

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 2of100 The Wedding

The next morning, Kourtney opened her eyes slowly and saw she was in a huge white room, by the smell of it she knew it was a hospital room, she tried sitting up but groaned painfully lying back down, her body was so sore and hurting, last night's event came rushing back into her mind, she remembered everything that happened to her last night and how she was thrown out in the rain like trash, how she wondered the streets like a lost soul, when she felt like all hope was lost, she just wanted to die, and when she saw a car approaching at a high speed she just stood there waiting to be hit and die, but to her disappointment it pulled the breaks, the world around her began to spin and darkness closed in on her, just when she was about to fade out she felt strong arms hold her waist, even though the rain was pouring down on her heavily, she could still feel the stranger's scent before she completely lost consciousness. Kourtney felt suffocated, she felt like she was running out of breath, she felt like her life was over, her career, her reputation, she felt dirty," who will marry a girl like her now?" she thought to herself as she clutched onto the sheets sobbing silently, she wanted to get married and give herself to her husband," what now? who will want her now? how will she deal with this problem? her career, her reputation, her fans, she will lose everything. thinking about this made her cry even more louder and louder," Miss Kourtney." a soft voice called out for behind, Kourtney didn't look back, she knew it was Cassy but at that moment she didn't want to see anybody," please leave me alone, I don't want to see anybody." Kourtney said in a low tone," I brought your favorite food, plea -

" I said I don't want to see anybody don't you understand, get out..now." Kourtney screamed throwing a glass jar towards her, Cassy stepped back frightened and hurried out giving her time to calm down, Kourtney stood up slowly wanting to go to the restroom, her legs were weak and shaky, she couldn't stand up for a long time, taking in few breaths she stood up approaching the restroom door when she stumbled falling back," Ah." she screamed out closing her eyes waiting for the pain to hit her but instead she stumbled into strong warm arms, Kourtney opened her eyes slowly and met a pair of dark alluring eyes, that familiar scent that surrounded her in the rain filled her nostril again," you should be resting, not wondering up and down." she heard him say, even his voice was making her feel a certain of reaction, like electric shook," restroom, I need to use the restroom." Kourtney said simply as she stared into his eyes, Stuart gathered her into his arms," Ah.. what are you doing?" Kourtney asked Shockley as she wrapped her arms around his strong neck keeping herself from falling back," you said you want to use the restroom, I'm simply helping you." Stuart said calmly heading for the door when Kourtney panicked," stop! you can't go in with me, put me down." she said angrily, Stuart looked down on her little angry cute face," you look those angry birds, now stop resisting." he told her, indeed she wanted to use the restroom but she was to weak to walk and he was the only one there," well I.. I.. get me a nurse." Kourtney said finally, Stuart raised a brow at her," did she just send him to get a nurse for her? was she aware who she was talking to?" Stuart thought to himself," do you know who I am little girl?" he gave a slight side way smile, Kourtney frowned, of course she knew who he was, who didn't know him? he is the CEO of the biggest company in New York and he owns other companies and businesses around the world, she has most of his pictures in magazines, the internet and billboards, she knows how ladies crave and would die for, after all he is the most charming good looking and wealthy bachelor, not to mention he was a cold emotionless man, and never lets any woman get closer to him, he saved her that night, but she didn't want to be saved, the more she thought about it the more rage and anger developed inside her," put me down, now." Kourtney puffed her cheeks angrily," i am gladly willing to let you go, but it seems you're the one who is not willing to let go." Stuart continued teasing her, Kourtney blinked at him, he actually said a full sentence, a long one for that matter, she knows he isn't a man who tends to say a full long sentence, he is a man of short words, having nothing else to say she could only shut her mouth closed, satisfied, Stuart proceeded to the restroom and pushed it open, he carefully put her down and left, he waited for her outside the door," Uhm I'm done." Kourtney called out from the inside, Stuart opened the door and brought her back to the room lying her down on the bed," may I ask you something?" Stuart said sitting on the edge of the bed," do I have a choice?" Kourtney said simply," not really." Stuart said, Kourtney just remained silent waiting for him to continue," you're a young beautiful woman, whatever happened to you shouldn't have happen, I will find the people who wronged you, and make them pay." he promised her, Kourtney could hear sincerity in his voice, she wondered why he was willing to help her? what does he want in return? what type of motive does he have in mind? will he demand something from her? but he has so much money, what else can she give?" all these questions ran through her head as she questioned herself over and over again, Stuart could see her confused suspicious face," in return for what?" Kourtney asked getting to the chase, Stuart straighten up looking straight into her eyes," you will have to come work for me in New York City." he told her," New York City? she repeated," I have a job here I just can't leave, you're telling me to abandon my career and work inside an office." Kourtney said a little louder as she couldn't believe what he was asking of her," I'm not forcing you, the proposal is open, take it or leave it." Stuart stood up straightening his jacket," have a great recovery Kourtney." he added before walking away and left the room, Kourtney's heart skipped a beat hearing him say her name in such a gentle tone, she laid back in bed drifting away into her own thoughts till she feel asleep. Kourtney stayed in the hospital for a week, her recovery improved so much, her bruises disappeared only faint prints were visible, but with little make-up they were non noticable, she didn't go through her social media to check what's going on in the outside world, deep down she had a bad feeling, Cassy took care of her through out the week, Gen would visit her time to time, her parents also traveled back to New Orleans when Cassy told them what happened, they stayed with her throughout, even though Kourtney had the most important people around her, she still felt like something was missing, or should I say some..one, since that day Stuart left, she hasn't seen him since, he never came to visit her or see how she was doing, it was like he was never there, they never talked or seen eye to eye, Kourtney shook her head slightly, why was she thinking about him? why does she care if he visits her or not?" she told herself, Tyler did some tests and could see how much better she was doing," well doctor, can we take her back home today?" Kourtney's mother asked,"of course, she is doing much better, the nurse will prepare her discharge papers and you're good to go." Tyler smiled slightly," thank you doctor." her father thanked him and left, after a few minutes, Kourtney's parents took her back to her Villa to get some rest," you should get some rest my dear alright? I love you." her mother placed a kiss on her forehead," love you more." Kourtney gave a slight smile closing her eyes falling asleep, it was 6:40pm when she fluttered her eyes open, she carefully got out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up, when she went back to her room she saw that her cell phone was ringing, it was a video call, she didn't know the number or who it was that could be calling her, she connected the call to her laptop and answered, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the person," You!" she said surprisingly," how.. how did you get my number?" Kourtney asked," I have my ways." Stuart said calmly," it's called invading of privacy, my privacy." Kourtney said annoyed," is the little angry bird about to explode?" Stuart teased her," you -

" Kourtney dear." she heard her mom call out to her, startled she bent over the laptop when she saw her mother walk into the room," are you hungry? should I bring you some food?" her mother asked," no,no I'm fine thank you." Kourtney said with a slight smile, her mother sat down on the edge of her bed," Kourtney, I'm your mother and I only want what's best for you, honey you remember Jonathan right? you guys used to be best friends since you were kids." Mom please don't -

" everybody knows what happened to you Kourtney, everybody, don't you get it Kourtney, no man out there will want to marry you like this, I already spoke to Jonathan and he already agreed to marry you and you will accept this marriage, you should be thankful that he decided to take you as his wife despite -

" despite being a used, old product." Kourtney cut her off snapping," I can't believe you mom, you're telling me to get into a loveless marriage just because of my situation." she teared up," I'm only doing this for your future and well being, now listen to me girl, Jonathan will be here tomorrow and you two will get married in three days time." her mother said firmly and left the room, Kourtney sat helplessly on her bed," are you alright?" she heard a deep sexy voice ask, Kourtney wiped her tears straightening the laptop, she forgot putting him on mute," did.. you hear that?" she asked in a low tone even though she knew he must have heard the entire conversation, Stuart didn't say a word for a while, he didn't like the idea of her getting married to someone she did not have feelings for just because of what people may say or think," meet me at a coffee house downtown, 8 O'clock sharp." he told her before hanging up the call, Kourtney was left speechless and blinking at the blank laptop, she couldn't understand this man at some time, he was a strange mysterious man, with a soft sigh, she opened the internet on her laptop going through her Twitter account, she could see twits about her, how bad things were being said about her, she opened the first twit," what a poor girl, she is still young and beautiful, she doesn't deserve this."

" don't feel bad for her, in my case I think she deserves what happened to her, she always made herself feel perfect, like she is above everyone of us."

" you're right, I admit she's beautiful but she's not all that you know."

" I don't think any man would want to marry her now, I mean who would want a used old product?" the more Kourtney scrolled down the more and more insults and hate she read, her eyes filled up with water, she just wanted to burst into tears, she wanted to lock herself into a small cold, dark room till she finally dies and rest in peace, but not even death wanted her, she still wanted to read more when Cassy came in and took the laptop away from her," people will always talk Kourtney, even if you can't shut your ears from their whispers, you can always turn away and walk away." Cassy told her," it's easier for you to say, you're not the one in my shoes, don't you see Cassy, my reputation, my life and career is ruined." Kourtney said getting up," but it's not over, with time everything will be -

" nothing will be fine, my mom wants me to get married to a man I do not love, Mat isn't picking up my calls or emails, you of all people should not tell me everything will be fine." Kourtney said opening the door," I would like to be alone." Cassy didn't say anything, she put her laptop on her bedside table before walking out, Kourtney went to the bathroom and turned on the shower, she let the cold water pour down on her as she closed her eyes, those images came flashing inside her head, Kourtney opened her eyes turning off the water and went back to her room, she took out a pair of black sweat pants and a black hoodie with sneakers, she took her phone and as soon as it hit 8 O'clock she left her room and the house unnoticed, getting into her car and drove off, it was already dark out when she arrived she covered her head with a hoodie so no one will notice her, the coffee house was empty when she entered," hello.. anybody here?" Kourtney looked around but could not see no one, angrily she turned around to leave when she bumped into a strong well built chest stumbling back," leaving so soon?" Stuart raised a brow," why did you call me here?" Kourtney asked stepping back creating some space between them," take a seat." Stuart said pulling out a chair, Kourtney thought even though he was weird and a dumbass, he was still a gentleman and well mannered for pulling out a chair for her, but her smile died inside before it could even show on the out when he decided to take a seat himself, she felt so embarrassed at the thought of it, he wasn't pulling out a chair for her but for himself," will you just keep standing there like a little cat? or will you seat down?" Stuart spoke, getting back to reality, Kourtney pulled out a chair for herself and sat down quietly," why did you tell me to come meet you here?" Kourtney asked looking at him in thee eyes, Stuart leaned back in his seat," the work I came for is done, I'm leaving for New York in two days time." he said calmly," my proposal of working for me still stands, you can come with me.. that's if you accept the offer." he added, Kourtney didn't say a word, he will be leaving in two days time, that's the day she's supposed to get married to Jonathan," how can she just leave and go with a total stranger?" she thought," think about it.. 10am sharp." he said standing up to leave when her last words made him halt," I'm not going with you, I'll be getting married in two days." Kourtney said firmly and calmly, Stuart didn't say a word, he just straightened his suit and walked out of the coffee house, Kourtney watched his straight proud back as he disappeared into the dark night, with a sigh she leaned back in her seat for a while before she too left the place.

the next morning she woke up very early to meet mat downtown at the shooting place with Cassy, she had a very important shoot today and she has been waiting for it since last month, Mat signed a contract with a very big perfume corporation about a month ago, and Kourtney was supposed to advertise an ad and pictures of the same perfume, as she entered the building, she could see Mat sitting on the back stage as he watched a young woman do an ad for the same perfume she was supposed to advertise, unpleased, she approached Mat," what's going on here Mat?"

" Kourtney, what are you doing here?" he asked standing up," who is she? and why is she advertising the product I'm supposed to advertise?" Kourtney asked," we can talk about this in my office." he said and pulled her away, Cassy followed behind them closing the door behind them," look Kourt, you will always be my + one model and I wanted you to do this ad just as you do, but the company of Aurora perfume corporation didn't want you to take it anymore, you know.. because of what happened, they think no one will buy their products and so on and so forth." he explained," that's why you decided to replace me with a newbie, you could have cancelled the contract, I mean we could do other ads and photos for other companies." Kourtney said, Mat sighed taking a seat on the edge of the table," you don't understand Kourtney, no one wants you to advertise anything, in fact they do not want business with you, if I do not find a replacement for you soon, I will be out of business and I don't want to take that risk, I'm sorry." Mat apologized, Kourtney didn't say a word, she just nodded and left his office with Cassy," damn it." Kourtney cursed hitting the stirring wheal of her car," relax Kourtney or you will hurt yourself." Cassy said in a soft voice," don't tell me to relax, didn't you hear what Mat said? no company wants to hire me anymore, when did my life get so messed up? it will never be the same again, this is so f*cking not fair." Kourtney broke into tears, Cassy squeezed her shoulder slightly," don't give up, I know you're strong and brave, you will get through this, I believe in you." Cassy comforted her, Kourtney wiped her tears starting the engine and drove back home, she was just exhausted and wanted to lay down and do nothing," Kourtney.. finally, Jonathan has been waiting for you for some time now." her mother came rushing to her as soon as she stepped into the house and led her to the living room, Kourtney walked into the living room and saw that face she hasn't seen in forever, he still looked the way he was as a child, except more grown and manly, he was tall, good looking, had brown chocolate eyes and thin lips, he had a dark complexion but was very handsome in many ways, as soon as he saw her walk into the room he stood up approaching her and gave her a hug," you look just as I remember you Kourt, except more grown and beautiful..so beautiful." he smiled pulling away," Jonathan.. you look great." Kourtney smiled slightly," and soon you shall be called my wife."

" yeah..wife." Kourtney sounded low and bothered," are you alright?" he asked her," yeah.. yeah I am, I'm just tired and would really love to get some rest, you must be tired as well.. you should freshen up and get some rest, see you at brunch." Kourtney patted his arm before going upstairs to her room, she took off her high heels throwing them aside, she spent the entire morning in her room till brunch time, even though she didn't want to leave her room she just had to go out and join the others, she went to the bathroom to freshen up, changed into something comfortable, a blue t-shirt and shorts, and went downstairs, everyone was already seated waiting for her," there she is." her father smiled," hope I didn't keep you all waiting?" Kourtney said sitting next to Jonathan and Cassy," not at all." Jonathan smiled," so.. mother said you own your own business?" Kourtney asked," yeah.. I manufacture things like, home equipments, like couches, tables, roofs and other stuff." Jonathan said simply," I see." Kourtney could only say," how's work going for you?" he asked her," I don't wanna talk about." she answered taking a sip of her juice," you know what, I do feel so good, I think I should go get some rest.. excuse me." Kourtney stood up and went up to her room," Kourt -..

" let her rest Aunt." Jonathan said, Kourtney spent the entire day in her room, she had dinner sent to her and fell asleep afterwards, the next day.. she was supposed to go check out wedding dresses with Cassy, but she was still not comfortable walking around in public and visiting different stores, Cassy told her she will check out the wedding dress and send her a picture if she finds it liking, Cassy visited few wedding dress stores and finally found the perfect dress," this is perfect, how much is it?" she asked the price, the store manager smiled approaching her," beautiful isn't it? like it was made for a beautiful Queen.. and it only goes on five thousand dollars." she said with a sweet smile, Cassy took out a card and payed for the dress, she then went to a shoe store, then a jewelry store, she booked hairdressers and make-up artists to come over tomorrow, after a long day of running up and down, she was finally done with her task and went back home," welcome back, hope I didn't stress you to much." Kourtney said helping her with the bags," it's no big deal, I'm only doing my job." Cassy said throwing herself on the comfortable couch closing her eyes," water?" Kourtney handed her a glass of water," thank you." Cassy took the glass taking a sip," you're getting married tomorrow... are you happy?" Cassy asked," does it matter if I'm happy or not? if Mom thinks it's for the best then I don't argue with it." Kourtney said simply, she couldn't argue anymore, she accepted the fact that this was her fate all along, Cassy sighed, she didn't know how to help her over come all this, Kourtney occupied herself with her laptop in her room as it came to an end, she had dinner with her family and Jonathan, after dinner she went to bed immediately.

the sun was peaking through the horizon, Kourtney was sound asleep lost in her own dream, when she heard the door to her slam open," Kourtney, it's 07:30 in the morning and you're still sound asleep?" she heard her panicking," hmm Cassy, it's too early for your nagging, let me sleep a little longer." she said in a sleepy voice," get up.. you need to get ready now, you have to look your best." Cassy said taking the covers away from her, Kourtney risen from her bed tying her hair into a ponytail, she took the robe and headed to the bathroom, after the shower, she went back to her room moisturizing her body and wore her pitch robe, shortly after.. two hair dressers came in and two make-up artist, they first did her hair.. curling it behind her, she didn't want heavy make-up but she still looked absolutely gorgeous, Cassy brought her, her gorgeous wedding gown, she went to the dressing room and put it on.. it held her waist and loose to the bottom, it had long sleeves exposing her bare shoulders, she looked like a Queen, a true definition of true beauty," how do I look?" Kourtney asked as she stepped out of the dresser," I can't express it in words." Cassy smiled brightly touching her cheek," you look beautiful Kourtney." she gave her a hug, it was already 9am, everyone already arrived at the church, they invited only few people to attend, family members and friends, Jonathan's few friends and family, Mat and Gen were also present.. back at the Villa, Kourtney stared at her reflection in the mirror seeing this beautiful bride staring back at her, she is about to get married and become someone's wife, she stared at her phone, it was 09:30am, she remembered that Stuart is leaving today and the offer he proposed to her, for her to go with him, but what about her family? her friends? and everything else she worked so hard for? what about Jonathan?" she thought," No she can't leave her own wedding, she will get married today and start afresh. she told herself, pushing the thought of Stuart away, after a while Cassy walked into the room," are you ready bride to be?" Cassy asked with a sweet smile.

at the foot of the airport, Stuart stood staring at the empty far road, it was already 09:55 and there was no sign of her," do you think she'll come?" Tyler asked standing behind him, but he didn't respond to his question," it's already 09:56 Stuart, she's not coming." Tyler kept on talking, but Stuart kept his eyes glued to the road, as soon as it hit 10am sharp he turned around walking to his private airplane and passed Tyler, he already walked three stairs when Tyler held his shoulder stopping him, Stuart looked back, his eyes didn't land on Tyler, instead they landed on the woman getting out of a taxi and began running towards his direction, she held onto her wedding dress as she ran.. Stuart thought she looked beautiful and magnificent in that dress, it was like a princess running to her prince charming, as if she couldn't wait to embrace herself in his warm safe arms, when Kourtney came near, she stood in front of Stuart with innocent eyes," take me with you.. that's if the offer still stands." she said staring into his dark dangerous beautiful eyes," running away on your wedding day, that's a dramatic way of making an appearance." Stuart gave a side ways smile," don't ruin the moment for me." Kourtney rolled her eyes that she didn't even realize there was a third person there till Tyler cleared his throat," Aham.. miss Grenade, good see you in good shape." he smiled slightly," Doctor you...

" please call me Tyler, outside the hospital." he cut her off," Tyler.." Kourtney gave a slight smile, she didn't know that they were friends," we should leave now." Stuart said handing her his hand to take, Kourtney stared at his hand for a while before taking it in his and they went inside.

back at the house, Cassy was in panic when she couldn't find Kourtney anywhere, about thirty minutes ago, Kourtney said she was thirsty so she went downstairs to get her a glass of water, but when she returned back to the room, she was nowhere to be seen, she thought maybe she went to the bathroom, so she went to knock on the door but heard no response, Cassy got nervous and went inside and found no one there, she searched her dressing room, she was not there, she ran out of the room searching the living room, dining room and the back living room, and saw that the back door was open, she used the back door to run away, anxiously she called Mrs Grenade and told her that Kourtney is missing," what do you mean Kourtney is missing?" she asked over the phone," ma'am, Kourtney ran away, she's not in the house." Cassy said," you were supposed to keep a close eye on her.. you're good for nothing." she said hanging up.. everyone at the wedding was wondering what was going on, and why the bride was not there yet," Aunt, is everything okay? is Kourtney stuck in traffic?" Jonathan asked, Mrs Grenade didn't know how to tell him, it was so embarrassing for her, taking a deep breath she faced the guest," my apologies everyone, but this wedding has been cancelled.. I appreciate your time and effort, sorry for wasting your precious time." she said, there was a lot of murmuring and confusion in the audience, Jonathan pulled her in a corner confused," Aunt, what the hell is going on? what do you mean this wedding is cancelled? where is Kourtney?" he asked her wanting answers," Kourt.. Kourtney ran away, she's not coming, I'm sorry." she said sadly and embarrassed, Jonathan let go of her arm, stepping back, he had mixed emotions, anger, sad, confused and annoyed, he angrily stormed out of the church.