old is she that she can emit the cyan glow that only senior warriors have." Fate felt like his brain wasn't enough.

"Sally, even if you cut off my head, pick all the flesh from my body, thwart my bones, and imprison my soul with sealing magic to endure the pain of soul fire forever, I will say ...," Johnsan said, his face full of deep emotion and his subdued voice gushing.

"Asshole." Andri stormed out, swinging his wine-bottle sized fist down at Johnsan.

Johnsan was prepared for this, and before the fist could fall he turned and ran a dozen meters away, raising his voice and shouting, "Sally, I love you!"

Andry's red beard shivered with anger, and before he could chase after him, Johnsan had already run off around the corner, turning a corner where no one could be seen.

Sally, flushed and unable to stay, twisted her back and ran toward the back of the store, the apprentice standing dumbfounded and innocent.

Fateh, still reeling from Johnsan's heartfelt confession, saw Andri glaring at him, shrunk his head, and busied himself with chasing after Johnsan.

"How ... do you ... that Sally ..." Fate stammered as she caught up with Johnsan and asked .

"My future wife, how's that for pretty?" Johnsan said with a raised smugness.

Fate's mouth twitched and he nodded vigorously.

Back in the tavern, it was dark and Anna was out, so the two casually ate a few bites and went to their respective rooms.

Covering the door, Johnsan pulled out the secret manual of summoning techniques that he had gotten from the old beggar and slowly flipped through it. After using a very short time, he roughly read through it and had a rough understanding in his heart.

Summoner's cultivation method is somewhat similar to that of a magician, condensing and expanding spiritual power through meditation, the difference is that a magician controls the magical elements in the atmosphere through spiritual power, whereas a summoner trains spiritual power and then summons and controls magical beasts in the form of talismanic deeds, and he also has to practice expanding the spiritual space.

The booklet contained a set of diagrams for guiding into meditation and runic covenants, so Johnsan followed the instructions in the book and sat down on his knees like the monks he had seen meditating in his previous life, making a strange seal knot in his hand as shown in the book and trying to meditate.

It wasn't long before Johnsan only felt his consciousness fading and his mind going blank, yet his sanity was awake and clear, not chaotic like sleep.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, mixed and complicated information came one after another in Johnsan's mind, and instantly his head seemed to explode.

"Alien...Games...Johnsan...Viscount Crowell... ...Nicholas...Florida City...Harriman Family..."

Johnsan's mind was in turmoil, he only felt a jolt in his temples and couldn't bear to hold his head in his hands and shake it desperately.

Only after a long time did the jumbled messages calm down, as if they had returned to his memory.

Johnsan recovers, and that's when he realizes who he is in this world.

The original owner of this body of his was called Nicholas, his family lived in Folo City, his father's name was Crowell, a collateral of the famous Harriman family of the Reims Empire. Clare inherited the viscount title from his father's hand, was loyal and honest, and had no magic or fighting talent, in the eyes of most people in the Harriman family, Clare was, to put it bluntly, a wastrel.

The Harriman family has a history of hundreds of years in the Reims Empire, and after so many years of branching out naturally has a large population, and an invalid can hereditarily inherit the title of Viscount, which attracted the coveting of some people within the family. According to the law of the empire, if a hereditary nobleman has no heir, if he himself is willing, he can hand over the title to a blood relative, it is because of this law that brought Nicholas to his doom.

Through all of Nicholas' memories that had somehow been passed on to him during his meditation just now, Johnsan recalled that moment clearly.

Nicholas was on his way home from the academy somewhere when he was suddenly ambushed by a mysterious group of men, two of his guards were killed on the spot while Nicholas was taken captive by them and taken all the way to the direction of THE Locomotive town.

"The master said, don't move this little brat first, bring him to the Locomotive town where the imperial forces have not penetrated to be imprisoned. At the scene we also left the body of a child about his size with his face hacked to pieces, I guess that punk thought his son was dead, and if he didn't agree to give up his title to the master, he would then use the life of the little brat to blackmail him."

This was the news that Nicholas happened to hear from the people who had hijacked him when he was halfway there. Those who hijacked Nicholas might have stayed in a comfortable environment for too long, or perhaps they also underestimated the complex form of THE Locomotive town, and they were robbed by another group of people before they even reached THE Locomotive town.

The men who robbed them were mercenaries, the Locomotive town mercenaries differed from the official mercenary unions and were regular mercenaries when they had business; if they couldn't get a job and couldn't fill their stomachs, then masked and hooded, they were robbers.

In the midst of the chaos, Nicholas lost consciousness when he was hit by a stray arrow ...

Further on, it's Johnsan who takes over Nicholas' body.