
Sign in from Douluo

From the story of Douluo mainland, it crosses the sign-in flow. Sign in successfully in the Qibao Liulizong: get the martial soul Thunder hammer! Sign in at the Holy Soul Village: Obtain the Exquisite Heart of Seven Orifices, with innate soul power. Sign in to Wuhun Hall: Obtain the Wuhun of Caulis spatholobi! And awakened: Twelve Wing Saint Angel Martial Soul, Twelve Wing Dark Angel Martial Soul. As the protagonist, start to become stronger in life! Leading the Wuhun Temple, out of a different result

DaoistnieFJZ · Fantasy
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164 Chs


There are danger lurks on every side in the soul hunting forest. There are attacks from Spirit Beast and competitions between soul masters.

Find a good spirit ring. For now, these theories are just Wang Xiao's own thoughts. Can the ten-year spirit ring of the six-winged jade centipede be compatible with Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit? It's hard to say that the match is successful.

After all, Xiaogang's theory of one of the ten core competences in the Spirit industry is just a theory, not a practical report, nor a deterministic thing. It is still necessary for the soul masters to try to get the result. .

Success and risk are equally divided.

Achieve the Dao and Ascend to Heaven, without breaking into a body to die or being disabled for life.

In the original book, the master asked Tang San to try it himself, so he was not sure that he was 100% successful.

Wang Xiao is not afraid. He has the powerful Seven Apertures Exquisite Heart as the backing, so there should be no surprises.

Seeing that Xiaoyan could not hold it anymore, she was running towards her.

Wang Xiao has to make a move!

I immediately used the Surging Waves Subtle Steps accelerated version of Lightweight Art, and came to behind the six-wing jade centipede in a flash, then jumped up, jumped into the air, a carp struck up, using Trace Bewildering Fist The upgraded version punched it hard on the head.

Wang Xiao this fist is so powerful that it made the six-winged jade centipede lose weight and hit the ground directly, falling and rolling, hitting the surrounding branches and falling to the ground.

Xiaoyan was startled, not knowing what was going on, he immediately turned his head and saw a startling glance. This six-winged jade centipede Spirit Beast, which was chasing after him, fell to the ground for some reason and was still injured. light.

Look back at Wang Xiao again. I don't know when, the other person has disappeared in the same place. My heart said, this person is really timid like a mouse. I thought he was standing there just now, and he was very courageous. Looks like!

I ran here to see me, and when I was right, even the shadows of the people who ran were gone. I was really a guy who couldn't help but die.




zhi zhi zhi ~

At this time, Xiaoyan heard the six wings behind Yu Centipede's screams, and she hurriedly looked back, and now she has an even more astonishing sight.

I saw a boy, kneeling on one knee, holding a dagger, and a knife that had been pierced into the head of the six-wing jade centipede. The action was so handsome.

I can see clearly that the boy is not someone else, it is Wang Xiao. Since his movements are so fast, he hunted down a ten-year Spirit Beast in the blink of an eye, which was beyond her imagination. force.

When Wang Xiao pulled out the dagger from the six-wing jade centipede Spirit Beast, a white halo emerged from its body and hovered above its head. magical.

This makes Wang Xiao's eyes bright. As a transmigrator, this is the first time I see what a Spirit ring of a Spirit Beast looks like. It's really beautiful!

As far as he knows, every color of the spirit ring represents the age of Spirit Beast. Like the white spirit ring, it is about ten years old. Only when it reaches the 100-year Spirit Beast level, the spirit ring is yellow.

In other words, this six-winged jade centipede Spirit Beast is more than ten years old and has a level equivalent to Soul Master Level 11 and can be absorbed by itself.

"Wow, Wang Xiao, you are too good!" Seeing him so good, Xiao Yan immediately came over to shoot flattery.

"Should I be called Brother Xiao?" Wang Xiao corrected.

"Why are you so much younger than me?" Xiao Yan said unwillingly.

Wang Xiao said: "Xiaoyan, I found you are more elm head than elm head! Don't you know that this World powerhouse is respected? There are many Great Grandpa grandma, and I met those soul masters. , I have to respectfully call Master, how much older are you than me?"

"If you are not convinced, let's fight each other, and see who is better than whom?"

"hmph!" Xiaoyan immediately twitched his lips and said: "People are only healing Spirit. How can you compare with your offensive Spirit and let me fight you? Needless to say, you must have the upper hand."

"Oh, but which one of your eyes saw me using Spirit? Let's talk about it! I don't have a spirit ring yet. How can I use spirit abilities, except for a little spirit power, where can I use spirit abilities?"


He doesn't even have a spirit ring, where is the spirit ability available!

Relying on his spirit power, he should not be able to beat the centipede Spirit Beast, which has been indestructible for ten years.

And I just looked at it, and I didn't see him release his Spirit!

Could it be that his Spirit is hidden?

Yu Xiaogang said in the original book that if Spirit Beast's spirit ring is not absorbed immediately after it comes out, it will automatically disperse within an hour. Just work.

"It's a pity that this is Beast Spirit, and it doesn't match my Jiuye Honglian Spirit simply. If your Spirit is Beast Spirit or Tool Spirit, you can just absorb it." After a sigh, Xiaoyan turned towards him. Side way.

Although Xiaoyan's theory is completely out of the new theoretical framework of Yu Xiaogang's ten core competitiveness in Spirit. But what I have to say is that this six-winged jade centipede Spirit Beast is really not suitable for her nine-leaf red lotus Spirit. And this Spirit Beast was not the last to make up for it, and it was even harder to absorb it.

Furthermore, Wang Xiao is also impossible to let her absorb, and immediately sit down in front of the six-wing jade centipede Spirit Beast, and turn back to Xiaoyan and said: "You help me protect the law, and I can help you besiege behind. How about a hundred-year-old Spirit Beast as your spirit ring?"

"A hundred-year-old Spirit Beast?" Xiaoyan didn't believe it. What she heard was true: "Brother Xiao Xiao, don't you lie Me, the spirit ring of Spirit Beast of this century is good, but it's not as good as the Spirit Beast of ten years! Maybe, even the small lives…we both have to get in."

Although she is only twelve years old, she also knows that for a soul master, it is very important to absorb the first spirit ring.

Wang Xiao didn't bother to bother with her, and immediately meditated in front of the six-winged jade centipede Spirit Beast. Then he stretched out his right hand. In his opinion, this six-winged jade centipede was toxic, and it matched the Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit, and he planned to absorb its spirit ring into this Spirit.

Immediately drive his own spirit power and release the Spirit. After a while, the Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit appeared in his palm and slowly grew out.

Its dark body, six pairs of pitch-black as ink wings, the whole exudes Death Aura, and even Wang Xiao himself feels the depressive atmosphere it brings.

I feel that my Spirit is a bit different, even terrifying.

Different from another Twelve-Winged Holy Angel Spirit, its appearance can make you feel warm and bright.

And this Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit is the opposite. What it shows is cold, dark, and terrifying.

Wang Xiao is not afraid. Since the system allows them to exist in his body and become his own Spirit, there should be a necessity for their existence, so there is no need to worry about whether they are safe or not.

Xiaoyan also consciously stepped aside, and did not interrupt him to absorb Spirit, and also took the initiative to take the responsibility of protecting him.

Come on! You will be my first spirit ring.

Wang Xiao started to meditate, pulling the ten-year spirit ring to absorb it into the Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit.

But after a while, he did not succeed. The six-winged jade centipede spirit ring was not drawn by it, but circled around his body.

What is going on here?

Wang Xiao immediately opened his eyes to check. Spirit ring simply didn't dare to get close to him, but went round and round around him, as if he was afraid of himself.

Could it be said that this spirit ring simply cannot match the Twelve-Winged Fallen Angel Spirit?

Well, it is indeed the same thing!

Then which Spirit can it match?

I have a total of five Spirits. Which Spirit is it suitable for?

Wang Xiao immediately thought about it, and said to his heart, is it Twelve-Winged Holy Angel Spirit, Thunder Hammer Spirit, Hundred Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda Spirit, or Bloodvine Spirit?