
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 152.

Slowly, everyone began to awaken over time as the sunset approached.

Ma Hongjun was the first to wake up, as he felt a significant change in the intensity of the evil fire on his body. The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower had brought about remarkable improvements. His skin had also become lighter in color, his body has also lost around 10-15 kg of weight, and he looked more energetic and handsome than ever.

"I think I've improved around six levels." Ma Hongjun exclaimed, excitedly. "And I don't feel dominated by the evil fire anymore. Damn, from now on, I can find a true loving girlfriend!"

Xiao Wu, unhappy with Ma Hongjun's loud declaration, patted him on the head. However, when she touched him, she quickly withdrew her hand, feeling the intense heat radiating from him.

"Fatty, why is your body so hot?" Xiao Wu asked, blowing on her hands.

"The medicine is too powerful. He won't completely absorb it for a while, and so it will naturally spread on the surface of his skin." explained Wang Feng. 

"The Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower is more potent than the normal Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower. Moreover, the most important thing is that Xiaosan didn't tell you just now..."

After murmuring a few words with Ma Hongjun, Wang Feng caught Xiao Wu's attention.

"What did Brother Feng say to you?" Xiao Wu asked curiously.

"Go, go... you are still young, you should not know about this kind of thing as well," Ma Hongjun laughed, teasing Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu, angered by his response, attempted to hit him again. Wang Feng then revealed that the Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower had another function related to blending with a lover. This blending would greatly enhance the strength of both individuals, but it was emphasized that promiscuity was not allowed, as it could lead to adverse effects.

"It seems that I need to seriously look for a girlfriend..." Ma Hongjun muttered to himself. "I can't go to those fancy places in the future. My little brother is also tired, and it also costs a lot of money. I'll be an honest person from now on."

Wang Feng remained silent.

Meanwhile, Oscar woke up peacefully and approached the conversation.

"Fatty, you actually woke up earlier than me?" Oscar greeted with a smile. He didn't undergo significant physical changes, but his body seemed more vibrant than ever.

"What's the matter? Do I look a lot more handsome now?" Ma Hongjun struck a pose, coquettishly casting a wink at Oscar. "My soul power has also increased by six levels!"

"You broke through six levels at once?" Oscar's eyes widened. "I've only broken through five levels! However, my martial soul has undergone some changes."

As he spoke, Oscar smiled, revealing Sausage martial soul by turning his palm.

"Wow, Oscar, your sausage turned golden! How did that happen?" Xiao Wu exclaimed.

Oscar's sausage had taken on a golden hue, appearing more noble than before. 

The grilled sausage's effect was likely greatly enhanced, a result of the Ninth-Petal Orchid's function.

"Damn, looking at your sausage, why do I feel a bit hungry? It looks good! So good, I'm almost tempted to eat it." Ma Hongjun rubbed his hands, saliva escaping from his mouth.

Oscar's smile faded.

"Huh, what about my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda?" Ning Rongrong's clear voice interrupted, "And my soul power has nearly increased by seven levels too!"

All eyes turned to Ning Rongrong. In the center of her palm, the small tower emitted a pale white-gold glow, adorned with twinkling stars. Elegant and noble, the tower now appeared even more dazzling.

"Wow, Rongrong, your little tower seems to have more than seven floors now? It looks like it has nine floors!" Xiao Wu exclaimed.

Ning Rongrong was momentarily surprised, quickly checking and counting the levels. Her eyes widened.

"More than seven... Look at the top, there's a small star twinkling, but actually... there's also a layer of phantom, not yet condensed... That is probably the tenth floors," Oscar observed keenly and whispered.

Indeed, atop the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, there was an additional floor, but it seemed more like a phantom, adorned with a twinkling star. It resembled a spire.

"Ten floors..." Wang Feng furrowed his brow slightly. The rule of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda allowed for one more soul ring on the first floor. The ninth level seemed to be the limit, reaching the level of Titled Douluo. The tenth level suggested a potential consecration. However, the phantom layer was very faint, not solid, and couldn't be officially counted as a layer.

"There really are nine floors!" Ning Rongrong was in awe. She fully understood the significance of this, even with the phantom layer at the top. These nine levels alone represented the ultimate dream of her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"In each layer, there also seems to be a flickering star, with ten different colors! The tower is surrounded by a layer of colorful clouds." Ma Hongjun exclaimed, "Isn't it beautiful?"

The Weaving Stars and Clouds immortal herb absorbed the power of the stars, causing Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda not only to evolve to its final form but also to undergo a mutation.

Wang Feng looked at the ten stars, secretly amazed. The power it possessed was undoubtedly extraordinary.

Ning Rongrong, overwhelmed with surprise, stared at her martial soul. Almost impulsively, she rushed towards Wang Feng without a second thought.

"Wang Feng, thank you!" She rushed forward, wrapped her hands around Wang Feng's neck, stood on her toes, and planted a lightning-speed kiss on Wang Feng's cheek.

After the kiss, Ning Rongrong let out a shy giggle, quickly retreated behind Xiao Wu, and stammered an explanation, "I-I don't mean anything else... just wanted to thank you, don't misunderstand! Because my father once said that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda might evolve into the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda! I didn't expect that I would do it... and it feels like it might be more than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda now."

"It could be called the Nine Treasure Star Cloud Tower," Xiao Wu chimed in with a smile, "Although the name is a bit long though."

Indeed, it was a bit long.

However, the glazed pagoda now had stars twinkling, making it look truly different, it was no longer an ordinary Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Wang Feng cleared his throat and suggested, "How about calling it the Nine Treasure Star Cloud Pagoda?"

"It is a great name!" Tang San, who had also awakened, stood up and smiled. 

Ning Rongrong glanced at Wang Feng, blushing, and said, "Then let's call it the Nine Treasure Star Cloud Pagoda, it sounds really nice too."

Internally, she resolved to inform her father about this development when she returned to the sect.

Wang Feng silently pondered, recognizing that he had subtly altered the trajectory of the seven of them. Although uncertain of the future outcome, it seemed like a change in a positive direction, and that was always a good thing.

With the Nine Treasure Star Cloud Pagoda, Ning Rongrong's martial soul had undergone a profound transformation, deviating from its original path in the story.

At this moment, Dai Mubai woke up and a deep growl rumbled from his throat, echoing with a tiger's roar that commanded respect from all corners!

Clearly, he had smashed through the 40th level bottleneck!

Simultaneously, a graceful but slightly subdued roar resonated, surprising everyone.

Dai Mubai rose, a bit bewildered. His martial soul had undergone a subtle change, exuding a force one notch stronger than the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon.

"What's with this roar?"

"It's Zhuqing! She hasn't woken up yet!"

Ning Rongrong exclaimed, "That growl just now—it seemed to come from her martial soul!"

A collective gasp swept through the onlookers. Zhuqing's Hell Civet martial soul appeared as formidable as Dai Mubai's White Tiger martial soul.

Dai Mubai explained, "The Hell Civet is a family inherited martial soul. While not the most potent beast martial soul, it's above average in the realm of beast martial soul."

He marveled at the uniqueness. His White Tiger and Ma Hongjun's Evil Fire Phoenix were among the top-tier beast souls in the mainland, a rarity.

But now...

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed with a purple-golden light, as a surge of potent soul power emanated from her.

After a moment, she gradually recovered. Xiao Wu approached, asking, "Zhu Qing, what happened to your martial soul?"

"It seems something's different. My soul power jumped up by seven levels," Zhu Zhuqing whispered, unveiling her martial soul.

Everyone froze at the sight of the Hell Civet.

"Is that really the Hell Civet?" Ma Hongjun marveled. "Feels almost as powerful as my Phoenix Martial Soul and Dai's White Tiger."

The Hell Civet, entirely dark with golden pupils, sported long pointy ears, exuding a certain cuteness. What stood out most was the crescent-colored pattern covering its body, mysterious and dazzling. The tail and ears bore matching crescent patterns, giving an overall mystique, though slightly cold.

The golden pupils radiated an unrestrained aura.

"This... somewhat resembles a Moon Elf?" Wang Feng thought to himself, acknowledging the similarity but noting the distinctions. The Crescent Moon Fairy Immortal herb energy absorption from the moon essence seemed to align with the changes.

Zhu Zhuqing had also grown slightly taller than before, now just half a head shorter than Wang Feng himself, showcasing long, slender legs comparable to Xiao Wu's or even more beautiful.

"I don't think 'Hell Civet' does it justice anymore," Oscar pondered, "More like a Moon Elf. Calling it a cat feels a bit demeaning."

"It seems your martial souls have undergone some significant changes."

At this moment, the Grandmaster also woke up, scanning the crowd with a discerning gaze.

"Oscar's grilled sausage, Ning Rongrong's tower, and Zhu Zhuqing's civet have undergone the most significant changes. Ma Hongjun, your martial soul's transformation might take a while to fully reveal itself. However, Zhu Zhuqing's beast soul has undergone a mutation, something I didn't anticipate."

"Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is similar. I believe... Your tower has likely mutated too, evolving in a more potent direction. The specific alterations will become clear after some trials."

A smile played on the Grandmaster's lips as he shifted his attention to Zhu Zhuqing, expressing admiration.

"But Zhuqing's Hell Civet has undergone the most remarkable mutation. This martial soul now exudes the essence of a top-tier beast martial soul, unyielding to any other. It stands independently among numerous beast martial souls—perhaps a new mutant martial soul! The impact of that immortal herb surpasses our wildest expectations."

As the Grandmaster spoke, everyone gazed at Zhu Zhuqing in astonishment.

Top-tier beast soul!

A rarity on the entire continent!

Wang Feng mused on the side, realizing that the Golden Lotus rank was exceptionally high, and the matured Crescent Moon Fairy Immortal herb surpassed the norm in power.

"Yeah," Zhu Zhuqing nodded gently.

"Then Hell Civet doesn't quite fit, right?" Xiao Wu remarked with a smile.

The master nodded slightly, turning his attention to Zhu Zhuqing. "You get to decide. After all, this is a newly mutated soul."

"Wang Feng,you name it." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Wang Feng, a faint smile playing on her lips. 

Wang Feng, surprised by the sudden responsibility, thought for a moment and suggested, "How about Moon Elf? It feels like your martial soul has surpassed the ordinary feline creatures."

He hesitated on calling it the Moon Elf directly, considering the nuances.

"'Moon Elf' sounds perfect!" Oscar's eyes lit up. "It really doesn't resemble a cat but more like an elf beneath the moon—mysterious and elegant."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded approvingly, joy evident in her eyes. "Moon Elf sounds just right."


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