
uzumaki scroll part 3

Kushina's room..

Naruto was shocked seeing more of the scroll

[The Senjutsu Eight Trigrams Storage Seal

is designed with multiple layers, each serving as a reservoir for senjutsu chakra. These layers are interconnected through a network of chakra pathways that allow for the controlled flow and distribution of stored senjutsu chakra when needed.

While the seal does not have the ability to absorb senjutsu chakra from the environment, it excels at retaining chakra that the user has already gathered or transferred into it. The seal acts as a stable containment field, preventing the senjutsu chakra from degrading over time.

To safeguard the user from the potential risks of overstorage, the seal is equipped with a fail-safe dispersal system. If the amount of senjutsu chakra within the seal approaches a critical threshold, the excess chakra is harmlessly expelled from the user's body in a controlled manner, ensuring their safety.

In battle, the user can tap into the seal's reserves to bolster their abilities with senjutsu chakra, enhancing their strength, speed, and sensory capabilities. The seal's high capacity allows the user to maintain senjutsu-enhanced states for extended periods without the need for constant meditation or gathering of natural energy.

The creation and maintenance of this seal require a profound understanding of füinjutsu and senjutsu. The user must be adept at chakra control and have a deep knowledge of the chakra system to manage the seal effectively.

The Senjutsu Eight Trigrams Storage Seal represents a significant advancement in chakra storage techniques, providing shinobi with a reliable method to harness the power of nature and utilize it when most needed.]

[Senjutsu Chakra Conduction Extension Seal

Intricately designed to utilize and enhance the storage of senjutsu chakra. It integrates seamlessly with the user's sage mode, transforming the iconic facial markings into a complex network of micro seals.

The seal is not composed of ink but of thousands of microscopic fūinjutsu seals that embed directly into the user's skin. These seals grant the user unparalleled control over their senjutsu chakra, surpassing the efficiency of any tailed beast transformation. The design ensures that the senjutsu chakra is utilized efficiently, allowing for extended use beyond the limitations of standard sage mode.

A key feature of this jutsu is its ability to collect nature energy autonomously. Invisible matrix seals, branching out from the user's back, actively absorb nature energy from the surroundings. This system differs from the storage senjutsu, which requires the user to place seals in the environment. Instead, these matrix seals are mobile and follow the user, channeling absorbed nature energy directly into the storage seal without the need for manual intervention.

The seals operate on a script similar to the Shadow Clone Technique, ensuring immediate transfer of collected energy into the seal. The user can continue to absorb more nature energy after a brief interval of just 2 minutes, making the process highly efficient and continuous.

The user can activate the seal at will, drawing upon the stored senjutsu chakra for enhanced abilities. The system is designed to prevent overaccumulation of senjutsu chakra, if the storage capacity is exceeded, the excess chakra is harmlessly released from the user's body.

offering a sophisticated method for shinobi to harness the power of nature and maintain sage mode with unprecedented control and longevity.]

( Wait a minute this seal mark is the same as mito Uzumaki but it doesn't have to be on your forehead you can apply it on any your body parts now that I look back at it, Tsunade try to recreating the same mark but fail. Tsunade seal only collect chakra not nature chakra thanks to the load of chakra she became immune to any damage but it has its limits, until Sakura learn about using this technique does put a strain on Sakura's body, but it is not explicitly mentioned whether it shortens her lifespan like it does for Tsunade. I think it depending how badly your body is like you lose an arm or you have a hole in your chest. Sadly Tsunade could only use half of the charka that was seal in the mark and the collection speed of charka is slower then the original that we see here)

( host what you mean she can use half didn't she make the Strength of a Hundred Seal)

( well she did invented it but it comes with draw backs like body's cells can only split a certain number of times, the user shortens their natural lifespan whenever she use it.)

[but host isn't both mark the same]

( not really in Tsunade case her mark only collect charka not nature energy that's is a big difference when you do have nature energy aka sage maode user's physical strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, perception, and durability are enhanced. It also turn the natural energy around them into an extension of their body to increase the reach of their attacks, have shown the ability to use natural energy to breathe life into inorganic substances and control them. user can sense chakra around them and can sense attacks without the need to see them.)

[Wait isn't that the same as you been doing in the water fall]

( Pretty much but I don't collect alot of nature energy but thanks to this seal I will able to collect faster and storage it unlike the Ryūchi Cave and Mount Myōboku my speed process will be slower but safer then theirs)

[ wait I thought your ways was a cheat compare to theirs host]

(Ya right their ways are the cheats in the Ryūchi Cave you need past a test with three snakes , one must be bitten by the White Snake Sage, who injects them with natural energy. According to legend, if one's body is strong enough to withstand said injection, it will accept the power without reservation. If not, the snake will devour the person whole.

In the Mount Myōboku have devised several tools to make learning Sage Mode easier. By applying a special oil, the applicant's body will start passively taking in natural energy.)

[Body Remodeling Enhancement Technique

This jutsu is a high-level enhancement technique that accelerates the body's natural healing and strengthening responses to trauma. It operates on the principle of hyperstimulating the body's repair mechanisms to build resilience and strength.

Upon activation, the jutsu sensitizes the user's body to damage. When the user sustains an injury, the jutsu amplifies the perceived trauma, triggering an intensified healing response. This process not only repairs the damage but also reinforces the affected area, making it more durable against future harm.

The technique works by enhancing the user's cellular regeneration and fortification processes. It causes the body to overcompensate for injuries, leading to the development of tougher tissues and a more robust physique over time.

In the heat of battle, this jutsu ensures that every

wound the user receives ultimately contributes to their physical development. As a result, the user emerges from each fight stronger than before, with their body adapting to become more resistant to the types of damage previously experienced.

The Body Remodeling Enhancement Technique requires a user with exceptional chakra control and a deep understanding of their own physiology. There is a risk of overexertion, as the body's resources are heavily taxed during the repair and enhancement process.

While the jutsu offers significant long-term benefits, users must be cautious not to sustain overwhelming damage that could outpace the body's ability to heal. Proper rest and recovery are essential to allow the enhancements to fully integrate into the user's physiology.

The Body Remodeling Enhancement Technique is a powerful tool for shinobi seeking to push their physical limits, offering a path to ever-increasing strength through the trials of combat.]

( I see this similar to Tsunade but she only heals her body not making her body strong enough to resist damage, well she is a genius for just creating weak copy of the Uzumak mark that only her grandmother mito Uzumaki show her a few times.)

[Regenerative Amplification Technique

This subcomponent of the Body Remodeling Enhancement Technique is a regenerative jutsu that unlocks the body's latent potential for healing.

The Regenerative Amplification Technique taps into the body's primal healing capabilities, which are typically dormant in humans post-embryonic development. It modifies the genetic regulators that limit cell proliferation and differentiation, allowing for the regeneration of entire limbs and organs, much like the original regenerative abilities found in the womb.

By amplifying the body's healing factor, this jutsu accelerates the repair process at a cellular level. It overrides the genetic checkpoints that prevent excessive growth, enabling the body to rebuild complex structures that would normally be irrecoverable.

In the midst of battle, this technique provides the user with a formidable advantage, allowing them to recover from severe wounds that would incapacitate ordinary shinobi. It ensures that the user can continue fighting even after sustaining critical injuries.

Recognizing the complexity of the adult human body, the jutsu is calibrated to work in harmony with the user's current physiological state. It ensures that the regenerative process is controlled and precise, avoiding the potential for unchecked growth or malignancies.]

( seriously at this point the Uzumaki clan were at the peak of God level )

Next chapter