
Imparting the Leolan Sword Technique

Translator: Simple MTL Editor: Simple MTL

Could it be that there was a high-level archmage hidden within the human race?

The probability of such a possibility was very small.

This human archmage did not think too much for the time being because compared to the news of the appearance of an ultimate archmage, it was not worth mentioning.

"I now announce an important piece of news. Not long ago, an ultimate archmage of our human race appeared. Right before the border, he killed the ultimate archmage of the wolf clan in an invincible manner. All experts above the archmage level of the wolf clan were annihilated!" the human archmage announced.

This time, he was not talking to the City Lord of Fire Dragon City, but to the more than one thousand humans in Fire Dragon City. His voice was filled with excitement and pride. This was the most glorious moment for the human race in more than two thousand years.

When his voice was heard, the everyone in Fire Dragon City was extremely quiet.