

After traveling through the Wudong universe, Wu Yun became the main disciple of the Kuang Dao martial arts gym and touched Lin Dong's thigh. Log in to the Lin Clan Club and get the Xuantian Treasure Record reward! Sign up for the hunting conference and get the blood of the white tiger! Log in to the Talisman Tower to get a glimpse of the Chaos God and Demon View! ------------------- IMPORTANT--------------------------------- note: This novel does not belong to me, it is in Chinese and I am translating it, sorry in advance if some sentences are not well understood PD:CHAPTERS WILL BE UPLOADED EVERY DAY, DON'T WORRY [MY LANGUAGE IS NOT ENGLISH, I MADE THIS WITH THE HELP OF GOOGLE TRANSLATE]

Pepetimbo_32412323 · Anime & Comics
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Giant Elephant Particles, the Heroic Body of the Prison-Suppressing God, and the Mysterious Golden Egg

"This thing and body script are a perfect match!"

Wu Yun praised in his heart.

Hearing the efficacy of Yangyuan Liquid, he felt that it would not be too wonderful to practice physical calligraphy in Yangyuan Lake, this is the best spiritual liquid for the body.

Yin and Yang, hard and soft, clear!

Twelve Immortal Physiques!

Wu Yun was thinking about which character and which kind of physique he wanted to cultivate.

Each of these twelve constitutions has its own characteristics.

The information in the body script has been completely integrated into his mind, and it is extremely transparent, so he doesn't need to spend tens of thousands of years to slowly study and comprehend it like that sheep-herding emperor.

After going through the six words one by one in my mind.

Wu Yun chose the word "hun"!

His body responds most strongly to the word.

The two immortal bodies of the word "hun" are the broken sky axe body and the prison-suppressing god body.

Among them, the body of the breaking ax represents the ultimate power!

And the prison-suppressing divine body represents the heaviest weight!

The Divine Elephant Prison-Suppressing Strength that he had practiced before was similar to this Prison-Suppressing Divine Body.

Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength is to regard the body as hundreds of millions of particles, and cultivate each human body particle into a giant elephant particle, a dragon elephant particle, a primordial image particle, and even the strongest god image particle.

And the prison-suppressing god body is infinitely increasing the weight of itself and the whole body.

Wu Yun's body is getting closer and closer to cultivating giant elephant particles. There is no doubt that the biggest reason for Hunzi's response to him is that he has the foundation of the prison-suppressing god body.

"Try if you can pass it on to them to practice?"

Wu Yun looked at the two tigers beside him, one man and one mink, and thought curiously.

Of the twelve kinds of immortal bodies, his current situation is definitely the limit to practice one, and it is impossible to practice every word for the time being.

And it is very difficult to cultivate two physiques at the same time.

But it can make everyone around you practice.

"Second brother, come here, I'll show you something!"

Wu Yun beckoned Lin Dong to come over.

"Brother, what, so mysterious?"

Lin Dong came over with doubts.

Wu Yun put the palm of his hand on his forehead, and the mental power poured out continuously, directly entering his mind domineeringly.

Lin Dong subconsciously wanted to block the intrusion of his mental power.

"Don't resist, let me in."

Wu Yun said softly.

Then he sent a voice transmission to Lin Dong,

"Relax, feel what I gave you, and find the word that makes you most sensitive!"

Lin Dong then let go of his mind and let his elder brother's spiritual power enter.

This is a means of sharing spiritual power, a secret technique Wu Yun obtained from the memory of the owner of the tomb mansion!

At this time, six bright and blurred lights appeared in Lin Dong's mind. He tried to see clearly, but those six lights seemed to be very tightly covered.

Lin Dong obeyed his elder brother's words and tried to sense it.

Soon, he had a strong feeling for one of the light groups. Lin Dong concentrated on conquering this light group, and finally saw which light group clearly.

It was the word "just"!

Seeing Lin Dong with his eyes closed, the corners of his mouth curled up in surprise.

Wu Yun hurriedly asked,

"How is it? What did you see?"

He was also curious about how Lin Dong would respond to the words!

Lin Dong: "Just now!"

Wu Yun: "Just now?"

Xiao Diao: "What's tough?"

As expected of you, second brother, straight man of steel, tough enough!

Just like Lin Dong's character, he can destroy flowers with harsh hands, cultivate madness, has a firm will, extraordinary perseverance, and loves lightning strikes.

It is indeed very suitable for "just"!

The Immortal Physique of the two characters of "Gang", the

Immortal Vajra Physique, has the

characteristics of infinite hardness, ultimate defense, and infinite blood recovery!

Nuxian domineering body,

special features, berserk attribute, doubled attack power!

I don't know what kind of physique the second brother can cultivate... Wu Yun has some expectations. With Lin Dong's disposition, he is more inclined to the Vajra Indestructible Physique.

The cultivation of physique depends not only on the body, but also on the character of the person.

Just like Yue Buqun, even though he is a man, he has a feminine temperament, so he can practice the Evil Resisting Sword Art with ease!

"I will imprint the profound meaning of the word Gang on you, and you should understand it carefully."

Wu Yun smiled, and passed on the spiritual power of Gang to Lin Dong.

"You should practice according to the insights you get from this word. What you can cultivate in the end depends on your own good luck."


Lin Dong nodded. Although he didn't know what it was, the elder brother took it out Things will not be bad.

"Try both of you, sister and brother."

Wu Yun called over to Baiyun, separated the six-character meanings in the same way, and introduced them into Baiyun's mind one by one.

Then the mental power will teach Baiyun how to do it.

Baiyun is the mother!

Wu Yun started with the word Yin, but Bai Yun was stunned and didn't respond.

Then there was the soft word, she had a little reaction.

When it was Qing Zi's turn, Bai Yunhu's pupils lit up, and his reaction was fierce.

Wu Yun nodded secretly.

In order to prevent any loopholes, he also went through the other three characters, and it turned out that Baiyun only reacted most clearly to the clear characters.

The two immortal bodies corresponding to Qing characters, the

flying immortal body, have the

characteristics of extreme speed, which can travel through time so fast!

Unstained body,

characteristic, invulnerable to all magic, immune to attribute damage.

"Both of these physiques are quite suitable for Baiyun!"

No matter which one he cultivates, he can greatly improve Baiyun.

"Come here, Xiaoyan!"

When it was time for Xiaoyan, Wu Yun tried six words in sequence.

As for Xiaoyan, Dudu had the most obvious reaction to the word just.

Just like his master, just.

One person and two tigers who received Wu Yun's teaching were all very happy, and they directly comprehended the profound meaning of characters by the pool.

Xiao Diao saw it in his eyes, and he was also red in his eyes. The things of the reincarnated boss, how could it be simple, he also wanted it.

Floating to Wu Yun's side, Xiao Diao said,

"Brother, if you gave them something good, please share it with me too!

" I'm sorry, it's useless to give it to you."

The cultivation of body script must have affected Wu Yun's physical body.

Xiao Diao: "Give it to me, big brother, give it to me, big brother, I will definitely be able to reshape the physical body after the meeting, I can comprehend first, and when I have a physical body later, I can practice directly!"

"Okay, then Just relax and let me in!"

"Okay, okay!"

Xiao Diao quickly agreed, then closed his eyes, looking anxious.

Wu Yun shared the six-character spirit with Xiao Diao's sea of ​​spiritual consciousness.

Facing the six rays of light, Xiao Diao was very curious and sensed them one by one.

Finally his demon spirit reacted to one of the lights.

The word appeared.



Unexpectedly, you are such a yin mink... Wu Yun looked at the little mink in surprise. Although he said yin and yang, hard and soft, and clear, he didn't explicitly refer to men and women, but generally masculine and muddy The physique of the female is biased towards men, while the physique of Yin Rou Qing is biased towards women.

Just move, slut!

What fun!

Sure enough, calligraphy is the one who understands the essence of people best!

The two physiques corresponding to the word "Yin", the

Heaven-swallowing Demon Physique, have the

characteristics of being able to swallow all energy for their own use, which is somewhat similar to the meaning of swallowing ancestral talismans.

Void body,

characteristic, can be immune to physical attacks, and has the ability to manipulate space.

"Since we have found a method suitable for our own physical fitness, let's practice here."

These methods of cultivation are contained in the corresponding words, and we can only comprehend them by ourselves.

Two people, two tigers and one mink spirit.

They began to cultivate around the Yangyuan Pool, and the golden Yangyuan was divided into five streams, which were sucked into their bodies.

Yang Yuan energy enveloped them, forming five golden light clusters.

Wu Yun started cultivating Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength and Hunzi at the same time, and the two matched very well, frantically absorbing the energy of Yangyuan Lake and injecting it into his body.

Among the five strands of energy.

Wu Yun's strand is the thickest!

Yang Yuan's energy is very strong, and their bodies can't bear too much now.

Soon, Xiao Diao couldn't bear it first, he was only in the state of a demon spirit, not the energy that fits with Yang Yuan, and he was full after taking a few mouthfuls.

Using Yang Yuan Ye at this moment, the biggest effect on the little mink is to restore the state of the demon spirit, and keep the demon spirit from collapsing so easily.

"It's a pity, Lord Diao has no body, otherwise he must have a full meal."

Looking at the golden Yangyuan Lake, Xiao Diao felt distressed for a while.

After walking for a while, Baiyun also stopped.

He chose the Qing character, plus it was a mother's, and she was born with Yin, so it didn't fit well with this Yang Yuan Ye.

Gender Determining Advantage!

In the field of Yang Qi, males have an inherent advantage.

Next came Lin Dong and Xiao Yan. They lasted for an hour and were full.

Absorption stopped.

Four balls of golden light quietly refined these energies on the edge of the pool.

Yangyuantan, which was already full to overflowing, has now dropped to a depth of three meters, but it has not yet bottomed out.

But Wu Yun was still frantically absorbing these energies.

Seeing that his companions had stopped absorbing, Wu Yun was no longer polite, and jumped directly into the pool.

He had already probed the bottom of the pool with his mental power before, and there was no danger in it, no life fluctuations.

At this moment, his body is incomparably alive, all the particles in his body are moving, absorbing the Yang Yuan Liquid like a dry sponge.

The practice of Shenxiang Suppressing Prison Strength has laid a good foundation for the cultivation of Hunzi.

At the same time, the cultivation of muddy characters has led to the rapid improvement of the spirit of the gods and prisons.

Wu Yun is now in the first important stage of attacking the god elephant's prison power.

Mammoth Particles!

Use the 840 million particles in the whole body to develop the power of the giant elephant.

At the same time, it will also take the first step in the practice of muddy characters, and cultivate into an innate physique.

There are four innate constitutions in the early stage of the prison-suppressing divine body, namely, the

suppressing evil body, chasing fluid, Xiongyue body, and Wanjun body!

And Wu Yun comprehended the muddy characters, practiced according to his feelings, and what he was about to practice was the Xiongyue body!

The weight of the body is comparable to a majestic mountain.

Direct pressure can kill people!

In the first stage of the Divine Elephant Suppressing Prison Strength,

the cultivation of the male body and the

promotion of both require too much energy, and it is necessary to feed every particle of the body.

Wu Yun tore off his clothes and dived into the golden pool naked.

A vortex appeared on the body, frantically absorbing the Yang Yuan Liquid.

Slowly, all the Yangyuan liquid was poured towards Wu Yun, and Wu Yun's body turned into a golden silkworm chrysalis.

He finally sat down at the bottom of the pool!

Sitting cross-legged at the bottom of the pool, the thick and viscous Yang Yuan Liquid was tightly absorbed by his body.

At a certain moment, all the liquid was absorbed by Wu Yun, and an incomparably majestic momentum faintly burst out from Wu Yun's body.

Everywhere in the body is wriggling, and the effect of muddy word practice is to change the body more and more perfectly.

The bones creaked, and the

internal organs roared.

His pores were open, and golden air flowed in and out.

Every breath is full of yang energy that is so strong that it can be seen with the naked eye.


The flesh is fragrant!

At this moment, his body has evolved perfectly!

The facial features have been fine-tuned, becoming extremely correct, standard, and refined.

The body is perfectly proportioned, the muscle lines are clear, and it is full of vitality!

His skin was already a healthy golden wheat color, showing a vigorous masculinity, and an incomparably powerful aura emanated from his body.

Obviously, it looks quite gentle on the surface, but the aura is like a mountain, which makes people feel infinite pressure.

He opened his eyes, and the golden light shone in his eyes.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, bright eyes and white teeth,

peerless handsome face, unparalleled momentum.

The realm has not improved, but the strength of the physical body is already vastly different from before.

Wu Yun clenched his fist, and his knuckles creaked.

The majestic power in his body made him feel extremely confident. If he faced the previous Lin Langtian, the Leiyuan Crystal Beast and the like, he might be able to kill him with one punch, or crush him with one foot.

The power of the physical body is activated, and it is as heavy as a million! Xiao Diao: "

Brother, why are you still taking a bath?" Lin

Dong: "Oh, Brother, why are you taking off your clothes! " Erhu just stared at him with wide eyes. Embarrassed, Wu Yun stood up, took out clothes from the Qiankun bag, and put them on. "Hiss, big brother, hello...pervert!" Lin Dong took a deep breath and sighed, feeling a little inferior. Bai Yun watched with relish. Xiao Diao and Xiao Yan also disagreed. "No, big brother, why do I feel that you have become handsome." Lin Dong quickly changed the subject, smacking his lips!

He looked at the eldest brother, although he could still recognize his appearance from the outside, this is the appearance of the eldest brother, but when he took a closer look, he felt that he was very different from before.

The most intuitive feeling is that the eldest brother has become more attractive.

And it looks better the more you look at it, the kind of handsome face that can't be picky about flaws.

That's all for it, there's that masculine masculinity, that majestic and powerful aggressive demeanor.

Brother, he has changed!

It has become more beautiful!

Wu Yun got dressed and was about to fly up.

Suddenly Xiao Diao showed a surprised expression,

"Brother, look, what is that?"

It excitedly pointed at the bottom of Wu Yun.

Wu Yun looked down, and there was a strange thing at the bottom of the pool where he was sitting cross-legged just now.

Round and golden!


"Brother, did you just lay an egg while we didn't see it!"

Xiao Diao said in surprise.

The little paw covered his mouth and looked at Wu Yun in disbelief.

This is really too weird, obviously they didn't even detect it with their mental power detection just now.

Wu Yun was practicing below, which happened to be his sitting position, and there was an egg.

This has to arouse the suspicion of the mink, the suspicion of the tiger, and the suspicion of others.

Lin Dong, Bai Yun and Xiao Yan also saw that golden egg with some strange and intricate patterns.

Ho ho!

Baiyun and Xiaoyan cried out curiously.

Lin Dong: "Laying eggs? Is this something that humans can do?"

Wu Yun: "Laying eggs? Is this what humans can do!"

Isn't this nonsense!

He quickly squatted down to check.

Really an egg!

Right where he was sitting cross-legged just now, no more, no less, just as big as his buttocks, if he doesn't get up, they really can't see the little mink on it.

Wu Yun's face was a little embarrassed, this scene is really hard for him to explain.

However, this egg also aroused Wu Yun's curiosity.

It was obvious that the mental power had been detected just now, but there was no feedback.

Ordinary eggs, regardless of whether the life inside is dead or alive, can be detected by mental power.

But this egg doesn't work.

Even at this moment, he continued to use mental power to detect, and it was the same, nothing.

Clearly the eyes can see, but the mental power cannot detect it.

The bottom of the pool is paved with special crystal golden stones, which are indeed man-made traces, and there are runes inside these crystal stones.

The entire Yangyuantan is a formation!

That brilliant golden egg is inlaid in the spar at the bottom of the pool.

Wu Yun picked up the egg. This egg was huge, the biggest egg he had ever seen in two lifetimes, almost half the size of his arms.

If the little loli Qingtan comes to hug her, she probably won't be able to hold her.

Xiao Diao and Lin Dong also came down to look at the egg curiously.

"It turns out that the meaning of Yangyuantan's existence is it!"

Xiao Diao looked at it in amazement.

"How could there be no life fluctuations, could it be a dead egg?" Lin Dong asked doubtfully.

"It shouldn't be a dead egg,

otherwise, the

ancients wouldn't have spent so much money and

gathered so much Yang Yuan Liquid,

It took thousands of years

to warm and nourish it,

what do you think,

big brother! "

Xiao Diao emphasized his tone sentence after sentence, to confirm this matter.

He has already determined that the egg was put by the elder brother, but he is not sure whether the egg is dead or not.

So he used this tone to ask the elder brother He doesn't want to hear his elder brother say that this is a dead egg.

As a monster, he is full of curiosity about this egg, and he really wants to know what kind of egg the reincarnated boss is trying to cultivate. "What Little Mink said makes sense .

The egg is indeed not dead, but there is a sealing formation on the egg that prevents the breath from leaking out of the egg. However, it can absorb energy, and energy can only enter and not exit. "

Wu Yun answered solemnly. He was carefully observing the runes on the egg, so he didn't notice the expression in Xiao Diao's words at all.

Wu Yun found a variety of combination runes on the egg, and the seal rune is one of them. , and it is still very close to the original seal rune, which proves that the person who arranged the formation is very clever.

This kind of combination formation, he can't understand it for a while.

Except for the rune on the egg and the formation here in Yangyuantan, Wu Yun suspected that there was a formation in the entire misty forest.

Xiao Diao asked enthusiastically, "Brother, do you know what monster is inside this egg? Wu Yun: "

I'm sure I don't know, but won't I know when it hatches?" "

He was also curious about what kind of creature was inside the egg, but how would he know. The same goes for

Xiao Diao. As a monster boss, he couldn't tell, so he came to ask him.

We human race don't know anything about monsters!

The old riddleman Yes... Xiao Diao gave Wu Yun a supercilious look.

Lin Dong was also very curious about the egg, and curled his lips at the elder brother's answer... Riddler, get out of the mainland!

"The Yangyuan liquid here has been absorbed by us. It's useless to keep this egg here, so let's take it away first. As for the formation here, let it continue to run, accumulate the Yangyuan liquid, and leave it for the next person who is destined." , or let our younger generations pick it up later."

Wu Yun didn't intend to destroy this place.

This formation is very powerful, and it has a natural feeling. It covers the entire terrain of the misty forest. It can absorb the power of the sun and replenish its own operation. As long as the sun does not explode, the formation will not be on holiday.

There is no need to worry about the effect of the formation gradually weakening as time goes by like the Ancient Tomb Mansion.

Wu Yun put the egg into the universe bag, and filled it with pure Yuandan.

There is a devouring rune on the golden egg, which can absorb energy to maintain the vitality inside the egg.

Wu Yun said contentedly: "Okay, we have already obtained the opportunity here!"

"Let's go out!"