
Side Character DxD

Motohama isn't an important character. He doesn't even get a last name. His character Archetype is Perverted Best Friend. He never engaged with the plot of the world around him. He is, without any question, A Side character. Until I took over, that is. ------------------------------------------- This is NOT a Power Fantasy, Motohama will not be getting a Harem and killing Satans in the first 30 chapters!!! This story is a Slow Burn, Motohama is a Side Character, he's not like Issei where he's going to suddenly defeat all the bad guys and get all the girls, this isn't that kind of story. If you are looking for a Power Fantasy, you have come to the wrong place.

Netapel · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 15: Great Tutor Motohama

Two weeks passed since Hachiman started training me in the afternoons. Four out of five after-school afternoons were spent training with him, leaving one day for myself and the weekend for whatever Susanoo was planning to do with me.

Which mostly included more of what Hachiman was doing, minus the repeated fights against living statues.

I also started training with my new sword, under Hachiman's watchful eye of course. He said something about how my sacred gear didn't knock me out when I used it on the sword, but personally, I don't really remember what happened when I used it.

Susanoo says it has something to do with "Spirit Inheritance," A sort of reincarnation method where powerful souls escape the wheel of life and death and send their experience and memories to a body.

So apparently I'm the reincarnation of some ancient swordsman.

I brought up the question "Will the spirit overwrite my memories and cause me to disappear?" And Susanoo merely laughed it off and told me it's not gonna happen, so that's good.

Other than my training continuing, I haven't managed to use my Sacred Gear again, which is kind of a bummer, since that means Hachiman might make the training harder.

But outside of the supernatural side of things, life's been going well.

School's been a breeze, Aika's still not at the top spot of our grade, and The Boys have been hanging out more often in the morning on our way to school, seeing as I'm busy during the afternoon.

Speaking of busy in the afternoon...

"Motohama-Boss-Senpai!!!" A yell sounded out in the street as the boys and I were walking back home during my day off from Hachiman.

"Oh no, It's her," Oki whispered as he quickly stepped away from me, Followed by Issei who looked at me with eyes full of pity.

"Sorry bro, We can't help you," The red-shirted pervert told me before a kohai-shaped missile impacted my body and threw me onto my back.

"Ruru-chan," I said simply, not bothering to point out to her that she was once again sitting on top of me.

Some people might be jealous of me right now, seeing that I have a cute girl sitting on me.

There is nothing cute about what's going on, my ribs are once again aching and my friends are looking at me with pity. Her hair tickling my nose only makes this all the worse.

This sight of me is pathetic, if Aika or anybody else from school saw me right now my reputation would be ruined.

"So Senpai! What are we learning today?" Ruruko asked as her face got awfully close to my own, causing more hair to hit me.

I think some got inside my eye.

"We're continuing with Root Functions, just like we did last week," I tell her and push her off of me, making her drop into a tactical roll and jump onto her legs, all while I'm still in the process of standing up.

"Then hurry up already!" She jumped in place excitedly, "I have a test next week and Dad said he'll hire an actual tutor if I don't get above 90!" She started pulling my arm, dragging me to my own house.

Leaving behind my two best friends, looking at me with pity and remorse.

"Then let's make sure your dad keeps paying me," I said and started to walk faster, catching up with the energetic young girl.



"Yes, Oki?"

"Do you think Nimura-chan likes Ken?" Oki Matsuda asked as he looked at the back of his best friend, growing smaller in the distance as his tutoring student dragged him along.

"Probably," Issei answered, shrugging his shoulders at that question.

"PROBABLY?! Shouldn't you be mad about this?!" Oki turned to look at Issei, shocked at his nonchalant answer.

"Why? Because I wanna' be Harem king? Relax," Issei smiled at Matsuda, "You know what they say, right?" Issei lifted his hand up and formed a fist in front of him.

Oki, understanding what was going on, smiled at his Perverted friend and also raised his fist.

""Bros before hoes"" The two said in tandem, their friendship growing stronger than ever before.

"Also her Oppai aren't that big," Issei added at the end, causing the Matsuda boy to burst out laughing.


Sitting next to the living room table, notebooks and paper in front of me, I watch Ruruko try to once again find a solution to the equation I drew up for her.

And as I waited for her to come to the conclusion of this part of our lesson, she asked me a question.

"Senpai?" She asked quietly, her voice almost as soft as that time a few months ago, when she first asked me to tutor her, and I embarrassed myself by ruffling up her hair and saying those cringe-inducing lines.

I still get shivers when I think about how cringy I was just a few months ago, ugh.

"Yes, Ruru-chan?"

"I want you to know, That even if Dad hires a new tutor, I-" She paused and looked away, biting her lip as she vibrated in her spot.

"That you...?"

"I don't want you to stop tutoring me!" She yelled, her eyes streaming tears as she looked up at me, "I always have so much fun here, You're nothing like those stuffy teachers dad likes to bring, and Mom doesn't have any problems with you! So even if I need to use my own allowance, please keep teaching me!" She bowed her head to me from her Lotus sitting position, that must be horrible on the legs.

"Nah," I tell her easily, causing her to pause before she looks up at me.

"WHAT?! Why not?!" She asks with a yell.

"I don't want you to use your own allowance for this," I reply easily, my hand moving to run at my ears as her yells echoed around the living room.

"So you'll stop tutoring me?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I'll keep tutoring you, Don't worry," I smirked to myself, "What kind of amazing teacher would I be if I just let my cute Kohai down like that?"

Ruruko looked at me with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes.

"So as I said to you long ago, chin up. Now let's make sure your father doesn't find a reason to stop paying me," I smiled to myself, ignoring the part of me that's cringing at what I just said.

"Senpai..." Ruruko whispered before she jumped forward and pulled me into a hug, the pencils and papers on the table flying around as the girl shook the small table between us.

"There there," I say calmly as I rub her back.

"You're the best, Senpai," Ruruko whispers as she tightens her hug.

"I know," I smile at that before I quickly let go of her hug, "Now back to the lesson, enough distractions."

"WHAT?! Senpai you are the worst!" Ruruko yelled with a laugh as she looked at me, a wide smile on her face before it scrunched with disgust as she looked at the math equation on the paper.

Luckily for everyone, Ruruko got a 97 on her test.