
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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235 Chs

Chapter 151.

He and Zhu Zhuqing exchanged very few words, even if Zhu Zhuqing had a good impression of him. But it was just a good impression, how could it evoke such lovesickness?

From his perspective, Wang Feng couldn't understand.

At that moment, the seemingly shaky Acacia Broken Red Intestine, in the end, did not fall.

Zhu Zhuqing's face appeared a little pale and her expression seemed somewhat dazed. At the last moment, she suddenly thought of herself and her family. It felt as if a heavy weight was pressing down on her, her heart throbbed in pain, but ultimately, she couldn't quite make the decision as the flower fell.

Observing this, Wang Feng felt a sense of relief. If it had not fallen, he would have found it truly inexplicable.

Zhu Zhuqing retreated and after a moment of silence, she spoke, "Third brother, I had distractions in my heart, and I wasn't able to make it mine."

Tang San quickly responded, "That's alright. Brother Feng has actually prepared another carefully cultivated immortal herb for you. Grandmaster, you can also give it a try, it can only be obtained by someone who is destined for it."

The Grandmaster shook his head slightly, "Such a spiritual herb, I am a person who is almost fifty years old, it won't be very useful for me. You younger ones should use this."

Wang Feng silently agreed in his heart. Although the Grndmaster and Liu Erlong had reconciled, the emotional purity required for this herb needed to be flawless. In essence, there couldn't be any lingering resentments or negative emotions towards the other person. Despite their improved relationship, the inherent identities between the Grandmaster and Liu Erlong wouldn't disappear, preventing them from fully benefiting from the herb.

In reality, Wang Feng was sometimes curious. Xiao Wu knew who she was, and being aware of her relationship with Tang San could have consequences that were hard to fathom. This heavy identity difference acted as a significant barrier between the two.

In the original story, Xiao Wu could obtain the herb with a simple drop of blood, leaving Wang Feng somewhat puzzled. Could Xiao Wu truly let go of any concerns and not dwell on her own identity? Could she completely disregard the implications?

Although their relationship was pure and without blemish, the separation imposed by their identities was even more challenging than that of the Grandmaster and Liu Erlong. However, Wang Feng refrained from overthinking it, acknowledging that the two were the main characters of the original story.

As expected, Xiao Wu approached quietly and, without hesitation, put a drop of blood on the Acacia Broken Red Heart. This time, the herb didn't waver at all, it fell straight down into her hand acknowledging her love.

Wang Feng was left in amazement. It seemed that the relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu was so strong and untainted that Xiao Wu could completely disregard her own identity, harboring no resentment.

Perhaps the story of the man and the flower fairy mirrored that of Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Wang Feng felt a surge of emotions, recognizing the rarity and enviable nature of such profound love.

"Hehe, brother, it looks like this thing has a connection with me." Xiao Wu said with a smile, pursing her lips.

Tang San was momentarily stunned, sensing that Xiao Wu had been observing him. In other words...

"Brother, I want to keep this flower with me all the time." Xiao Wu wore a smile, "It's so beautiful, I can't bear to eat it. You can't disagree! This flower will be mine from now on!"

Tang San: "..."

Tang San hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Alright."

Zhu Zhuqing, observing the exchange between the two, couldn't help but cast her eyes on Xiao Wu. Envy lingered in her gaze. People often grapple with numerous ties and constraints, yet Xiao Wu seemed to only have eyes for Tang San. Her ability to obtain this herb was both admirable and enviable.

Following that, Tang San presented the final herb that Wang Feng had prepared specifically for Zhu Zhuqing,

"Zhuqing, this is what Feng 'ge prepared for you. This herb is equally extraordinary and not inferior to Acacia Broken Red Intestine... It's called Crescent Moon Fairy herb."

About the size of a palm, this herb emitted a faint, heart-refreshing fragrance upon its appearance. It invoked thoughts of beautiful moments. Petals the size of a thumb were scattered irregularly around the stamen, exuding a touch of nobility and elegance. The central stamen formed crescent-like shapes, possessing a pale gold hue, evoking a sense of cold nobility.

"This Crescent Moon Fairy herb is similar to the Weaving Clouds and Stars I showed you earlier. The stamen and crescent moon absorb only the cold and lonely moonlight, condensing the essence of the sky and moon. However, the petals also absorb sunlight, making it a bit more challenging to care for. It is a truly perfect immortal herb."

Tang San marveled, "With two powers—the stamen formed by the Crescent Moon Fairy herb and your martial soul, the Hell Civet, which are both dark attributes, it can enhance your physique, invigorate your body's qi and blood, significantly boosting your strength further. I discovered this herb, and at that time, it was still immature, it was cultivated by Feng'ge over the past six months."

Among the six herbs, apart from Acacia Broken Red Heart, which Wang Feng had not consumed, the others were all cultivated by Wang Feng himself.

"This flower is also so beautiful." Xiao Wu's eyes brightened, "It feels like Zhuqing."

Zhu Zhuqing nodded slightly, glanced at Wang Feng, and accepted the flower, and felt warmth in her heart.

Next, Tang San prepared the Ninth-Grade Purple Orchid for the Grandmaster. It could help the Grandmaster break through to level 30, a highly beneficial herb.

The Grandmaster didn't refuse this time. "Xiao Wu, help us guard the surroundings," Tang San requested with a smile. "I also want to absorb one."

Tang San also selected a plant for himself, beneficial for cultivating his Purple Demon Eye.

Wang Feng chose not to take any more herbs for now. He knew that improving his strength required a gradual settling period. After becoming accustomed to his enhanced abilities, he could then focus on improving and consolidating his foundation.

Xiao Wu playfully asked, "What about Brother Feng? Didn't you cultivate a few immortal herb for yourself?"

"Brother Feng..." Tang San smiled, secretly acknowledging that Wang Feng had consumed all six plants.

"I've eaten quite a lot and am feeling a bit bloated. I'll protect you all instead!" Wang Feng chuckled.

Xiao Wu gave Wang Feng a suspicious look. Not long after, the group began to absorb the power of the six herbs rapidly. During this time, Xiao Wu approached Wang Feng, smiling, and said in a low voice, "Brother Feng, do you know why Zhuqing didn't get the Acacia Broken Red Heart just now?"

Wang Feng shook his head in confusion. How would he know? The whole development was out of his expectations.

"I know," Xiao Wu smiled. "However, I won't tell you. Think about it for yourself."

"..." Wang Feng was left speechless. Why did you ask if you were not going to answer? 

"Hey, Xiao Wu, I know why you got the Acacia Broken Red Heart just now," Wang Feng grinned. "Moreover, I also know that you just made some kind of determination. As for what kind of determination it is, I won't tell you. You can guess it yourself."

Xiao Wu stared at Wang Feng and snorted. Her eyes then shifted to Tang San, while her thoughts were racing in her mind. She had just made a certain determination that no matter what she would never leave her Tang San. But how did Feng'ge know?

"Little rabbit, making me guess," Wang Feng shook his head.

As time passed, it felt like seven light clusters were on the verge of breaking out of their shells. Dai Mubai emitted a bright light, his soul ring pulsated, and the White Tiger martial soul was activated. A golden 'king' character appeared on his forehead, exuding a majestic and imperial aura. His entire body swelled, and occasional low growls emanated from his nose, creating a shocking sight.

Oscar's martial soul, Grilled Sausage, appeared to be coated with a layer of golden light, while Oscar himself remained extremely calm, emitting a faint white mist, giving him an ethereal and tranquil appearance like an immortal.

Ma Hongjun's entire body was engulfed in fierce flames, and as if being compressed by some unknown force, causing his body to shrink significantly. The fat on his body diminished, and numerous impurities were expelled from his body.

Ning Rongrong was also surrounded by a celestial aura, as if starlight were enveloping her. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, in particular, radiated with clouds and mist resembling a rainbow, giving off a noble and dazzling appearance.

Xiao Wu's eyes sparkled with brightness. Appreciating beautiful things, she marveled at each layer of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda, which seemed to be infused with starlight, creating a radiant and stunning effect. Xiao Wu couldn't help but whisper, "Wow, Zhu Qing looks so good."

Zhu Zhuqing was enveloped in a mysterious and serene purple light, with the phantom image of the Hell Civet appearing behind her body. Crescent-like lines adorned her figure, giving off a mysterious and captivating vibe. Her skin became increasingly radiant and white, with passages of purple-golden light flashing through, exuding a cold yet powerful aura, creating a unique and alluring appearance.


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