
Siblings Reborn In MHA

I was just a normal person. I was just someone that loved a certain someone. I was just someone with a twisted morality hidden beneath a mask. I had a sister. She was similar to me. Maybe we craved each other in a way that was not allowed in this society. Was this why this was happening? Was this the reason that the one who was my whole life was taken away from me...Right in front of me? . . . . . . . What happens when two individuals with twisted mentalities that only cared about each other get reborn in My Hero Academia? . . . Chaos

ILoveChaos · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

To Slowly Move On [Part 4]


The chapter kinda stretched.....Uhm well nvm.

[3600 Words]~


Akira returned from school and sat down in front of the T.V. Switching it on he switched it to a news channel instead.

"Latest Report: 3 Kids from the prestigious Fuyu Junior High School have been reported missing for the last 2 days. From the investigation till now we can conclude that they have been kidnapped and the last location of their mobiles was shown to be in an abandoned warehouse nearby.

After the Police investigated the warehouse many clues were found. A lot of bloodstains were also found in the warehouse.

The police are still trying to figure out who the culprits are. Please make sure to keep yourself and your children safe. Stay tuned for the latest update on our news chann-" He switched the T.V off.

He made sure there was no link back to him in any way. He had his phone messed with, Which would cause the location shown at that time to be at his house.

As for the gang members, He drugged them in the name of a reward and took care of them separately. He couldn't leave loose ends. Since he had already gone down this path then there was no more leeway for any kind of mercy or hesitation.

He was pretty sure he hadn't touched anything besides the items he already had on hand. So there shouldn't be any fingerprints of his left as well.

*Sigh* 'When did murder become a casual thing for me?'

His original plan was never to murder them so he hadn't prepared many alibis but he was still pretty sure he wouldn't get caught.

But his luck seemed pretty bad as he heard the sound of the doorbell. He furrowed his brows.

'Mother and Father aren't supposed to come till late and there are still two days before Sakura comes back.' He went over to the door and peeked through the door hole. His eyes widened as he saw one young police officer along with a middle-aged police officer.

The Younger police officer was around his height and had black hair and eyes with a fit body. He looked to be in his early twenties.

The Middle-aged police officer was considerably smaller in height. He was fat and half his head was bald. His eyes and hair were black as well. He seemed to be in his mid-forties.

Akira stood there for few minutes till the doorbell rang again. He narrowed his eyes as panic flashed across them before it immediately disappeared and his face shifted to his usual dull look as he opened the door.


A Few Minute Before The Door Bell Rang

"Say Ojiro-san why are we here again?" The younger police officer complained to the older police officer now named as Ojiro.

"Shut up Toshiro, Every aspect in a case must be covered. I'll let this slide since I personally know your father but don't speak like this in front of anyone else again or you won't be able to achieve much in your career." Since Toshiro was the son of his good friend he decided to give him some reasonable advice.

"As for why we are here? Apparently, the three kids that disappeared had started bullying some girl in their class and a few days after that the three of them were kidnapped. Pretty coincidental don't you think?" He was expecting a smart reply after sharing these details but he was immensely disappointed.

"Uhm, Are you trying to say the parents of the girl kidnapped them? Isn't that stupid?" Toshiro scratched his head in confusion. According to the students, the bullying didn't cause any harm besides a few bruises.

"You didn't check the full report, did you?"

Toshiro avoided his gaze and started whistling nervously.

"*Sigh* Since we're already here I'll give you a quick rundown. The family consists of four people, The parents, and their two children.

One is the girl who was getting bullied and the other was a boy a year older than her.

While the kid isn't a primary suspect for this case we still have to question him"

"But doesn't that mean the other sibling is only 14 years old?"

"Yes, He wasn't on our radar at first but we received some intriguing information from his school."


"Yes, Apparently his sister was mentioned during an argument and he seemingly lost his mind as he brutally beat the kid up. What actually made this more interesting was that some students said that his face remained the same throughout the whole ordeal, His expression never changed.

He didn't seem to have any violent tendencies before this. So we can assume he gets emotionally unstable when something is related to his sister.

If you had read the other report you would've known that the other sibling is actually what you could call a perfect student, was at the top of various sports, never scored less than a perfect score also trained in various martial arts." Said Ojiro, Obviously finding it hard to believe this himself but he knew that only the truth was present on the report.

Toshiro was awe-struck by these details.

"He seems like some kind of protagonist belonging to a fantasy novel," he murmured with clear disbelief. "No, No, Protagonists like these are supposed to be super handsome or something. I refuse to believe someone like this exists."

Oblivious to Toshiro's murmurs Ojiro continued "We suspect that he might be obsessed with his sister and I don't think I need to further elaborate on how far obsessive people can go but then again this is all baseless speculation without actual proof."

Toshiro's mind was working on overdrive. 'A Yandere as well!? What the fuck. If that was actually true then doesn't that mean he murdered the kids that bullied his sister.' Toshiro gulped nervously and shook his head erasing such thoughts.

'I shouldn't mix up reality with anime.' Before he could think any further the door opened and a handsome teenager came into his view. The teenager had a dull look on his face as he asked in an emotionless voice. "Can I do something for you Officers?"

Ojiro looked over at the kid and wondered what made the kid so dull.

"Well, Young man, we would like to talk with your parents." Obviously, he wanted to catch the kid off guard. Toshiro just stood by the side letting Ojiro do the work while he himself was still trying to cope up with the fact that Protagonists existed.

"No, Both of them have gone to work and won't come till late." Akira could tell that they were here for him but were intentionally changing the topic.

"I see. Can we come in then?"

"Yes" Akira nodded and led both of them to the couch.

They sat down in front of each other.

"Would you like to have anything? Tea or coffee?"

"Ah, No the weather has been quite heated for the past few days, Coldwater would be preferable."

Akira went to the kitchen and returned with two glasses of water.

Handing it to them Ojiro started to drink it and ended up with a satisfied expression.

As for Toshiro, He was looking at the glass of water cautiously 'How unprofessional Ojiro-San, The kid was a possible Yandere and you didn't even suspect him of drugging our drinks?' Obviously satisfied with his deduction he looked over at Ojiro first and seeing him fine he drank his water as well.

"So may I know the reason for your visit?"

"Well" Ojiro glanced at Toshiro and returned his gaze to Akira, He pulled out three photographs from his pocket. "Do you know these three?"

Glancing at the three photos Akira's face remained the same but his mind was working at hyper speeds. "No Officer, I do not."

"I see" This time he took out another photo. "Do you know him?"

Looking at the picture a name appeared in his mind. 'Oriyama' He needed to be cautious of whatever he said from now on. No matter what he was still a 14-year-old and inexperienced and he knew a single slip-up could potentially separate him and his sister.

"Yes, He's my classmate and friend from middle school."

"Hmm, He said that you asked him to get the names of the ones that bullied your sister in school. Is this true?" He locked his fingers together as he narrowed his eyes at Akira trying to find anything suspicious with his behavior.

"Yes, I did but what does that have to do with you being here?" He questioned back.

"You see these three have gone missing only a day or two after you asked for their names but you denied recognizing them a few minutes ago." He didn't continue further and kept on looking at Akira. He was playing with words here.

"As you said, I only asked for their "Names" not their appearances, So it would be quite obvious that I don't know how they look" Akira countered back in a calm voice.

'Give up Ojiro-san don't confront the potential protagonist like this who might even be a yandere, Who knows he might just kill you in your sleep and get away with it.' Thought Toshiro while noticing the tension in the air.

"Then what were you going to do after getting their names?"

"Obviously, Confront them and ask them to stop bullying my sister"

"But you've shown to have quite the violent tendencies whenever your sister is mentioned. After all, you sent someone to the hospital just for mentioning your sister I don't think you would have any less of a reaction compared to your sister getting hurt." Ojiro didn't give Akira a chance to rest and asked another question.

To be honest he was being a bit aggressive with him but the kid in front of him just rubbed him in the wrong way. His years of experience were telling him that something was wrong with the kid.

"Sigh, I.... I admit I was a bit heavy-handed but that was a year ago and I regret going that overboard actually. People grow officer and so have I. I would've calmly asked them to stop and if they didn't I would politely report them at their respective school about the situation" He said while flashing them a small smile.

Ojiro nodded. He didn't have anything personal against the kid it was just that something felt off.

'Bullshit' Thought Toshiro but he kept his thoughts to himself

"Where were you 2 days ago and what did you do that day?"

"I was at my home studying." He bluntly retorted without saying anything else.

Ojiro once again nodded.

"So where is your sister? Haven't seen her till now."

"She's gone to a concert with her friend." He was getting mildly irritated, He didn't want his sister to be dragged into this.

"I see. I guess we will leave then." Ojiro didn't really have anything else to ask so he got up and left towards the door while slapping Toshiro on the shoulder indicating him to follow.

Akira followed them to the door and opened it for them.

"Thank you for your cooperation and sorry for taking so much of your time." Said Ojiro as he walked through the door.

"Ah, It's fine officer you were just doing your job. I hope you will be able to find the three of them. Even if they bullied my sister they definitely don't deserve this, I wish you the best of luck in finding them." He said with a sad smile on his face.

Ojiro deeply looked at Akira before nodding and leaving after saying his final piece,

"We will"

Saying this he left along with Toshiro who just followed him.

Glancing back Toshiro saw Akira slowly close the door but for a brief moment, his gaze matched Akira's as a chill went down his spine.

He shuddered and started walking a bit faster.

Ojiro weirdly looked at him "What's wrong with you?"

"Ahem, Nothing, What do you think about him, Sir?"

Ojiro didn't answer immediately. After a moment of silence, he responded "The kid was too stiff, He barely moved or reacted to what I said. His expression didn't even change once during the questioning besides the fake pity he showed at the end. To be honest there was a high chance that he was the culprit but unless we find a definite clue we most likely won't reappear here."

"Fake Pity?" Toshiro was confused it sounded genuine to him.

"Hmph! That's why you are still a naive brat. His facial expression and tone were almost perfect but you didn't notice his eyes. His eyes were clearly against whatever he was saying." He harrumphed in dissatisfaction.

Toshiro just nodded like a chicken and followed him taking this experience to heart.


After they left Akira slumped to the ground as his originally stiff body relaxed. While he didn't show it he was indeed nervous throughout the whole ordeal.

"Fuuh~" Sighing in relief he went to his bed and lied down. The previous ordeal was quite mentally taxing for him.

As for the police finding the three of them...he slept with a smirk on his face.


Two days passed peacefully and the police never came back and there were no new reports regarding the three missing kids.

Sakura had also returned from her little trip. Both of them were walking to school together as usual.

"So you didn't tell me how the concert went, Instead you slept like a pig." He teased her.

"Hmph," She pouted and childishly hit his arm.

"I told you I was tired as hell stop teasing me."

"Fine, fine. At least tell me how it went."

"Oh Yeah! It was super great, Me and Aika enjoyed it a lot and you know the best part, WE GOT HER AUTOGRAPH!" She cheerfully jumped around while showing the notebook she had the autograph on.

Looking at her a smile unconsciously spread across his face.

"Did you get one for me?"


"I didn't know you also like her I-It's not my fault. I'm not giving you mine." She quickly hid her notebook and stuffed it in her bag.

"Okay, okay, I was just joking jeez." He wryly smiled.

"Oh yeah I got something for us though" She said while digging into her bag and taking out two keychains.

Akira's eyes widened looking at them. It was a chibi version of him and Sakura.

"Where did you get these from?"

He questioned her curiously while fiddling around with the chibi Sakura.

"Oh! I won a special prize in a contest where I could personally request for two handmade keychains."

He looked at her weirdly. What kind of luck was this? She got personal keychains made and also got an autograph from her favorite idol in her first time of joining the concert.

"You take my version of the keychain while I take yours" She took the chibi Akira and fixed it to her phone and played around with it.

'Cute' He thought while looking at her and fixed the chibi Sakura to his phone as well.

They happily parted ways as Akira's face changed to his usual dull look while Sakura's happy smile slowly faded away as an icy look adorned her face.

"It would be just another day of suffering and childish pranks from my bullies." She muttered hatefully.

She would want nothing more than to make the lives of those who bullied her to hell but because of the tension created in the house due to their parents, she didn't want to add another worry for her brother and escalate the situation.

It was the only reason she was passively responding to the bullying.

She hated her parents. All they did was fight.

Both of them had their own jobs and usually hired a nanny to take care of them when they were younger. Personally, she rarely had any emotional attachment to them. If it wasn't for the fact that her brother might still love them she would've.....

Coming out of her thoughts she realized she reached school and her icy look changed to her cheerful facade.

Reaching her classroom she entered it and sat down on her seat. She and Akira had gotten to school early today so half of the class was empty.

A few of them glanced at her but returned to do whatever they were doing instead of one person.

It was a chubby kid with black hair and eyes.

"Uhm, Hi Sakura, You didn't come to school for so many days." He asked her while lamenting about his friendship with her. He was worried that the bullies would target him if he tried to help her. It was one of his biggest regrets.

Sakura looked at him with indifference before flashing a smile "Nothing, I was just gone on a trip Haru."

"I see" Haru nodded and felt dejected. He could clearly hear the indifference in her voice as if she didn't even want him near her.

He gloomily went back to his seat.

Time passed and everyone came besides three students making Sakura question what was happening and why no one was reacting to it.

School time passed peacefully as the day ended. Confusion was clearly visible on her face. She went over to Haru startling him, "I want to talk."

Haru nodded in daze and followed her ignoring the gazes from the rest of the class.

Arriving outside of the class Sakura looked at him and inquired "Why were the three of them absent today and why is no one talking about them?"

Haru was confused for a little bit before realization dawned on his face. "You were out of town, weren't you? The three of them have gone missing for the past few days. It was all over the news."

Sakura's mind stopped functioning for a minute receiving the unexpected news.

Thousands of thoughts ran through her mind before it got stuck on a particular thought.

'My brother who loves me deeply doesn't react to my wounds, Then sends me away for a few days and after I come back, my bullies suddenly vanish'

She hurriedly shook her head disregarding such a ridiculous thought until...

"To be honest, if I didn't know any better than I thought it might be been your brother because my brother said that the police questioned him about Akira nii-san." He said with self-mockery present in his voice not noticing how deeply shocked Sakura was.

She immediately left school and didn't engage in any further conversation.

"S-Sakura w-wait!" He wanted to apologize but she didn't listen to him and disregarded him.



Akira reached his class and entered it. Around half the class was present and among them was Oriyama.

Oriyama was quite anxious about how Akira would react to him revealing their secret to the police. He himself was suspicious of Akira to be behind the reason for the disappearance of those three kids but he didn't want to think that far.

He hoped Akira would forgive him though.

He looked at the entrance of the class and noticed Akira entering. Akira glanced at him but didn't say anything and sat down in his seat.

While he was mad at Oriyama for going against their agreement he couldn't do anything to him since the police would catch on and the decision of Oriyama was fairly reasonable. He didn't think he was more intimidating than the police.

Oriyama got up from his seat and walked towards Akira but immediately ran back to his seat when he saw what Akira was doing.

He was fiddling around with a chibi version of his sister. Oriyama had no intention to disturb him when 1. One kid got brutally beaten up just by mentioning his sister and 2. Three kids that were bullying his sister disappeared.

He would apologize at some other moment.

School ended and Akira left without paying any attention to the nervous Oriyama.

Reaching the place where he and his sister usually split up, he saw Sakura already waiting for him there. Seeing her without any kind of bruises was quite refreshing, further cementing the idea of his decision being right.

"Hey, How was your day Sakura?" He asked with a smile on his face.

Seeing her brother arrive she launched at him,

"Onii-Chan I got super tired of waiting for you like this, carry me home, Pretty please~"

Looking at her miserable expression he agreed. He was wondering what was up today since Sakura never asked to be carried like this.

He got on one knee and placed his hands behind his back "Hop on"

Sakura jumped on him and tightly wrapped her arms around his neck.

He got up easily as Sakura was quite light so it didn't affect him much.

As he carried her home he asked her again "You didn't answer me though, how was your day?"

"It was pretty great. Much better than usual. Do you know that three classmates of mine might've been kidnapped?"

"Oh, I saw it in the news as well" He responded.

"Do you know that they used to bully me? I'm quite glad they disappeared"

"Did someone bully you? How dare they, you should've told me earlier. It's great they disappeared" He said with resentment apparent in his tone.

Sakura glanced at him and giggled "I wonder who made them disappear though."

"Yeah me too." He blandly responded.

"By the way Onii-Chan~"


She snuggled into his neck as she whispered.

"I love you~"

Akira's footsteps froze as his mind blanked due to the sweetness present in her voice.

He smiled softly and resumed walking.

"I love you too." He muttered.

