
Welcome to create on WEBNOVEL

Create a creator instagram page, Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter etc

Post Pictures Of The Products You Want To Sell including your phone number,email or instagram or Facebook handles so potential customers can reach out to you.

Find  legit vendors that are selling original versions of the products you want to sell on instagram, Facebook,Tiktok or real life. NB: The vendors must be near you or near your customers so at least one legit vendor in every State/region in your country.

Visit pages on instagram that sells same products as you and follow and like  the pages of the people who has commented showing interest in buying the products you want to sell.

To make your page look more realistic post videos of yourself or influencers( ask for the influencers permission before posting their content and tag the influencer as credit) explaining how you style your clothes, how to apply the skincare products, Perfumes, Shoes, whatever you want to sell.

If the Vendor is selling the product for USD 15, you can post it as USD 25 or more but it shouldn't be lower than the legit sellers price or a high unrealistic price. Between 10% to 20% added commission is okay. Always make sure you  know the legit seller or manufacturers price  and their delivery/shipping fee before tagging prices in your post or telling customers prices and always tell customers "prices are subject to change" so they know today's price is different from tomorrow's price.

7. When someone wants to buy let the person pay for the products and the shipping or delivery cost in to your bank account or an other legit account you have.

8. Go to the legit vendor's  shop for pickup before you pay then deliver to your customer through a delivery service company or a dispatch rider or you and the customer can meet in a public place and give it to customer.

9.Make sure you erase all traces of the Vendor you ordered the products from and use your name as the sender or seller if you will be giving it to a dispatch rider or a delivery company. You can even let the rider pickup the package from the vendor,tell the rider to send you a a video of the item so if there is any traces (like their phone number,email or social media handles) of the original vendor you remove it then pay in to the vendor's bank account and tell the rider to deliver to your customer(s)

10. The type of products you can easily make commission on are skincare supplements and skincare products, Perfumes especially Arabian and niche but designer Perfumes too make good sales.  Women's clothes,shoes,bags,jewelries and make ups too.

Women are more likely to buy things online more than men so make sure it's more female or unisex.

11. Post at least 3 times a day or more on your social media handles. Create funny/interesting videos that includes or suggest someone to buy something from you like you can make a video on how unpleasant some people smell at parties then suggest a perfume, deodorant etc but it should be something you can get from a legit vendor and sell to your targeted audience.

12. Do not pressurize potential customers to buy because that will make them think you are a scammer.

13. Look at the pages of bigger and smaller successful businesses and improve daily. Study how they handle things and copy and recreate the ones that favors your  business.

14. I would recommend posting videos and pictures daily on tiktok, instagram, facebook daily as it's easier to go viral on these apps.

15. If you have experienced any skin issues or anything else that you have before and after pictures of you can also post it so other people with the same issues can ask you what you used then you tell them to dm you and you sell the solution you used to clear yours to them at higher price so you can benefit after you buy from the original vendor.

16. This might start as a side hustle but if you put in 3 hours every you it will be your main job.