

Become mine and I will make sure they beg on their knees for your mercy and pity I love you despite your flows and red flags

Ta_Sha_6022 · LGBT+
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18 Chs

Chapter 13of13 Congratulations

the next morning, Stuart left early for work, he didn't like the fact that he argued with Kourtney so he planned getting off work early and make up for his unreasonable behavior, Cassy also got ready for her new job, being her own boss at her new company, she made sure to make Mike's life a living hell jail just like Kourtney said, he would bring her morning coffee, lunch, brunch, late coffee, arrange her office and everything else, she wore black long pants with a royal blue shirt with leather blue high heels, she did her usual ponytail, everyone in that company respected her and would greet her with warm smiles," good morning Miss Cassy." the receptionist greeted warmly," good morning Bell, is Mike still not here?." Cassy asked," he went to get your morning coffee down the street."

" Alright." Cassy smiles going into her office, just as she was settling on her seat, Mike walked in with a cup of hot chocolate Latte," you're three minutes late." Cassy raised a brow," forgive me, it won't happen again." Mike apologized," it better not, what's my schedule today?." she takes a sip of her coffee," you have a meeting with one of our sponsors at 9:00am, then a meeting with the board of directors at 11am, and Last but not least, you have a lunch meeting with Mr Wynn at 1:30pm, he is coming from Japan and he will be here in less than an hour, Cassy, I miss Cassy, Mr Wynn is a big business man, I took a whole year just to make him sign a contract with my company, I mean your company now, please be careful what you say to him, or we might lose a big deal here." Mike was really anxious about this lunch meeting, he didn't want anything to go east, not after what he went through just to get this deal," tell me something Mike, do I really look incapable of handling a simple lunch meeting?

" I'm just -

" you do not disturb me when I'm speaking, ever.. you can leave now." Cassy frowned, Mike nods leaving her office.

Kourtney went to the coffee house where pitches works, when pitches saw Kourtney her eyes lit up rushing to her side," Kourtney! such a pleasant surprise, can I get you something?."

" I would like to speak to you, do you have a minute?." Kourtney asked her," of course." pitches Led her to the seat in a corner," first of all I would like to thank you for asking Mr Levant to pay for my school fees and other necessary things, I really appreciate it." pitches thanked Kourtney," you don't have to thank me, you're a good kid who needs a bright successful future, always have that kind of heart." Kourtney smiled sweetly," so tell me what brings you here? you could have just called me and I would have rushed to you."

" that's so sweet, well I came here with a proposal."

" I love proposals, not in a weird way but a professional way." pitches startled, Kourtney chuckled softly," I understand, well I was wondering if you would like to work for me, as my new assistant?."

" SHUT UP! are you serious? oh my gosh." Pitches squealed happily," yes I'm serious." Kourtney smiled," Of course I would work for you, it's like a dream come true, YES! hell yeah!." pitches hugged Kourtney excited," good then you start tomorrow, I will send you an email of all my work details, dates, time and schedule, have a good day."

" you too and thank you." when Kourtney left, pitches went back to her stand to inform her work mate that she quits and left the coffee house, Kourtney drove to Levant corporation-inc, she walked through the hall and saw Christine standing at the door side," Christine." Kourtney smiled slightly," Mrs Levant." Christine greets back," Is Stuart inside?." Kourtney asked," Mr Levant is having a private meeting, if you don't mind waiting?."

" actually I do mind, step aside." Kourtney ordered," I'm only following orders Mrs Levant, with all do respect." Christine was Calm and respectful," Christine I won't repeat myself, please step aside if you really adore your job." Kourtney was also calm and respectful, Christine didn't say another word, she simply stepped aside letting her go inside. Stuart had his chin rested on his knuckles while he leaned back on his seat as his piercing cold eyes stared at the tall woman leaning on his black smooth marbled table, the door opened and Stuart's dark eyes shifted to the door," hope I'm not disturbing anything? Kourtney proceeded inside and stood behind Stuart while her gray bright eyes were glued to the woman in front of her, she was a tall British woman, a light pale skin, long smooth dark hair, brown eyes and pink lips, she wore a very short tight black dress, black high heels and very expensive jewelry around her neck and wrist," hi, Kourtney right? Stuart's wife, it's so good to finally meet you in person, I'm Abigail, Stuart's childhood friend, his family and my family come a long way, but you can call me Abbi." she smiles sweetly," nice to meet you." Kourtney smiled warmly looking at Stuart," I went to see pitches and thought to pass through, maybe you wanna have lunch?." Kourtney said," I'm not hungry, but I will surely have dinner with you when I get back." Stuart said, Kourtney stared at Abigail who looked like she had a smirk on her pretty face, she wasn't going to accept defeat so easily," is this so called meeting so important? pretty sure Abigail wouldn't mind sparing an hour." Kourtney raised her brow at Abigail," Not now Wife." Stuart was calm and soft when refusing her request, but Kourtney wasn't to give up either, she lets her two hands slide down to his chest while she leans to whisper in his ear," don't you dare stop me Mr Levant." Stuart didn't even dare raise his hand to stop her, he simply obeyed her order, Kourtney smiled unbuttoning his shirt one by one, something in Abigail's eyes changed, it was like a jealous hungry beast not wanting to share it's prey, and in this case, Stuart was the prey, when Kourtney was about to unbutton the last button, Stuart held her wrist stopping her, he looked at Abigail with his cold eyes and said coldly," Leave!." Abigail clenched onto the table almost scratching it with her sharp nails, she didn't want to leave them alone because she knew what event was about to take place and she didn't want that to happen, but she had no choice but to obey Stuart's order, she stood up and walked out of the office shutting the door. Stuart pulled Kourtney's hand and she went falling on his lap with a gasp," I'm starting to fear your jealousy now Kourtney." Stuart lifted the corner of his mouth," I find my husband having a private meeting with a beautiful hot woman in his office, what do you expect?." Kourtney raised a brow," she's not that beautiful, nor can her hotness be compared to yours." Stuart holds her chin up pressing his soft arousing kisses on her neck and shoulders, Kourtney took a breath in and out leaning back so she could feel more of his mouth on all parts of her body, he makes her seat on the table splitting her legs wide," Ahh." Kourtney gasped shock written all over her face, not because he was doing this for the first time but because they were in his office, even though this was such a tall building and his office was on the top floor and no one could see them, she still felt like other people in other buildings could see them and that was so embarrassing for her," What's wrong?." Stuart asked when he saw her flushed red cheeks," it's too bright in here, I fear someone might see us in other buildings." Kourtney said in a flat tone," that's it?." Stuart smiled brightly, Kourtney nods biting her lip slightly, Stuart grabbed the little black remote and pressed a button, gray curtains came sliding down closing all open spaces around his glass windows, the lights were turned on," Better?." Stuart asked, Kourtney kissed him brutally and passionately, like a little hungry wolf enjoying it's meat, Stuart kissed her back with the same intensity, he lifts her skirt up removing her undergarments, he kissed and licked her cherry like a little boy enjoying his Sunday ice cream, Kourtney moaned clinging onto his silky smooth dark hair, as she fell her head back with eyes closed enjoying his sweet torments," don't make love to me, I want you to f*ck me." Kourtney said, Stuart took her advice, he did all the unimaginable styles and things to her, Kourtney moaned even louder till her mouth could no longer release a sound, she felt weak, her legs numb, she didn't think after this she will be able to walk but she didn't regret it either," are you okay?." Stuart asked her removing some strains of her hair off her face, Kourtney could only nod unable to open her mouth, Stuart gathered her in his arms and went to lay her down on the black leather couch on the opposite side of his office," rest a bit and regain your strength." he told her placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, he lifted the curtains up and went to seat down, he pressed a small button and after a few minutes, Anna walked in," Yes, Mr Levant."

" a filtered water for my wife." Stuart said simply," Yes." Anna left and within three minutes she came back with a glass of filtered water for Kourtney, Stuart took the glass and went to give it to Kourtney," anything else Mr Levant?." Anna asked," You may leave." he said going back to his seat, Kourtney stayed back in Stuart's office till late, she would watch him do his regular tasks and how he works, so focused and serious, she enjoyed watching him and time to time, he would glance at her through the corner of his eyes and gave a slight smile that was unnoticed if you didn't look carefully, after Stuart finished up at the office, the two of them drove back home, it was already late and everyone was already in their beds, Kourtney prepared something simple for them to eat, after dinner they freshened up and went to bed.

days went by like the wind, for the last one week, Kourtney was busy at the studio, luckily Pitches was there to help her out with necessary things and everything went smoothly, Stuart was also busy with his own work and meetings that they barely saw one another, they never had a full conservation cause of their busy schedule, today is a Saturday morning, Kourtney didn't feel like getting out of bed, today is the day they part ways, their contract as come to an end, today is the day they go their separate ways, move on and start over their new lives without each other, the door to the bathroom cracked open, Kourtney didn't even feel like looking cause it would hurt her more seeing him and never to see him again, but she had no choice, she just had to say goodbye, Stuart stepped out of the bathroom with a small towel wrapped around his slender waist, water dripping down from his wet hair to his perfect built chest, sliding down to his abs and disappeared in the towel, Kourtney could feel something on her throat, even though she knew she was just imagining it, she felt like something was choking her just by staring at Stuart's face and half naked body, Stuart poured some water in a glass and stretched out his long hand to give it to her, Kourtney stared at the glass in his hand," your face looks red, have it." Stuart told her, Kourtney sat up taking the glass and gulped the water down, she felt cooled down and refreshed inside, when Stuart saw that her face was back to it's normal color, he raised his eye brows up and down at her," what's wrong?." he simply asked her," it's the 24th of January, our contract expires today." Kourtney said in a flat tone," oh." Stuart could only say, Kourtney frowned how unbelievable this hot devil could be," I'm hitting the shower." Kourtney stood up going to the bathroom, she shut the door closed turning on the shower, she let the cold water pour down on her head down to her naked body, after her bath she went back to the room, Stuart was all dressed up in casual clothes, a black t-shirt, black trousers and slippers, he looked damn hot no matter what he wore, Kourtney went to the dressing room, she picked out a pair of blue jeans, a white t-shirt and sneakers, she got dressed, tied her hair into a ponytail, and packed all of her clothes, shoes and jewelry, she went back to the room with the suitcase," it's time for me to go now." she stood a few inches away from him, Stuart stood up from the sofa approaching her and stood in front of her, he forwarded his hand to her, Kourtney stared at his hand and saw a black credit card and car keys," if you need anything don't hesitate to let me know, it's been an honor being in your presence Miss Grenade." Stuart gave a slight smile," thank you for your kind offer, but you of all people should know I wouldn't accept this, your time and care is enough for me to cherish," she tiptoed to kiss him on the cheek," it's been an honor being in your presence Mr Levant." she smiled, taking her bag and left the room, Cassy and Xavier were having breakfast downstairs, Cassy got up from her seat when she saw Kourtney approaching the dinning room," Good morning." Kourtney smiled," Morning, going somewhere?." Cassy asked staring at her bag," I'm traveling to LOS ANGELES, Cassy I want you to be happy here, start your new life here and build a beautiful future for yourself."

" Kourtney! why are you speaking like you're leaving for good, you will come back right?." Cassy was confused to why her friend was speaking like she'll never come back, ever, Kourtney touched her cheek pulling her in for a tight hug," I will see you around." Kourtney smiled grabbing her bag and left, Cassy looked upstairs and saw Stuart standing there straight and high, she knew something was wrong and couldn't help dropping a tear, Xavier pulled her in his arms as she broke into tears.

Kourtney went straight to the airport where Miss Jacks was patiently waiting for her, Nate helped her carry the bags to the private plane, they got settled in and the plane lifted off, within half an hour the plane landed," Kourtney Grenade, or should I say Mrs Levant... welcome to LOS ANGELES California, I'm Jonas your co-assistant and I will be assisting you to your destination." he introduced himself," Kourtney is fine." she smiled," this way please." Jonas led them to the car, within 30min the car pulled over at the intercontinental Los Angeles downtown Hotel, the door man welcomed and helped them get their stuff inside, Jonas led Kourtney upstairs to the door at the far end," this room is specifically chosen for you by Mr Andrea, please freshen up and join us for brunch in the lobby." he smiled and left, Kourtney went inside and was amazed with the inside, it was a big hotel suite and the space inside was huge, it was neat and everything was arranged nicely in it's place, Kourtney went further inside, she put her suitcase away and went to the bathroom to freshen up, she got dressed in a long white summer dress and went downstairs to the lobby, Jonas, Miss Jacks, Nate and another tall man were seated around the dining table, Kourtney walked towards them with a warm delicate smile, the man smiled brightly getting up from his seat," Mrs Levant!." he gave her a hug

" please, Kourtney is fine." Kourtney smiled," my team and I are overwhelmed that you agreed working with us, I would do anything to work with a beautiful, intelligent young woman as yourself." Andrea smiled," I'm much excited to be part of such a successful most viewed TV series, thank you."

" I should be the one thanking you, because honestly I didn't think you'd agree to it, you know, with you being married and all, our scenes are quite inappropriate for married women and male." Andrea smirked," Stuart only agreed to it because your contract with me stated that I wouldn't engage into sexual closeness with any of your actors." Kourtney said," of course, when it comes to our actors and actresses on certain scenes, they do actually have real sex, that's why we don't work with married people, but you're an exception Kourtney, you don't have to actually have sex." Andrea explained," Good, I'm starving can we have brunch now?." Kourtney said, Andrea pulled out a chair for her to take a sit, they ate and talked about work.


Stuart arrived at a Fancy Villa just two miles away from his, he went right inside further in the living room," oh my goodness, Mr Levant." Linda was half naked when Stuart walked in, she was only in her black bra and underwear, Linda could only cover herself with her arms as there was nothing near to cover herself with, Stuart tilted his head to the other side looking away, Tyler walked downstairs when he saw Stuart standing there, he simply took off his shirt putting it around her," go upstairs and I will be with you shortly." Tyler said, Linda felt glued to the floor, she was embarrassed that Stuart found her in such an embarrassing situation, no matter how embarrassed she was she forced herself to move and rushed upstairs, when Linda disappeared around the corner, Stuart sat on the sofa with one leg crossed on thee other, Tyler poured some whiskey in two glasses and handed a glass to Stuart, sitting on the opposite side," what do I owe this surprise visit? it's not like you to pop up suddenly if it's not work related." Tyler took a sip from his glass," can't I visit a friend?." Stuart asked instead, Tyler smirked," Xavier informed me of Kourtney's travel to L.A."

" we had a deal and that deal came to an end." Stuart simple said," and the public? how will you take this matter to the public?." Tyler was concerned on how Stuart will confront the public," I would like to discuss about you instead, sleeping with the doctor?." Stuart said twirling his glass," we were caught in a moment nothing more."

" I see." Stuart could only say," I have to be somewhere." Stuart got up, Tyler nodded

Stuart stepped out of Tyler's house and spotted a tall man wearing a black suit, he was dark in complexion, and smart, Stuart has always liked Ken ever since he was a little boy, Ken was his father's right hand man, he took care both him and his father, seeing him here right now, he figured something was wrong," Ken!." Stuart approached him," Mr Levant."

" what do I owe this surprise visit?." Stuart asked," It's your Father."

" What about him?."

" He's dying Sir, he wishes to see you right away." Ken said, Stuart frowned slightly, he thought his father was fine, infact he looked completely healthy the last time he saw him, Stuart tilted his head and said," I have something to take care of tonight, I will be in England tomorrow." Ken wanted Stuart to come with him immediately, after all those were the orders he was given by Mr Levant himself, but he knew he couldn't force Stuart, especially when he has made up his mind, Ken could only node, got into his car and drove off, Stuart drove to Luciana's House," Miss Luciana, Mr Levant is here." one of her workers informed," Stuart's here?." Luciana excitedly left her Art room to see Stuart, Stuart was looking around the place, it was full of color and paintings, he gave a side way smile seeing how she still enjoyed painting, She is someone who really enjoys color and Art," Stuart!." Luciana gave a bright wide smile running to him and threw her little body in his arms, Stuart smiled holding her shoulders," how are you doing?." he asked her," I'm alright, how are you?."

" Good" ...and your baby?." Stuart added, Luciana looked like she was strangling removing some words out of her mouth, she could only node with a forced smile, Stuart touched her cheek assuring her that everything will be fine, she found comfort in his touch and was surely assured," what would I ever do without you? you're such a good friend, thank you." Luciana gave a faint smile," I'm traveling to England tomorrow, I need to take care of something, thought to let you know first." Stuart said," England? tomorrow?." Luciana blinked her eyes a few times," You do not have to worry, Christine and William are here to look after you, it's only for a few days." Stuart assured her, he gave her a hug before leaving the place.

The sun was already down when Stuart arrived back home, he stepped into the house and suddenly he clenched his hands into tight balls that his nails almost cut into his skin, he never thought the thought of coming back home would feel so empty and lonely, just because Kourtney was no longer there, the thought of coming back to an empty room, an empty cold bed and not getting the feeling of touching her and pulling her into his arms, the day has just come to an end and it feels like she has been gone for months, infact she's gone forever, she will fall in love with someone else, get married, have kids of her own and be happy, while he will stay this cold, empty, unhappy and lonely man all of his life, just by the thought of Kourtney being with someone else made Stuart more angry, he hit the hard wall with his fist, blood covered his knuckles, Cassy saw what happened when she was approaching the kitchen and rushed to his aid," Stuart!." she grabbed the first Aid kit and took out a cotton, she poured some liquid and cleaned his wound then wrapped it up with a bandage," you miss her, don't you?." Cassy gave a slight smile, Stuart didn't want to admit it, but in the actual sense he really did miss Kourtney," Thank you." he ignores Cassy's question by thanking her and went right upstairs, he reached his dim light room, he didn't even mind switching on the lights, he took off his clothes and went to take a shower, when he was done with his bath he went right straight to bed


Kourtney was patiently waiting for the Doctor in one of the rooms at the City hospital, Earlier when she was having brunch with everyone, she felt a little unwell so she surrendered back to her room to get some rest, when she saw that nothing was changing in her condition after sleeping for more than three hours, she got up, freshened up and drove to the hospital, the doctor did some tests on her and was now anxiously waiting for the results, after a few minutes, the doctor walked in," Mrs Levant."

" What's wrong with me Doctor?." Kourtney asked worriedly," There's nothing to worry about Mrs Levant, infact you should be happy that you're ten weeks pregnant, congratulations." Kourtney was shocked, she didn't know how to react or feel about this, she had lost all hope of being a mother any time soon, but she was given another chance, she is expecting her buddle of joy and it made her happy and emotional at the same time," really doctor? are you sure that I'm pregnant?." she wanted to confirm if she was hearing correctly or over thinking it in her head," I'm 100% sure of it, since it's ten weeks there's already development with your baby, would you like to do a scan so you could see how your baby is growing?."

" I would like that." Kourtney agreed, The Doctor made her lay down on the bed, she lifted her t-shirt up, she applied some smooth liquid on her belly," that's pretty cold." Kourtney smiled, the doctor did the scan and showed her, her growing baby, Kourtney dropped a tear seeing this side of her infant," can I have pictures of it?." Kourtney asked," sure thing." after finishing up, she took the copies of her infant back to the hotel, as she was walking through the lobby she bumped into Andrea," Kourtney!." Andrea smiled charmingly," Andrea! what are you still doing here?."

" I had a dinner meeting with a client, was just heading home, how are you feeling?." Andrea asked," much better, thank you...I need to get some rest." Kourtney said," sure, good night Kourtney." Kourtney nodded going up to her room to rest.



I'm going to drop two last chapters of Kourtney and Stuart, before we concentrate on other Couples in SHUTTERED BOUND, you can vote for your favorite couple in the comments section on which couple I should concentrate on, don't forget to vote, your votes and gifts are your motivation for me to keep on going, thank you ❤️🥰🙏