
Sick Talent

Ellie, a young woman just turning 18, has spent her entire life battling a terminal illness, confined to her home by overprotective parents who fear losing her. Despite her sheltered existence, Ellie harbors a remarkable secret: she is an internet sensation, a popular singer whose voice has captivated fans worldwide, all from the confines of her bedroom. Her identity, however, remains a mystery to all, even her most devoted followers. Ellie's world is turned upside down when she discovers that someone is impersonating her on a music tour, lip-syncing to her songs and reaping royalties that rightfully belong to her. Driven by a desire to reclaim her identity and receive the recognition she deserves, Ellie makes the bold decision to run away from home. On her quest, Ellie crosses paths with Max, a mysterious and resourceful young man who becomes her ally. Along with her best friend Adam, the trio faces a series of daunting challenges that test their resolve and commitment. Through this adventure, Ellie finds herself experiencing life in ways she never imagined-discovering new freedoms, forming deep connections, and uncovering a new sense of self. As she gets closer to confronting her imposter, Ellie is faced with a heart-wrenching decision: should she reveal her true identity to the world and embrace her dream, or continue to hide, knowing that her illness limits her ability to sustain her newfound life?

Pocahontas_Music · Teen
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20 Chs

Chapter 1: The Songbird in the Cage

Chapter 1: The Songbird in the Cage

Eleanor "Ellie" James woke up to the sound of her alarm clock gently beeping. She groggily reached out to silence the persistent buzz, yawning as she opened her eyes to another day confined within the four walls of her bedroom. Today marked her eighteenth birthday, but there was no joy, no excitement in her heart. It was just another day in her life, another day a prisoner of her own body.

Her room was a sanctuary woven of faded dreams and unspoken wishes, decorated with posters of famous musicians, unplayed vinyl records, and an acoustic guitar resting against the wall—her only real link to the outside world. Beyond these walls, Ellie knew there was a bustling life filled with adventures she had only imagined—a world she had never seen, thanks to the terminal illness that had claimed her freedom since birth.

Her parents, driven by an overwhelming love and a paralyzing fear of losing her, had surrounded her with all the comforts they could provide, yet they had smothered her spirit, too. They didn't know about the secret part of Ellie's life; the part that existed beyond their watchful eyes.

Ellie crossed the room and sat down at her desk, flipping open her laptop. The screen flashed to life, displaying a cascade of messages and notifications. To the world hidden behind her screen, she was known as "Elysia," an enigmatic and ethereal online persona with a voice that sang of heartache, hope, and everything in between. She had built a following of millions solely through her music, her voice a beacon for those seeking solace and understanding in a chaotic world.

Yet, despite her immense popularity, no one knew Elysia's face or her true identity. She had chosen anonymity to protect herself and to shield her parents from the terrifying reality of her ailment. It was safer this way... Or so she thought.

With practiced ease, Ellie opened her daily routine with scanning through fan messages and comments. But today, something was different. As she scrolled through the usual praise and support, a headline from a popular music blog caught her eye: "Rising Star 'Elysia' Embarks on Nationwide Tour!"

Her heart stopped.

What tour? It couldn't be. The unease bubbled into full-blown panic as she clicked on the link. There, plastered across the page, was a picture of a girl around her age, performing to a sold-out crowd. The girl was an imposter, lip-syncing Ellie's songs, and she was claiming to be Elysia.

Ellie's mind raced with questions. Who was this girl? How had she managed to steal her work? Staggering from the sudden weight of betrayal, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. As overwhelming as it was, this could be her chance, her catalyst to change everything. She couldn't stay confined any longer; she needed to confront this imposter and reclaim what rightfully belonged to her.

As the evening sun cast long shadows across her room, Ellie made up her mind. She would leave—leave her cage and dive into the unknown world she had only dreamed of. With a resolve she had never felt before, she packed a small bag with essentials: her medication, a few clothes, her guitar, and of course, her laptop.

As she snuck out of her room, out of her house, and into the vast, uncharted evening, Ellie felt the weight of her decision settle on her shoulders. What lay ahead was uncertain, but for the first time in her life, she was free. She wasn't just fighting for herself anymore; she was fighting for her identity, her voice, and her dreams.

Little did she know, the journey she was about to embark on would not only lead her to confront her imposter but would also bring her closer to a truth she had never imagined—a truth that would test her strength, reshape her spirit, and forge a bond with a mysterious stranger who would change her life forever.