
do you actually know the real Naruto

Kushina and Minato house....

( Damm this place was hard to find well that explains why I couldn't find this place, ya she is an Uzumaki.)

[What is place host]

(My parents house aka my house that I should been living. Sadly this place has too many seal ,well that is seems in my eyes but this place has two strong seals one making this place invisible and the other a barriers that Noone can enter only Uzumaki member may pass.)

[Ya but why you want to find this place badly it's not like it has something worth stealing]

( haha did you forget I show you the seals I put on my gigai)

[ ya it was amazing seal]

( I see you don't know much about seal I use five seals just to cover my charka it should of taken only one seal I'm still a noob compared to a real seal master. So that's why I'm here to learn how to improve it, the only person can teach is my own mother.)

[ but host your mother is dead is she not.]

( you sure are slow jay that's why I'm here, it's fill with treasure plus it looks like someone tried to break in probably danzo and third Hokage. Those fools aren't even seal master trying steal something that doesn't belong to them.)

[I see they also want learn about seals as well]

(Well ya because my mother has the Uzumaki clan scroll and my father has Flying Thunder God Technique in this house.)

[ wait couldn't the third Hokage learn the flying thunder God technique without entering this place host.]

(Mhmm... not really because Minato couldn't even learn it without kushina help, you see back there were two seal master but he couldn't get close to them. The reason is it was hard to get a seal master one of them is Tsunade and the other is mito Uzumaki. Until kushina came he needs to find a way and of course third Hokage made it happen because he want the second Hokage Flying Thunder God Technique.)

[ wait are you saying he was planning the kidnapping]

( well ya it was pretty obvious he pick the perfect time, when the Uchiha police force stopped working and you actually believed a 8 year old has the strength to knock out 8 low jonin. Let's not forget they were walking soo slow and not realizing kushina was cutting her hair.)

[ well... ya if you put that way but maybe they were not jonin.]

(Yaaa.. she supposed be the next jinchūriki soo no anbu was protecting her. What's more strange he did the same thing to Naruto making everyone hate him. He probably pay someone to mistreated her so it will be easy for kushina to only look at Minato. Sadly there was only one problem for the third Hokage he actually couldn't brainwash kushina.)

[ brainwash her.... why does he want to go that far.)

( He needs a trustworthy jinchūriki who will bend over his will but he couldn't control her, thanks to mito Uzumaki was around. She knew what was really happening behind the scene, she was getting too old she made a seal and put it on Uzumaki scroll that only the Uzumaki members can touch. Minato can't touch the scroll so he learn about seal from kushina and third Hokage made a fake Flying Thunder God scroll hoping for kushina to give Minato a tip how to do it.)

[Soo he did all that just to get that scroll]

(Of course it's the only scroll that can kill the Uchiha sadly he knew he couldn't control kushina so he made a plan B for the jinchūriki and Uchiha the perfect plan that sure won't fail him.)


[ perfect plan... are you sure host.]

( Yes leaving me the jinchūriki alone without parents making himself look like a hero who came to save me from darkness and make an Uchiha go to war making him experience how cold and evil the Uchiha clan really is. He used the white knight method it's a high effective manipulate technique that involves gaining someone trusts by solving their problems, all while remaining unnoticed as the cause of those problems. For example by spreading negative rumors and orchestrating a group target the victim. Then you can position yourself as the heroic white knight of the story who will save the victim. This can lead to the victim becoming obsessed with or even falling in love with you.)

[ wait.. hold doesn't this mean it worked on Naruto]

( well not really he failed brainwashing him in the end because he forget one important part.)

[ what is that.]

( Naruto is an Uzumaki and the Uzumaki clan are known as the best manipulate clan.)

[Wait they are but I remember he always dream to be Hokage because of third Hokage.]

( hahah like I said Naruto was a Damm genius. One of the most effective ways to control someone is to make them think they're the ones in control. Employing this technique makes you influence others without them realizing it. In the realm of manipulation, true mastery lies in granting others the illusion of control.)

[ but to do this doesn't that mean he needs to test it on people host]

( hehe yes those two friends of his was a test subject shikamaru and choji. Those two were the best to train with, making him act the fool.Appearing better then others is always dangerous but most dangerous of all appear to have no faults or weakness. Envy creates silence enemies. It is smart to occasionally display defects in order to deflect envy and appear more human approachable. Only gods and the dead can seem perfect with impunity.)


[You sure host Naruto wasn't evil he does sounds more like one.]

( hahaha I see he even fool you jay, at young age he learn about manipulation until age 8 he master it all. Always control your emotions as they hold the key to manipulating hearts. To influence others you first must master yourself. Without self-control you become a mere pawn in your own twisted game. True influence requires emotional mastery, be the one pulling the strings. The one who controls not the one controlled. As of today take charge of your emotions and watch the world bend to your will.)


( do you actually know Naruto by heart jay like I said he was genuis making everyone believe it's was his plot armor of talk no justu but in reality he was a master of manipulate in disguise of a bratty joker.)

[ ummmm... no your wrong then what about his classmates, he got their trust by his actions]

( Oh you poor jay I'm soo sorry that's another manipulate technique. Emotions leave a deeper impact on people's memory, then mere words. This knowledge can be exploited to gain control or influence their behavior to effectively manipulate someone. It is essential to understand the circumstances, environment they are in and Shape to your advantage. For example you could show occasional disinterest withdraw attention creating a sense of uncertainty and triggering their desire for your affection by strategically using emotions such as fear of losing you or the fear of missing out. You can influence behavior and encourage them to prioritize your needs of desires by deliberately evoking intense emotional responses and creating enduring emotions memories. You can shape the narrative exert control over the emotional atmosphere and skillfully manipulate others to serve your own interests)

[..... he use their emotions to control them but that's impossible to actually do that]

( hehe everyone has a weakness an emotion they can't control an insecurity, that they want to change and a desire left unfilled. If you find it and use it against them will never fail. For example hinata want to have courage, Sakura want to be strong but in the same time she doesn't want lose someone, Sasuke want to be strong but he doesn't want to be alone to get that strength, Kakashi doesn't want to lose someone but in the same time he want to act as a hero ect.)

[ but host if this true if naruto learn it at young age why didn't he turn completely evil]

( it's because of Jiraiya he was forcing him awaken and use the Nine tail charka Sadly Naruto was too late realize the toad summon can summon him to Jiraiya any time. When he use the Nine tail by force he lose some of his memories that's why when he came back it looks like a completely different person.)

[ force him.. that's impossible he always love him though.]

( this is why I told you Konoha and one piece is completely different in konoha is way too corrupt. Jiraiya always tell Naruto that the Fourth Hokage told him to give the method to use the Rasengan but in reality Jiraiya just gave it to him to kill time knowing well enough he won't master because it took him 10 years for him to master it but Naruto did it in 10 days. So in those three years he train him in charka control but he lie making him brake the seal slowing so he can use more then the one tail coat.)


[But... he did learn how to get rid of genjutsu in those three right.]

( Jiraiya only taught him the basics not actually teach how to get rid of a genjutsu that is stronger then c rank so it would be easy for him to put Naruto to in genjutsu. He realized how strong Naruto will be if he teach him anymore justu so he rather not make him too strong.)

[ but host did you forget he learn Sage art if it wasn't for Jiraiya he won't learn it.]

( Jiraiya didn't want him to learn it, Naruto only learn that after Jiraiya death. Tsunade gave the toad elder a good reason for Naruto to Sage art if it wasn't for her he wouldn't learn.

At least Tsunade always watch over him, she was more like a parent for him then anyone else in konoha.)

Cling cling cling

( finally I'm inside my sweet home took to long to get in)

[ so in the end he actually]

( yaaa he did become the perfect weapon for konoha. Well for now I will train to learn the basic how to make seals maybe, I can show you how broken these seals really are it should take a month to learn.)

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