
Sign In Buddha’s Palm Status:Drop

Su Qin crosses into a world where martial artists run rampant, where Buddhist monks from the Yuan Dynasty dominate the world. Jiuyang’s successor’s fist conquered the mountains and rivers, and Xiao Li’s flying knife smashed through the void. Because Su Qin had no martial arts qualifications, he could only become a sweeping monk in the Shaolin Temple. At this time, the ‘Sign In System’ was activated. Sign In in front of Buddha’s Golden Body, get [Buddha’s Palm]. Sign In in front of the Arhat Hall, get [Invincible Vajra Divine Art]. Sign in at the back mountain of Shaolin Temple, get [Golden Demon Body]. The Shaolin Temple was riddled with treasures, and you can sign in everywhere. Su Qin decided that he would never leave the mountain without Signing In to everything in the Shaolin Temple. And so, he Signed In the Shaolin Temple for twenty whole years! Twenty years later, the Shaolin Temple got mixed in the battle between the Righteous and Evil. The Demons were fierce and powerful, they blatantly invaded the Shaolin Temple and were pushing forth with great force, but that is until they met Su Qin who was sweeping the floor…

SHALLOWS · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Chapter 32: Demon Buddha

Originally, Su Qin not at all planned to go to the mountainside forbidden area. After all, he felt that in the mountainside forbidden area of ​​Shaolin Temple, there was a faint atmosphere of Grade 1 Great Grandmaster.

But since Su Qin condensed divine sense, his grasp of himself has skyrocketed again, which is not something that ordinary Grade 1 Great Grandmaster can find.

"Let's take a look."

Su Qin thought for a moment, and made a decision in his heart.

Mountainside outside the forbidden area, there are a large number of monks patrolling at all times, and the number far exceeds the Devil Subduing Tower.

At this level of defense, even if Grade 1 Great Grandmaster wants to sneak into the mountainside quietly, they may not be able to do it.

For Su Qin, it's just a few more steps.

The divine sense enveloped the whole body several ten zhang, the fleshy body aura converged extremely, and in a flash, Su Qin passed the patrolling monk and came to the mountainside forbidden area.

After entering the mountainside, the field of vision became much more open. Su Qin sensed it carefully and moved towards the depths.

"This feeling?"

Su Qin suddenly stopped and rubbed his eyebrows.

I don't know why, the more he goes deeper into the mountainside forbidden ground, the ancestral eyebrow that symbolizes the Buddha's Palm inheritance of the golden Buddha, actually began to slowly diffuse the Buddha's radiance.

"There is something related to Buddha's Palm in the forbidden area."

Su Qin guessed in his mind.

Buddha's Palm, as the strongest Divine Art of Shaolin Temple, is known as the personal transmission of the Buddha, but it was lost for no reason 900 years ago.

Nine hundred years ago, apart from the loss of Buddha's Palm, there was a major event that almost destroyed Shaolin Temple.

The disaster of Demon Buddha.

At that time, Su Qin was vaguely aware that the loss of Buddha's Palm was related to Demon Buddha.

"Buddha's Palm is a Divine Art of the'Arhat' level. Only by attaining the'Arhat' Buddhahood can you be qualified to comprehend Buddha's Palm."

"Nine hundred years ago, Shaolin The only remaining'Arhat' in the Temple passed away in a hurry after suppressing the Demon Buddha, which led to the failure to pass down Buddha's Palm in time."

Su Qin's thoughts fluctuated, trying to restore the truth nine hundred years ago.

"The Shaolin Temple at the time that'Arhat' only suppressed Demon Buddha, not suppress and kill, indicating that'Arhat' could not kill Demon Buddha, and could only take this method to eliminate the disaster of Demon Buddha. "

While thinking, Su Qin moved towards the mountainside and walked deep.

After a while.

Five pale-gold hills appeared in Su Qin's vision.

"This is?"

Su Qin eyes shrank, a strange color flashed across his face.

If you look from the extreme distance, these five pale-gold hills are more like five fingers magnified countless times.

Five fingers up to the sky, suppress it!

"Buddha's Palm."

"This is Buddha's Palm!!!"

Su Qin looked up.

Though the five pale-gold hills are not breathable, they start to echo the Buddha Image in Su Qin's eyebrow ancestor orifice.

"The Shaolin Temple that'Arhat' nine hundred years ago was the Demon Buddha suppressed by Buddha's Palm!"

Su Qin was very sure.

If it is someone else, even the contemporary abbot of Shaolin Temple, I am afraid they will not think of these five hills and Buddha's Palm together.

But Su Qin owns Buddha's Palm inheritance.

Although I can't use it, I know the breath of Buddha's Palm.


Su Qin was in front of the five hills and found five skinny silhouettes sitting cross-legged.

These five silhouettes are all wearing monk robes, with their eyes closed and breathing almost stopped. If it were not for the slightest breath, Su Qin would think that these five monks would have died long ago.

"Are the five holy monks?"

Su Qin frowned.

These five withered silhouettes sitting in front of five hills are indeed Grade 1 holy monks, but their breath is very strange.

Neither life nor death.

"It should be a secret technique to put oneself in a state of suspended animation and prolong life essence. Only when a certain time comes will he wake up."

Su Qin guessed in his mind.

Su Qin has also checked dozens of secret techniques for suspended animation.

But without exception, once this type of secret technique is used, the Fleshy body will be completely rigid, losing the possibility of further progress, and in suspended animation, there will be no thoughts and thoughts, as if plunged into eternal darkness.

This state is a tragic torture for anyone. Grade 1 Great Grandmasters would rather die in battle than let themselves suffer such pain.

The reason why the five holy monks in front of the five hills are doing this is probably to prevent the Demon Buddha from breaking free of the seal and forcibly sitting as a holy monk.

Of course, the body of the five holy monks is far from suppressing Demon Buddha, but it is enough to cooperate with the seal left by Buddha's Palm.


Su Qin sighed slightly, feeling slightly.

"Demon Buddha…"

Su Qin turned his gaze slightly, looking at the five pale-gold hills.

Under Su Qin's induction, although the five pale-gold hills exude the atmosphere of suppressing everything, he can still feel an extremely deep demonic energy.

"Not dead for nine hundred years?"

Su Qin frowned.

According to Shaolin Temple written in ancient records, even if the existence of'Arhat' Buddhahood or Martial Art World's Legend is proved, it is only five hundred years of life essence.

Since Demon Buddha has been suppressed, it means that there is no level of detachment from the'Arhat'. Logically speaking, after 900 years, Demon Buddha will not even have ashes. How could there be a breath?

Just when Su Qin was thinking.


The five pale-gold hills vibrated slightly.

A monk wearing a golden robe emerged, looking down at Su Qin, opening the mouth and said: "Buddhism dísciple, you can enter Buddha Mountain, gain my inheritance, and develop Buddhism."

The voice is magnificent and deaf.

If it is a general martial artist, even Grade 1 Great Grandmaster, under this loud voice, they will be shocked on the spot, thinking that there is some kind of amazing inheritance in the depths of Buddha Mountain.

Su Qin's eyes flashed with a strange color deep in his eyes, and he walked straight into Buddha Mountain.

After a while.

Su Qin came to a Buddhist cave.

all directions There are countless Buddha statues all over, and a strong majesty shrouded them.

"Since it is a Buddhist dísciple, don't bow down yet!"

The monk wearing a golden robe appears again.


Su Qin didn't care, but still stood there, looking directly at the golden monk-robed monk.

"Buddhism emphasizes equality, why kneel down?"

Su Qin said casually.

"That's right." The golden monk-robed monk seemed to think of something, slightly nodded, and glanced at Su Qin approvingly: "Under thirty, step into Grade 1, your innate talent is enough to be in Shaolin Temple ranked in the top five for thousands of years."


Su Qin looked at the golden robe monk with great interest: "Who are you?"

"My name is Pao, Pao Arhat."

The golden monk robe monk has a solemn expression, calmly said.

Pao Arhat is exactly that'Arhat' that Shaolin Temple suppressed Demon Buddha nine hundred years ago.

Since then, Shaolin Temple has no dísciple to achieve the'Arhat' Buddhahood.

"Tao Ah?"

Su Qin's face appeared with a smile, as if he had heard a joke.

The golden robe monk is frowned and is about to speak.


next moment.

Su Qin's smile gradually faded, his expression looked at him coldly, and he said something that changed the expression of the golden monk robe monk:

"I should call you'Demon' Buddha'right…"