You all are my helpers

Buts helpers are not the solution.

My solution is FULL MOON.

She is the truth and truth is all about the invisible things.

But she can hear it,

He can Allow it,

They both can feel it,

They both can crack it,

Middles can chear it,

Distances are so long, but law's of CZ states that, distances are directly proportional to the deepness 🖤

In boths relation.

And no one can define our relation ,

no one can measure our deepness

no one can see the visibility of our relation,

No one can chase us,

no one can be like us,

no one is there just you

and me and me and you

couse we r simple but our relation

Ohhh my goddddd


I can't explain ☹️

Plzz came back aa

I can't breathe

without you there's a dark room

Without you there's many people's

But they cant take your place

Couze you are the special one you know, i am waiting, and waiting , and will wait till you didn't get my name after ur first name, ,

I want all my time with you

I wanna make reels with you

I wanna give u a feeling that

You are the luckiest girl in the world

And i will do it.

I have no money

But at any cost i will prove it

I will prove it

Next chapter