

Sign-in to get T-Virus, sign-in to get Haki, sign-in to get magic, sign-in to get ninjutsu. This is a story of a Hao Yun who uses the sign-in system to sign in to the heavens, step by step from ordinary people to superheroes! “Thanos get ready I’ll sign-in to defeat you!!” This is translated novel. Please give it 5 stars review!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/RF_MWZ

nyawdao · Anime & Comics
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223 Chs

Hao Yun's Persuasion

Hao Yun finally found an opportunity to interrupt when Angel was thirsty and finally stopped to pour some water.

"Mommy, did you agree to my suggestion?"

"What did you say?"

Obviously, Angel, who was always scolding Tony, had completely forgotten her precious son's proposal of not attending university.

"I don't want to go to university! ---Mommy, think about it. The future of Earth is so dangerous. There is no need for us to stay in New York... No, it is not even necessary to stay in the United States."

Hao Yun kept talking about his plan. In his heart, he was a person with a cheat ability. He could slowly sign up to become stronger day by day.

With this strength, wouldn't it be nice if he find a safe place to stay for eight to ten years and then come out to save the world? Maybe when Thanos came, he would have already fire a meteor shower and smashed the other party to death?

As for signing in, he could totally wait for the incident to happen and then walk to the previous battle location! ---In this year, safety was the most important thing! ---

"Stop! ---"

Listening to Hao Yun's endless reason, Angel's face became more and more annoyed. Finally, she could not help but interrupt him.

"What's wrong, Mommy?"

Hao Yun looked at his mother curiously. In his heart, his reason was absolutely flawless! ---

"First of all, whether your dream is accurate or not is a big problem."

Angel stretched out a finger, changed her posture to become an elite lawyer in the trial, "Even if what you said will become reality, what does it have to do with whether you study in college or not?"

"According to the timeline you mentioned, the first alien invasion will occur in New York in 2012. Now it is 2008. Four years of college is enough for you to graduate! ---What's more, with your qualification, maybe you can finish it in two year?"


Hao Yun was choked to the point of speechlessness... After his physique was purified last night, he could clearly feel his intelligence rising. Just now, Angel had been talking for nearly an hour, and now he could clearly understand.

With his current intelligence, maybe half a year would be enough for him to graduate.

Seeing that Hao Yun was rendered speechless by her words, Angel took the opportunity to add, "Secondly, what does the battle of superheroes have to do with you? If you really want to protect yourself, then you should learn even more. Just like Tony Stark, you should make a super armor to protect yourself and mother."

"Thirdly, if you give up on studying and want to go to Kamar-Taj to learn sorcery, then I suggest you find New York Temple first. Didn't you say that mages would not reveal their identities at will? If you can't even find New York Temple, what's the use of going?"

"Fourth, the world has always been invaded, but we have S.H.I.E.L.D. that protect us."

"So, in summary, baby, you better obediently choose a university to study well. In 2012, no, 2011, mother will promise you to move out from united states, okay? Also, do you really have the heart to watch your Aunt Pepper in danger? She is your mother's only relative."

Angel looked at Hao Yun expectantly, waiting for his answer.

Looking at his mother's concerned eyes, Hao Yun could not bring himself to refuse. Ah, no wonder most of the transmigrators in the novels in his previous life were orphans. With the bonds of their loved ones, they really could not do as they pleased.

For example, now,

If he was an orphan, he would have already found a way to get a immigration certificate.

"Okay... But Mom, we must leave New York in 2011! ---"

Hao Yun helplessly agreed to Angel's suggestion, but the desire to move out before the war in New York was absolutely not to be refuted! ---

"No problem!"

Angel agreed immediately, and then she looked at her son curiously. "Baby, which university are you going to? What do you want to learn? Physical or mechanical? If you want to make armor, I suggest you learn mechanical..."

"Wait, Mom, who said I want to make armor?"

The more Hao Yun listened, the more he felt that something was wrong. Why was his mother getting more and more excited? Did she think that I would make armor like Tony and help her take revenge for the previous lawsuit?

"Ah? You are not making armor? Are you going to leave Mom to learn magic?"

Angel widened her beautiful eyes and became even more excited.

"Er... It is indeed magic, but there is no need to leave home. After I finished my dream, someone left a set of magic learning methods in my mind. This is also why I want to move and not attend university."

It was really difficult to explain the system in his brain. In order to avoid any accidents in the future, Hao Yun directly threw the blame to the Dream World.

As for why it was magic, was there an explanation more omnipotent than magic? Look at Dr. Strange, how many spells were used that were difficult to explain? Time and space had completely become the plaything in the other party's hands. Magic was definitely the best excuse! ---

The most important thing was that he would definitely obtain magic or magic items in the future. This could be considered as preparing for a rainy day, right?

"You can learn at home? Then you should go to college. Maybe the increase in knowledge can help you learn magic faster... Well, no, this house is too small and can not be kept secret. I have to go and see if I can buy a house in the suburbs..."

Hearing that there was no need to leave, Angel was very happy. She did not doubt his words at all. Instead, she was thinking about the problem of hiding her identity and changing the house. No, maybe she had doubts. It was only because the person who spoke was her son. After all, no matter in which country, maternal love was great.

Hao Yun touched his nose. Angel was really a very outstanding mother.

In order to protect her, he should work even harder to sign in.

Hao Yun waited until Angel was talking about where to change rooms and left home to contact the agent. Hao Yun lay on the sofa and opened the system again.

"System, open your personal panel!"

[Host: Hao Yun]

[Physique: Peak Human Physique]

[Skill: None]

[Item: Unlimited Lottery Ticket. One. ]

Temporarily ignoring the signing, Hao Yun moved his mind to the lottery section.

"Well... Looks like my luck is not bad today. Should I try it?"

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