
Chapter 1

The bell was rung. Classes were finally over. The weather was cloudy outside. It was obvious that it was going to rain. A drizzle.

A steady rain that was just falling, but a light rain. Sierra looked at her window pane. She had forgotten her umbrella at home. She could run through that.

It seemed like one that would have lasted only a few minutes. But oh, how she was wrong.

It fell harder and harder like the sky was about to burst open. She couldn't go home in that. It was certain if she did, she'd catch a cold.

"Mikko" Sierra called as she walked to her girlfriend's seat in class. Mikko turned around and gave her a wide grin.

She knew exactly why Sierra had come. It was so obvious. "I forgot my umbrella at home, can I take cover under yours?" Sierra asked politely.

Bingo. She knew it. But unfortunately, she couldn't that day. "Raiko forgot hers at home and Mom called during lunch that I must bring my little demon home," she said with a frown.

Raiko was her little sister. She was very boisterous. Like a turbulent storm in the middle of the night. Such a restless soul.

"Why don't you walk home with Jason?" Mikko asked Sierra.

The wind blew the window nearby shut. The air became chillier than before. Sierra was cold. She wanted to get home, and fast. Why hadn't she thought of walking with Jason?

She walked to his desk and stood beside him. He was reading a book called "No Longer Human" by Osamu Dazai. He had an air pod in his left ear. He was probably playing study music. That was the kind of person he was.

Jason was her best friend. The best soul to ever exist.

"Umm, Jason" Sierra called out.

He turned and flashed a smile at her. Of course, he was also very handsome. Bluish black hair, black eyes, and a slender neck. He was every girl's dream boy.

He gave her a nod "What's wrong?" he asked.

She took a deep breath. "Can I walk home with you? I forgot my umbrella at home" she said at a stretch.

He smiled "Sure," he said without second thoughts. Jason was such a sweetheart. He didn't even complain. She wondered to herself what she had done to deserve him.

"Let me get my bag," she said energetically as she hopped to her seat. Grabbed her bag and got back to him. "Let's go".

He took his bag and his book inside then slung it over his shoulder. "Right at your back," he said.

They walked together. Side by side. They did not mutter any words till they got to the school's entrance.

Jason took out his umbrella from his bag and heard a loud rumble. He was sure it came from Sierra's stomach.

"Jason wanna pass through Rose Cafe," she asked in a low tone confirming his suspicions.

"Sure, " he replied.

They got to the Cafe in silence and sat at their usual spot which was by the window.

A waiter walked gracefully to their table to take their order.

Sierra was so focused on her menu to notice him. "Two mugs of Cafe Noir please," he ordered. The young man left.

"How did you know I wanted that," she asked.

Jason sighed. He thought if he said "Because every time for the past three years you've ordered the same thing" would be rude so instead he said, "Because I'm a mind reader".

Her eyes widened in excitement. Then she met his gaze. She turned her face away to hide her blush.

She was feeling embarrassed.

The waiter returned with two mugs of coffee on a tray. He placed them on the table and left.

Sierra picked up the cuter mug and held it closer to her nose. She inhaled it and gave a happy squeak.

They made use of the best beans in Rose Cafe.

"Delicious," she said as she sipped it.

Jason enjoyed her every reaction. Half an hour later they were done. Jason footed the bills.

By this time, the rain had stopped so there was no need to make use of the umbrella. He put it back in his bag. "Thanks for today," Sierra said as they walked together "I'm so happy".

"Me too," he said.

He walked her home. "See you tomorrow at school," she said as she waved to him.

"Sure," he said as he left. He took out the book he was reading earlier. He read as he walked.

He surely had fun today.

Next chapter