
Side Character wants to be left alone

"I want to live a lazy, promising, and peaceful life. So dear main characters, please stay away from me. You guys bring too much drama, and it's certainly not my cup of tea." That's what Amel pledged to herself. She thought that she will live a wholesome life if she diligently avoided those troublemakers, but boy...how wrong she was? Male Lead 1: "You are saying that you won't agree with me? You are doing all this because you care for me, right?" Amel: "You've got the wrong idea prince." Male Lead 2: "I follow you because I want to keep you safe." Amel: "No dude. You're just acting like a creep." Male Lead 3: "Please don't leave me. Let me stay by your side." Amel: "I'm just going to the bathroom dude. Take a chill pill." Villain: "Where do you think you're going? Are you trying to leave me?" Amel: "Yes, I will if you keep behaving like a toxic a-hole. Moreover, aren't you supposed to hate my guts or something?" BONUS SCENE: Female lead: "You don't like them. Do you want me to get rid of them for you?" Amel: "No girl. They just cheated off me on a test and got better scores while I barely passed. And don't say such evil things with an innocent face." Maybe Amel's dream of a peaceful life will go straight down the drain. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR BOOK AUTHOR?" _____________________ Disclaimer: This book is an original story written by me and not a translation. Hope that you will enjoy it.

_lukehemmigs36_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Is this reincarnation?

"My lady."

"My lady. Please wake up."

I groaned in irritation when the voice continued to squeal in my ears. Who are these weird people?

I tried to open my eyes and as soon as I opened them, I was blinded by the bright lights.

"My lady! You're finally awake!"

"Thank the heavens! Our lady is finally doing alright!" I heard those squeals again.

Once my vision adjusted to my surroundings, I was greeted by a room - nothing out of the ordinary, right? Wrong, it was the most beautiful, extravagant, and luxurious room I have ever seen. It was brightly lit, with a purple theme, and it was decorated lavishly decorated, and by lavish I mean - straight out of a medieval palace.

My attention was diverted from the grandeur of the room when two ladies appeared in front of me with teary eyes. They were wearing those old black and white maid costumes. One of them was taller than the other and had dirty blonde hair, and the shorter female has dark brown hair.

I guess, it was these two who were squealing earlier, but why in hell are they calling me 'my lady?'

"Noelle, Vanita," the two names automatically left my lips before I even knew it.

The two ladies squealed even louder when they heard my words.

"I can't believe you remember our names, My lady," the brown-haired girl replied.

"We are really glad that you are doing alright, My lady," the other one said.

It felt as if my head will explode from all their talking, so I asked the two of them to leave me alone as these two seem to listen to my commands.

"Please leave me alone for now," I sighed tiredly.

"My lady," the brown-haired girl, or better known as Vanita looked at me with tears brimming in the corner of her eyes. Honestly, she kind of reminded me of a kicked puppy.

"Are you going to fire me, My lady?" Vanita asked. Large teardrops were now freely rolling down her cheeks.

"Eh..." I stared at her in confusion. "Why would I fire you?"

"Because you're talking so politely and you also remembered my name, My lady," Vanita answered with a fearful expression.

"Did I do something wrong? Please don't hit me, My lady."

Vanita was now full-on crying.

I sighed tiredly again. Man...I've been doing that a lot today. "Don't worry. I'm not going to fire you or hit you," I tried to reassure her.

"I just want to be left alone for a while."

"As you wish, My lady," Noelle, the taller one, said.

"Call us if you need something, My lady. Have a good rest," Vanita giggled before leaving the room.

Objectively speaking, I should be doing some serious thinking - assess my situation, you know.

I would've done exactly that, but the bed feels so soft and comfortable, that I couldn't help but lay down again - staring up at the ceiling with a blank mind.

Before I even know it, I felt my eyelids getting heavier, and soon enough - I was out like a light.




"Amel! Amel! Amel !"

It was happening again. I was once again waking up to someone's wailing voice. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Even though I know it's my first time seeing her - her face felt so damn familiar. It was like I'd been seeing her every day.

"Amel, my child!" The woman wailed while bringing me towards her chest and hugging me tightly.

"Mother?" Once again, the words left my lips before I even realized it.

The woman tightened her grip around me as her body shook lightly. She was most probably sobbing.

"Amel, my child, I'm so glad that you're doing alright. I thought that I had lost you when you fell into the lake."

"Fell into the lake?" I couldn't help but ask. I thought I had died in an accident. What is going on about? Am I dreaming? Was my whole conversation with Chad - the Death God just a part of my imagination?

"Don't you remember?" She asked while releasing me from the hug.

"We went on a boat rode in the duchy's private lake, where you stumbled and fell into the lake. I was so scared. My heart was in my mouth," she answered.

"I fell into the lake?"

"Yes you did, Young lady. But the knights were able to rescue you before the situation worsened," a middle-aged man replied. He was neatly dressed and gave out quite a dignified aura.

"I am sorry, but I don't remember anything," I apologized for some unknown reason. I just couldn't bear to see her cry. It was heart-breaking.

"Healer Matias," the woman, now calling herself my mother, turned to face another person - who was standing at the very back of the room - wearing a white lab coat.

"What is Amel saying? She said that she isn't able to remember anything?" her voice was rather sharp and accusing.

"Duchess, it just may be a side effect of the trauma caused by the accidental drowning. Sometimes the victim forgets the memories to subside the pain," Healer Matias answered.

"But the young lady recognized the duchess and she even remembers our worthless names," Noelle said.

"As I said earlier, the young lady only seemed to have suppressed the memories of the accident, and nothing else."

"This will not have any adverse effects on her life?" mother asked the Healer.

"This is just a minor memory lapse, my lady. I can completely assure you that the young lady will have a fairly normal childhood," the Healer reassured my mother.

"That's a good thing to hear. I'm so relieved!" mother gave out a relieved sigh.

"Now, Young lady of De Lavine and Duchess De Lavine, I will take my leave. Rest well," the Healer said before leaving the room.

Wait! De Lavine? Why does it sound so familiar?

The duchess then turned to face me and gave me a gentle smile.

"Why don't you rest my child?" She asked me gently and I could do nothing but smile back at her. She just has that kind of effect, you know.

Before she can continue, a servant entered and informed Mother that she is urgently needed somewhere else.

"I will be there soon," my mother said.

"Yes, Duchess Del Lavine," the servant side while backing, and soon after that mother also left the room – saying that she will come to see me as soon as she finishes her work.

"I want to rest now," I informed the two maids who were waiting on me – Noelle and Vanita.

"Yes, Young Lady Del Lavine," Vanita said.

And then it suddenly struck me.

"What did you just call me?" I sharply asked her, causing Vanita to yelp out in surprise. I apologize for scaring you, Vanita.

"Young Lady Del Lavine. Amel Del Lavine. It's your name," Noelle calmly answered.

And at that time, I felt as if I was struck by lightning. I quickly instructed the maids to leave me alone, and I went up to the mirror that was inside my room as soon as they left.

I controlled the scream that was about to rip out of my throat as soon I saw my reflection.

It wasn't me.

My reflection wasn't there. It was someone else – a child to be more precise. Instead of my grown-up 19-year-old self, it was a young girl no older than 10. She had beautiful, and shiny pink hair that fell up to her lower back, and clear ocean-like blue eyes.

What surprised me, or rather horrified me the most was that I knew this young girl.

It is Amel Del Lavine, from the book 'The Rose of the Eden Garden Academy.'

And it was me.

I have reincarnated as Amel Del Lavine.