
Chapter 4: Mosquito Attack

A/N: I'm skipping the Giant Guy Part its not that interesting House of Evolution chapter after this.

It was another day in the world of OnePunchMan, And there was an outbreak on the news about a swarm of mosquitoes in City Z, Joseph was brushing his teeth while listening to the news "Disaster Level: Demonic… Residents are advised to stay inside a massive mosquito has happened and is approaching City Z"

He remembered that this is the time when Saitama is going to meet Genos after a mosquito embarrassing him too much.

He was going to make his way out of his apartment but soon heard a sonic boom below his apartment 'I guess that's my cue to go into the City, Akeno told me that I can Sign-In at the battle scene' Joseph quickly left his apartment and headed into the city, he arrived very quickly and soon spotted a blonde cyborg walking in the middle of a lifeless street. The Whole city's people are nowhere to be seen, the mosquito outbreak left every citizen to be locked indoors.

In another part of the city we can see a thief standing with a smirk while holding a crowbar and a whole bag filled with things he's looted from stores. "Ah Ha Ha! Thanks to the Warning no one's outdoors, Idiots! believing in outrageous things" The Thief's arrogance was getting to his head, soon the thief saw wind blow past him 'What Was that' in the next moment a storm of mosquitos surrounded him and sucked him dry.

"Ahhh What's with you guys? That isn't nearly enough, Go Suck More!" A Mosquito Baddie spoke. But soon realized that some of her mosquito's were eliminated. "I see so you have swarms of mosquito's suck blood and take it all for yourself, if I eliminate you their master will this un slightly swarm also disappear?" Said a Blond Cyborg hearing this the Mosquito Baddie controlled the mosquito's and targeted the Blond Cyborg "heh, Suck this fool dry" the mosquitoes surrounded the cyborg but it was useless as in the next moment "Incinerate" The Cyborg released an attack and destroyed every mosquito.

"I'm Exterminating you next, don't move" The Blond Cyborg spoke "ha, if you think you can do it then go on and try!" The Mosquito Baddie spoke with arrogance in her words. The Cyborg launched another attack "Incinerate" the Baddie dodged the attack, speeding towards the cyborg she took out his arm "Shall I take your legs next" Mosquito spoke but soon realized her legs were gone "oh no…my legs" she muttered with wide eyes. "You cannot escape me, it's no use!" The Cyborg uttered. 'If this keeps up he'll kill me' The Mosquito thought while retreating. 'All the people maybe hiding, but the animals in nature are not' she used her power to gather all mosquito's within a 50km range around her.

"Yes, Pour all your Juices into me~" The Mosquito said in a sexual tone. The Cyborg caught up with the Mosquito "it's no Use" The Cyborg said 'So many mosquitos, blood is more than mere food to her' he thought while preparing an attack but soon heard a shout "WAITT, Me an you aren't done yet you little bastard" 'Who's this idiot?' The Cyborg thought forgetting about the swarm of mosquitoes. "That swarm has a Will if it notices you, it will attack…evacuate the area" The Cyborg spoke "That sounds dangerous we should get the hell outta…" Saitama was soon interrupted by a scream that came from within the swarm.

In another area of the city, Joseph was walking leisurely while listening to some music but soon heard a deafening scream 'That must be the Mosquito Hottie' he sped off in the direction of the scream. He soon arrived on top of a building overlooking the scene, he saw a swarm of mosquitoes around the Mosquito Hottie. "Let the battle begin" he spoke while a huge grin appeared on his face.

The Blond Cyborg launched an attack Which leveled the whole street "When i noticed you I confirmed there was no life within a 500 meter Radius…Wait where's that bald idiot" Realizing that there was a bald man near him. The dust cleared and a Bald Saitama without clothes appeared "You're pretty awesome, you could say you made the bugs bug off…bad um tch" Saitama said jokingly.

"Teeheeheeheeheehee!" This Sound alerted The Blond Cyborg "I had no use for them!…You Idiots I mean Look at how powerful I've become." The Mosquito Hottie spoke while appearing behind The Cyborg and tearing his torso, The Cyborg didn't even had time to react due to the speed the Mosquito was moving at. 'The more blood she absorbs the stronger she becomes, I underestimated her. I cannot win i must self destruct. I'm Sorry, Professor' The Cyborg thought disappointed in himself for underestimating his opponent. The Mosquito was about to attack again but Saitama slapped the Mosquito throwing into a building leaving blood on the building from the Mosquito.

On top of a near by building Joseph heard a ding inside his head [Would Master like to Sign-In?] "Yes" Joseph Replied quickly getting excited to see his prize.

[Battle Scene Sign-In

Location: City Z Mosquito Attack

Reward: Six Eyes + Mangekyou Sharingan Merged

- $1000 = 130k Japanese Yen.]

Joseph was speechless the Six Eyes can help him with his Infinity Ability to create an impenetrable force and this time it's merged with the Mangekyō Sharingan making him even more suprised. "Akeno doesn't the Mangekyō Sharingan cause the user to go blind if used continuously?" Joseph asked curiously as he remembers that in Naruto the users of Mangekyō Sharingan can go blind from overusing the eye. [No Master, I made it so you get no Side effects this is a better version as it's double in effectiveness Aswell due to being merged with Six Eyes]

"Ok, Akeno please fuse the Eye with me" As soon as he spoke to Akeno, he felt a warmth surround his eye but that soon turned into pain. It felt as his eyes were being ripped out of their sockets and then put back in "Ah haaaa" Joseph was on the floor in pain holding his eye. [Ok Master, Fusion complete and The Eye has adapted instantly with the body, gaining you resistance to its abilities aswell.] "Warn me of the Pain Next Time Akeno, I sometimes do feel as if my wish has gone to waste" [*Sob* Do you hate me master *sob*] "W-What N-No No, of course not" Joseph was nervous as this is the first time he's heard Akeno cry and he felt sorry for making her cry as they are partners in this world. [~Ara Ara, is master feeling sorry for his actions] Akeno spoke Amused by her Masters antics "You Vixen that was all an act!" Joseph shouted. "I love you tho, without you on my journey I wouldn't of had this much fun" [~I love you too Master, Without you I wouldn't be brought into existence] Akeno spoke while thanking Joseph for bringing her into existence. "No Problem, but no more of them acts please. You made my heart drop when I heard you sob" [~As Long as Master is not mean to me then I won't do that again]


A/N: Sorry for the Cringe "Baddie/Hottie" but let's be honest that Mosquito is A Waifu.

Anyway Please leave comments if you see any problems with the chapter and I hope you enjoyed 😊.

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