
Meat? Or steak?

Sierra woke up with a throbbing headache. She had been up all night binging her favorite anime series. She had had classes back to back all week. She at least wanted a rewind. Her older brother knocked on her door "Era won't you have breakfast" he asked.

She stared at her alarm clock. 9am already? "I'll be down in 5" she said as she got out of the bed. Her hair was a mess. Her breathe was stinky. She walked to her bathroom and had a quick shower. She also brushed her teeth. Later in the afternoon she was going to have lunch with Jason, her best friend.

She put on sweats and her favorite pair of cargo pants. She then went downstairs for breakfast. It was cereal and fruits. Her brother had already gone for his part time job.

Her phone rang. It was Jason. He was already at the door. She got up and opened up for him. He handed her a box of Reese's Chocolate. "Mom, I'm leaving" she said.

"Okay darling" her mother replied.

The both of them went to their usual stop, the cafe. Sierra wanted to order a meal and not just drinks. " Meat or Steak? " she asked Jason.

He stared at his Liktok. " Choose whatever you want " he said.

She spent at least 15minutes staring at the menu. At long last, she ordered two cups of Cafê du noir. The blackest most bitter coffee available. Jason really didn't care.

After their failed lunch, he walked her home.