
Side Story Hero

*** Important Notice: I have decided to make a few changes to the story to round out the characters. The main plot points will remain the same. I am also removing/ combining some chapters. Alex is your average 16 year old girl except for one problem, she is a walking disaster. She has no coordination, stumbling through her daily life attempting to avoid the destruction of anything and everything around her. Koa is an Elf Warrior of the High Guard. However, his black hair, something only seen in Dark Elves, has caused distrust. In order to prove himself, Koa agrees to embark on a journey to retrieve the three Mysteries of Power, starting with a book. They have nothing to do with each other. Then the two collide (quite literally), and everything changes, for both of them. Suddenly Alex finds herself in a different world stuck with an elf on an adventure of a lifetime. Except Alex is an accident on two legs and Koa has no time to save the world from evil. He’s too busy trying to save it from Alex.

Maria_Mahnic · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 20

'I'm going to kill her.' Koa felt rage and despair as he stared down at what was left of the book. 'I'll kill her.'

Koa felt a strong hand on his shoulder and was firmly pulled back away from the camp fire.

"Well, that's a shame." Adamend now stood beside Koa patting him on the shoulder.

"Ah well. Anyone want some fish? " The wizard gently removed Koa's hands from Alex and casually led her to the other side of the campfire. Koa barely registered what was happening as his knees gave out and he crumpled into a ball on the ground.

"Uh, is he going to be alright?" Alex's voice sounded concerned.

"Oh, don't worry about him. He just needs a little time. Here, let's eat."

'A little time?' Koa could feel his body shake with rage. He took a deep breath to try and gain some composure. Slowly he stood back up, then silently walked to where his weapons lay. Koa picked up his swords and without a word, left the campsite.

Koa wandered away from the campsite with no real purpose beyond getting away from the idiot and the cursed girl. Once he found a large enough clearing, Koa removed the swords from their sheaths and positioned himself in the centre. He took a steady breath. Koa's mind cleared as he began to move. He thought of nothing beyond the movement of his body and the swords that had become an extension of himself. He lost all sense of time as he made graceful movements both quick and deadly, yet beautiful.

The giggling was quiet. Most folk would have missed it. Even those with excellent hearing would think it was nothing more than the rustling of leaves. However, Koa was not like most folk. He stopped his movements and decided to call out to the mischievous creatures before they began their trickery.

"Come on out. I will not harm you. Probably. " Koa mumbled the last part so that the little creatures wouldn't hear him. He waited a moment, relaxing his posture so he appeared less intimidating. However, he kept his swords out. The Pixies were playful creatures, usually friendly. However, that did not remove the fact that there were still quiet troublesome and dangerous when provoked.

Koa hear the creatures giggling again before six little pixies popped out of the bushes. Koa took note of their ragged clothes and wild hair as they fluttered up to him. These were definitely the more social type, that made things easier. If necessary, he could probably bribe them.

"What is it you want little creature of the forest. I do not come with the type of riches you likely seek."

One pixie, perhaps the leader of the little group, fluttered up to Koa's face and kissed him on the nose. The other five giggled as they fluttered around him. Koa sighed, this was a waste of time. He waved his hand to shoo the annoying creatures and turned to sheath his swords.

"We want to play, elf warrior." The leader pixie spoke in its high squeaky voice. "Come play with us."

"I don't have time for your games." Koa started to walk back toward the campsite.

"Just one game. It will be fun. " One of the other pixies flew by Koa's ear, begging him for attention. Koa ignored the creature and continued to the campsite. The pixies followed, fluttering around Koa like black flies.

As Koa neared the campsite, he thought it odd that there were no voices. He was not one for pointless conversation, however, both Adamend and Alex seemed to enjoy the sound of their own voice. So Koa became guarded as he neared the campsite. As the site came into view, Koa scanned the area. No Alex. No Adamend. Did they wander off?

Koa approached the campfire where the firestone continued to produce a flame. He knelt down and looked on the ground. He noticed partially eaten fish, Adamends sack, then skid marks. Koa stood and turned to the first pixie.

"What did you do with them?"

"Ooh, this elf is a clever one." The pixies giggled. "They are not harmed. We want to play hide and seek."

"You hide them?"


"What about the stone around the girl's neck?"

Six little confused faces framed by disheveled hair. "What is this stone? We care not for shiny things. " The pixie responded.

Koa thought a moment. Then he turned to his own pack and began to put on his now dry clothes. The pixies followed clearly excited.

"The elf shall play? We are happy."

"No." Koa had no intention of playing with these annoying creatures. Though, he thought to himself, I should reward them. He shifted through his pack a moment before pulling out a few scrap pieces of fabric. He then turned to the pixies and handed them the gift.

"Here, you can make new clothes from these, right?" At this the pixies were more confused.

"We thank you for the gift but we will not give back your friends. You must find them."

Once Koa had packed his things and strapped on his weapons the prepared to continue his journey to the capital.

"Wait! We will not release them! You must play! " The pixies were becoming distressed and swarming Koa forcing him to stop. He took another breath before explaining.

"The gift is a thank you. You have removed the curse from my presence and also took the idiot wizard off my hands. So, I thank you. " Koa nodded his head in appreciation, then made to leave.

"The curse? What is this curse? " The pixies became confused and started to question Koa when they were interrupted by a loud noise. Everyone looked up to see a plume of smoke rising up from the forest. Moments later and a swarm of pixies flew out of the forest with two rather disheveled looking humans.

"Take them! Take them back! This game is not fun! " The pixies cried to Koa, clearly distressed. "That one is cursed! It is a bringer of bad luck. Take it back!"

Alex was forcibly shoved into Koa's arms, her hair and face covered it dust and ash. The pixies then flew away from the site without a trace. Clearly the game of hide and seek was not a success.

"What did you do to those creatures?" Koa was more shocked then angry.

Alex glanced up at Koa sheepishly.
