
Sight: The Rise Of My Crystal Eyes

"Flee, or I will look at you." ______ The story revolves around Silver, a 16-year-old boy with, well, two extraordinarily good eyes. Silver led a relatively ordinary life, frequently winning or losing things. He didn't really do much other than read webnovels, occasionally engage in sports, and research eye-related things. Yet, soon after all of this, he was about to witness a complete overhaul of everything! Not because he was intrigued. He has been since reincarnated into a different world, as fate destined it for him. With a given quest to save the world, "Asylna" from the Demon Invasion. But does this end his fixation with keeping the allegedly "Best Eyes in the World," or does it merely_ make his ridiculous quest in Asylna, only more intense? ______ My first novel, but not your generic isekai novel. ;-; i am bad at writing synopsis, but the book is good so please do give it a read, thanks

Liefy · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Crystal Eyes

I don't know how much time had passed while I was unconscious there. This long, long slumber was broken by a hard punch and I woke up in confusion.

"See, who said he wouldn't wake up?" smirked a black haired man in front of me. I liked his confident attitude, for some reason. And the other person there was a girl and both of them seemed to be of my age. While that wasn't the most lovable welcome for sure, I didn't say anything. 'So these two are the Heroes of my party?' I thought.

"Hey bud you seem to still be in a confusion. I get it, but it's real you see. We have been reincarnated." he added.

It was then, my mind slowly gained its composure and I looked at the surroundings. I found myself sitting in a throne in front of two other thrones, all designed in real Kingly manners. I was wearing a sort of robe similar to that girl and the man was wearing an armor I guess. And all three of us were absolutely empty handed. I would assume that they woke up from there as well. And we were in a cave, I think. But there was no roof, as sunlight was falling exactly upon my face. It was a tough noon, really.

"I am Silver, Mage class Spiritualist." I said. And if I didn't say this yet, I hate to NOT go straight to the point.

"You don't like to socialize do you?" he remarked yet again. "I am Eriomight Bernado, Erio, Swordsman class Assassin."

He looked like an ever-confident man, and his face was well, smart.

"I am Aisy, Mage class, Necromancer." said she. Never in a world was I going to believe that this cute girl was a necromancer. Well, things are as it is. Her hair was slight brown and had deep blue eyes. A beauty, truly. I though, instantly dropped her off my mind. Ain't ever going after a girl again, be she good or bad. I learnt my lesson last life.

With that, we had an assassin, a necromancer and a spiritualist in the team.

"Ah yes," I understood then. I was about to be absolutely useless here. Never could I match this assassin's speed to back him up neither could I randomly heal necromancer's units till she gets slaughtered. But that wouldn't come out of my mouth, "A perfect team."

Erio went back and sat in his throne, it probably looked awkward how I was the only one sitting. Geez, I need to correct my manners. She soon followed him too. Then Erio stared at me, "Silver, right? What is the spiritualist class about? Healer?"

"Certainly, but that's not all of it. I will have attacking skills too, as the... Face said."

"Interesting. I hardly ever found a healer class having offensive skills in novels,"

Again, it isn't a healer class but whatever. Then a few moments of awkward silence passed. Mostly because of me, of course. I rarely talk and I don't when I don't need to. Well, still I had to break the silence.

"After we go out, do we let the town people know that we are Heroes?"

"No," Aisy remarked. "They most likely has special reservations for us. We will lose our freedom."

"Isn't that goo-" Erio couldn't get it.

"NO," Both I and Aisy answered, "We could become test subjects, or if the system isn't biased, We won't level up well. They will at best give us some tough items and then they could prison us in the name of ensuring 'safety.'"

"That's just an assumption. But uh, I couldn't deny it too, right." Erio concluded.

Weird, all three of us were novel cons. Guess, it was easier for the Face that way.

"Alright, head out. Have we anything remaining here?" I asked. And their silence answered me. So we set out. It was good that all of us adapted to this new life quickly enough. We would have problems, otherwise.

Coming up, I learnt whoever made the cave was truly a genius architect. The whole cave was under a forest, yet open enough for sunlight to get in. It had stairs made of some sort of stones set in such a manner that you can only rise up through it, going down would be a hassle if you are a normal human. It didn't take too long to get out though. Later I realized why this was such a nicely hidden place.

It was nearby a river, almost in a deserted island like area with huge green trees. There was simply no good reason for anyone to ever come across this place. But I noticed something more significant as I came out as well. My sight.

It has become way more precise and exact. I could see things far far away with almost an entirely clear view. Had I though, no reason to let my mates know of it yet. I assumed this was the skill the Face gave me.

"So this is the first area right! There should be slimes or rats around." Erio commented.

"True, look out for them. Your stats should be the highest among us now as the swordsman."

"That reminds me, how do you check your stats. STAT." Erio shouted. "PROFILE, PROPERTY, SYSTEM," failure is sad, isn't it? " POWER, LEVELS," he continued shouting all the words he could remember for the next few whiles.

"Check profile," Aisy tried and blanked out instantly.

"Aisy, you okay?" Erio asked but she didn't reply. Her body became like a statue and eyes dead.

"Check profile." I did it too, cause she got it right. I am sure.

A blue screen opened up before me in a black dark void which carried everything I expected.

[NAME: Silver vi Mria

CLASS: Spiritualist

LEVEL: 1 (0/100)


STM - 5

MAG - 5

DEF - 3

SPD - 4




LVL - 1



DESCRIPTION: Utter 'Crystal Eyes' to unlock and use the skill.

Using the skill will allow you to see through anything. Focus on an object to turn it into crystal and explode the object. Doesn't work on living beings.


'No way I just got a S class skill. What am I? That overpowered mage lord from novels?' I thought being slightly amazed, 'Then perhaps this was the real skill I received from the Face.'

"Close," the screen vanished and I snapped back to reality.

Aisy came back too. I expected for almost a minute to have passed but Erio's reaction tells me it wasn't more than a second. Doesn't that make it a pause system?

"What happened to you, both of you blanked out for a second. Did you get the profile?"

"Yes, check it and say close to come back."

"Alright," Erio did and came back within a second as well. Amazing feature, I say.

"Did any of you get a skill?" I asked.

"No, guess that is received after killing some monsters, let's go."

That was it, only I received a skill and a S-class at that. 'there's no real fun in being overpowered,' thinking I sighed quietly.

We moved forward. Erio was in front taking the lead. The forest looked large. I wondered when will we find a village or something. We didn't need to wait too long for a monster though. There was it, a little blue slime.

Erio was ready to fight. He had no weapon but the slime looked silly enough to be able to crush with bear hands. "Wait, Erio," I asked him.

"What why?" he looked back at me.

"Just watch,"

I walked past him and stood in front of the slime, it will attack me. Its jumping its way straight to me. I focused on the ground below the slime and murmured, "Crystal Eyes!" and reader, the view I saw! Everything in an instant became transparent to a degree. I looked at the ground and could even faintly see volcano of this planet. Scary as it was, I focused on the soil again and murmured, "Devaste!"

I didn't need to really say Devaste but it probably would sound cool and also saying it out loud might help to focus on the explosion better.

The ground simply broke and went in pieces as if there was a dynamite. The slime died instantly. I saw the potential of this skill, although the hole wasn't too big but big enough to pull Erio in it. I was impressed, yet slightly disappointed though, 'that's a S class skill, really? I guess it's powerful too just the level is just too low,"

"Holy- Silver you were hiding your skills!?" Erio inquired smiling, he was impressed, I think.

"Now you know it. Aisy you can revive it right?" I answered him.

Aisy looked puzzled as she replied, "Yes maybe, but I didn't receive any skills yet," Nonetheless she ignored herself and tried,

"Revive!... Resurrect!..Arise!!.." and surrendered.

"How did you get this skill, Silver?" Erio asked.

'Should I reply? Why not, they are my teammates.'

"I guess every spiritualist received a beginning skill, as the class is supposed to be a non-attacking class, they want the classes to be more balanced both with offence and defense," I answered him hiding only the truth that it is because its the weakest class.

That seemed to have convinced Erio though. And Aisy, she is just silent. I wonder who talks more, me or she. As I mentioned before, it was noon, and we hunted random monsters for a long while, actually only slimes. I didn't though, Erio wanted to level up, and Aisy must get her necromancy skill as fast as she can. Both of them would be valuable assets. I used the check profile again and found that their kills also increase my Exp, and if I contributed to the battle, I get an extra. However, the one who kills the monster gets full Exp even if he or she only engaged in the final blow.

Near the afternoon, I was falling sleepy. Trying for a few minutes I figured that I could say, 'Crystal Eyes" again to turn off the skill. My eyes turn into deep red crystal colors when I activate it, as Erio mentioned. Now those two went somewhere to fight, I don't know. I was left behind and I could take care of myself. They should come back, they wouldn't literally leave me behind, would they? Just kidding, I can see them from where I am. I am just laying down here, upon the grass. Those two are fighting for life against two little slimes there. What exactly was I doing with my life.

Suddenly Erio's shout killed my one minute meditation.

"Silver I leveled up! Got a new skill as well."

That's good. I didn't check my profile for a while too.

"Check profile,"

I again found myself in the void. The blue screen came up and it said, "You leveled up! Choose to spend your additional 5 stat points."

'I should do speed, right? That's literally the best option,' I told myself.

[STATS: ATK - 3 + ?

STM - 5 + ?

MAG - 5 + ?

DEF - 3 + ?

SPD - 4 + ?


'No way my sight can get even better,' I was genuinely surprised. I could gain more points later on. For now, I just wanted to know what happens if I do this. Curiosity, simply.

[5 points have been added to your Sight.

You have unlocked the following Skill: CAMERA]






DESCRIPTION: Utter 'Camera On' to use or unlock this skill.

Blink to click a picture with your eyes. You can stay without blinking with this skill On. You can recall them whenever you want, and then the picture can appear in your eyes.]

'It's freaking amazing.' "Close!"

I forgot to check my stats after leveling up but who cares anymore.

"I got a new skill as well," said I replying to Erio. "Come closer, I will show you."

He suspiciously walked closer to me, I silently pronounced 'Camera On' and just as he came closer, I blinked like, thrice? Then my eyes started to hurt, guess my mana was too low. I tried to recall the picture and Gosh, how clearly the picture could be recalled. My mind could focus so good on the imaginary picture that I could lose what I was seeing right in my front of me for that.

Erio came close enough to notice my eyes and commented, "Your eyes, Silver!"

"Yes come closer, look what it is."

He came, and saw it. A whole picture in my eyeballs. I was sure that this skill was going to help.

"Cool? And what did you get?" I finished.