
Side Character in a Chat Group

It's hard to become something you desire desperately when you're so out of reach. A dream that has been plaguing his entire mind, only to turn against him, yet that did not stop him from going forward. Maybe he just has to steel his mind again and reach out... ...for the last time. • • • • 'I guess winning for once...feels pretty good, huh?'

Cythiano · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

It's starting...

'Please help my child! I beg you, please!'

'I'm sorry.'

'No...no...NO, because of you, if you-'


'Why?! Why!? Why!? ARGHHH-'

'Calm down, this isn't-'





"What a pitiful woman, you're still reminiscing about that? Or is this just one of those moments where you think 'I should've done this and that?' Quit your nonsensical bullshit and accept it.'

It was just moments ago when he arrived at this place.

A place only he can access, a so-called Abyss and Void where there's nothing but endless darkness encompassing every part.

Supposedly, it was a mental simulation technique taught to him by his dad's mentor, where the user of this technique breathes in a particular way and immerses themselves deep into meditation.

A technique specializing in Image Training that requires tremendous amounts of imagination, creativity, training, and most important of all, talent.

But it was different for Edison. He mastered the technique early on, but instead of him having to visualize an opponent he can fight with to train, he got this instead...

The toughest opponent he had ever faced for more than an entire decade, this guy had molded him into a terrifying fighter.

This opponent of his was the reason why Edison couldn't find someone who can match him in terms of skill. There wasn't anyone remotely close to this guy's level of strength and expertise, not even him.

Even after fighting the same person for years on end, utilizing every strategy and technique, he could think of, not once could he land a single hit, and because of that, Edison probably held the longest record of getting his ass handed to him.

Embarrassing? To the outsiders, maybe. However, it was nothing more than failing and learning all over again for him. A beginner might've lost their mind, but it's exactly the reason why they can never reach the level of a grandmaster as they are the ones who have failed more than a rookie who has ever tried.

"You done praising me?"


In a way, this kind of training was close to lucid dreaming but on a different level. It all felt too real.

"Get up."

The pain, the experience, and most of all...

"You fucking weakling, get up before I smack the shit out of you."

...It's a wonder that Edison still endured with this guy's personality.


"I suddenly have an unbearable itch to obliterate you...did you insult m-"


"-me...you stupid fuck."

It dodged blows after blows that were thrown at him, not minding anything at all, as it looked at Edison calmly releasing a flurry of combinations.

"Fine by me, I'll enjoy this for a while."

As a result, it immediately counterattacked, mimicking his style.

"Hmmm? Hey..."

Dodging an elbow strike and blocking a high kick, it suddenly scrutinized Edison as something irked it.

"You seem different again...did you take something?"

"Why should I."

Answering his question, they continued fighting, as tens of strikes were thrown in between seconds. While doing so, it suddenly felt like having a conversation amid combat.

"Heh, you look stoned, you doing good?"



Getting his solar plexus caved in, Edison got thrown away like a ragdoll, before steadying his feet on the ground.

The opponent before him was still in a sidekick pose, smoke seemed to come out of its feet.

"You sure?"


It looked at the bloodied Edison with a blank expression.

"You fucking-!"


As it was about to rush forward, a calm and soothing breeze brushed its skin before sudden pain accompanied it.




However, what shocked it most wasn't the pain, rather it was Edison, the person who looked like he was on the verge of death disappearing right before its eyes.


It speechlessly muttered that word. Millions of thoughts rampaged throughout its head, but it could only say that. Nothing more nor less.

Touching its grazed ink-like skin on his cheek, black blood slowly dripped down.

Turning his head around, it was surprising to see Edison collapsing several meters away from him.

Someone like that guy? This lowlife who struggled needlessly against him for the past decade injured him!?


'He' crazily laughed, before he curled into a ball.

"HAHAHAHAH- OH dear, this fucker..."

Wiping the imaginary tears that come out of 'his' black eyes, he got on his feet and walked towards the fallen one.

"...I failed."

Hearing this guy's muttering with no emotion, 'his' mouth suddenly twitched in anger and annoyance.


"Oi, you dumbass."

It crouched down and randomly poked Edison's body who visibly flinched because of the pain coursing through his body.

"Failed you say? You really are the biggest dumbass...*sigh* Whatever, get out of my sight, you fool."

'He' kicked him away, and watched as Edison's body turned into particles of lights.

Along with him, came the crumbling of the Void, shattering like broken pieces of glass.


The person who fought Edison took a seat on the ground and watched everything around him slowly but surely disintegrate including himself.

"Tch, how annoying. To think I'd see this shit again."




"Ah! What should I do?! Should I go knock on his door? No, he's surely still pissed. Maybe I'll wait a bit and see-"

The young woman nervously paced in front of Edison's room, contemplating whether she should do it or not.

Though, as if a sudden rush of courage built within her, she yelled out,

"Edi! Y-you good...bro?"

'Screw it! His well-being is above anything else! Wait, doesn't that contradict my point...'

Realizing her own stupidity Madison tensed up, nervous because she yelled his name out loud without knowing the possible consequences.

"Brother! NO-!"


Speaking of the devil, the person slowly opened his door. His one eye peeked around only to see his sister in a pose that creeped him out.

"Madi, you look unwell."

"Hehe...Edi. How's it going- And stop looking at me like that you creepy perv-"

Saying so without a sense of shame in the position she was in, Madison looked up only to see her brother closing the door on her.

"Wait! I came to check on you, jeez can't you take a joke?"

Edison looked at her foot between his door and doorframe...

...only to slam it harder.



He looked at her jumping in place while blowing on her foot with a whiny face.


A sudden idea crawled its way into his mind, and in his opinion, it would do no harm to try it.

So, without further ado, he mimicked a certain individual's behavior and with a 'mocking' tone said,

"What, gonna cry?"

With that, Edison slammed the door shut ignoring the dumbfounded look he got from his sister.


"...Did he just mock me?"

Her evident shock was displayed as the pain seemed insignificant compared to what she just witnessed.

Most importantly though, Madison looked at the closed door.

'He...mocked me for the first time...'

And without her noticing, her face had reddened up a bit, as her breathing got a tad bit heavier.




It was already nighttime, as Edison continued doing his own thing such as familiarizing himself with something he finally achieved.

"...I feel unsafe."

Stopping in his place, Edison observed his surroundings, scrutinizing every single detail.

Just now a sense of 'danger' unanticipatedly made him tense his muscles up to their maximum. Despite that, it was relatively quick and from the information his brain had perceived, the level of threat would be categorized as 'not that dangerous, but keep your guard up'.

It was weird since his kind of sense would only perceive an intent from an individual, a dangerous one at that too.

So, who could it be?

Edison suddenly cocked his head back and coldly stared at his door.

'Is it Madi or...'


The reason he only thought about those two possibilities, was because security was incredibly tight around the building they were in. Elite assassins couldn't even hope to penetrate through before alarms sounded out and skilled guards would surround them.


Hearing the word come out of his own mouth, made him sick to the stomach, however acting upon his personal feelings would never outweigh rational thinking, even if it meant...family.

He was about to question himself if he truly felt that way but a not-so-expected voice came from behind.

"...How'd you find out?"

And from the shadows, she comes. As silent as a cat and deadly as a reaper.

With realization slowly making him go numb, Edison clenched his fists.

Because he felt it.

His senses.

Every single bit of it just confirmed it.

Danger, it was screaming.

A threat. Something to eliminate to ensure his own safety.



He calmly asked the woman in front of him.

"Why you ask? Are you not curious about how I came into your room?"

"That's unnecessary."

He made up his mind.

"You're a threat."

He got into a posture.

"I will-"

"No, you won't."

His mother said without a single care in the world. A sincere smile had appeared on her face.

"You could never do it, right?"

She slowly made her way toward him.

And just like that, she was in front of her flesh and blood.

She looked up to see her son towering over her, yet that didn't scare her one bit.

"Your gaze wavers, you are unnoticeably yet understandably shaking."

The woman he once knew as his mother, circled him.

"Edi, are you scared?"

She was behind him now.

"Don't be. I'm here for you. See?"

She hugged him from behind while resting her head on his back.


"Asking the same question again, Edi? Shouldn't we enjoy this moment together? Just you...and me~"

As her hands went lower to their destination, she suddenly froze in place.


"E-Edi why?"

His mother shockingly asked in pain while putting pressure on her stomach.

Blood quickly began to pour out as Edison emotionlessly pierced the woman's stomach again.


Her pained voice didn't make him hesitate one bit, as for the reason why...

"You're not her."


"You're not my mother."

With a swift motion, he slit her neck.

"You're an imposter, disguising as her."

He crouched down and coldly looked at the figure wriggling hopelessly on the ground trying to crawl their way to the door.

"You dug your own grave, falling into a trap far deeper than yours."

Cleaning the small knife coming out of his sleeved shirt, he observed the corpse slowly turning into someone else.

'And...she would never do that.'

Edison looked out the window into the night.

"It's starting."


"Edi! Are you oka- oh my fucking god! You killed this bitch?!"

Madison came in with a kick breaking his door, and exclaimed disgustingly, looking at the corpse.

Soon after...


His real mother peeked from behind as she worriedly looked at her son.

As for Edison...

'This is awkward.'

He looked at the both of them with a blank stare.

"She tried to kill me."

He then pointed with his head towards the dead body.

"So, I killed her."


"...so simple."





[History's Strongest Loser is online!]

[Lover of Free Food is online!]

[32 unread messages...]

[Lover of Free Food: Hey, rival friend, do you see this?]

[History's Strongest Loser: I'm not your rival, besides I do see this.]

[Lover of Free Food: Sure, sure. But should we wait for them? I mean, do we have a choice?]

[History's Strongest Loser: Of course, we should wait for them. For now, we should just interpret this message with our understanding of this thing.]

[Lover of Free Food: Hmm, I see you're right! Hehehe, finally something exciting! I'm craving this!]

{Quest Pending: Choose wisely...}