
A Day's Rest... And Back To The Shut-In Life

After checking out the 'shelters' within the stronghold, Kazuichi and his party were then toured around the mountain's territory. At this point, Kazuichi wasn't at all that surprised anymore when he saw the sheer size of the fruit-bearing tree farms, the rice fields, and the vegetable land patches.

In the span of a couple of months, the stronghold grew into a sustainable size. Kazuichi couldn't help but compare this stronghold to the previous strongholds he visited... and he also couldn't help but see the vast differences in his comparison.

Even Mizunochi Ayaka, who leads one of the strongest strongholds herself (The Scarlet Blood Stronghold) was dumbfounded at the might of the Kazuichi Stronghold. She couldn't even compare her stronghold to this one. Not only was it more independent... it was also surprisingly self-sustainable.

If the Kazuichi Stronghold chose not to ally with nearby strongholds and shelters, it would still survive— such was the formidability of the Kazuichi Stronghold.

"Are you sure you're going to put this under my name?" Once the tour was done, Kazuichi turned towards Ayaka and Jurou, asking the question before he could even contemplate his words. The question just came out of his mouth since he felt like he didn't do anything... nor did he contribute to the construction of this formidable stronghold.

Honestly, Arisu and Jurou couldn't blame him. After all, he had gone missing before the Kazuichi Stronghold was even founded. Then again, it was only fitting that they named the stronghold under his name since he was the owner of the property.

Adding to that, he was strong enough to hold such a title. Arisu and Jurou knew all too well that Kazuichi was a different kind of Hybrid... and he was more than deserving to have a stronghold under him.

In the long run, having his name would also provide another layer of protection for the stronghold. With such a powerful figure behind the stronghold, the risk of other stronghold trying to invade would drastically lessen— or so that's what Arisu and Jurou explained to Kazuichi.

In hindsight, Kazuichi felt like Arisu and Jurou were holding him at a higher pedestal. He still didn't see himself as a powerful Hybrid— even though he was.

Since the tour was over, Jurou then led Kazuichi to the uninfected and hybrids who settled in his stronghold. These were the people who chose to be part of the stronghold and had built up a tightly knit community around them.

To be fair, Jurou wasn't that close to them, but Arisu had developed a special bond with most of them. After all, she specifically brought these people into the stronghold. (Thanks to her strong sense of smell, she was able to filter the inhabitants of the stronghold, and this was one of the major reasons why the Kazuichi Stronghold grew to be united)

A couple of curious gazes landed upon Kazuichi when he walked forward. The other hybrids felt weirded out by his weird hybrid smell. Fortunately, they were tactful enough to not mention anything about it. Besides, the uninfected woiuldn't understand the comments so they just didn't say it out loud.

As for the rest of the people who stared at Kazuichi, they were enamored by how good-looking he was (although his looks were only pretty much above average). Some of the girls started nudging at each other— both hybrids and uninfected alike.

"This is Takemi Kazuichi, the young master, and the owner of this property. He is the stronghold leader of our Kazuichi Stronghold, and he just returned after a long tiring trip gathering information in nearby prefectures." Jurou began his introduction, gesturing at Kazuichi to step forward and give a little speech or something along those lines.

"I... I wasn't around for that long, but I hope you would welcome me as I have warmly welcomed you under my wing." Kazuichi said.

The people started nodding their heads in approval. Some of them started expressing their thanks since Kazuichi was the man behind all these. He was, after all, the mysterious owner of the Kazuichi Stronghold. And based on the aura he gave off, the hybrids could tell that he was powerful.

That's why they didn't question his credibility. Arisu and Jurou both vouched for him as the bona fide stronghold leader so they automatically accepted it as fact.

"I look forward to spending some time with all of you. I'll drop by from time to time, but I would stay in my place most of the time. I hope you won't find that displeasing." Kazuichi continued. He had no choice but to give them the heads up just in case his shut-in tendencies started kicking in.

In fact, it had already kicked in the moment he arrived at the doorstep of his property. It's as if his abode was drawing him in, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

Once again, his comments were positively received by the inhabitants. And with that out of the way, Kazuichi bowed towards the people and turned around. His party also followed him, but they distanced themselves a little bit just in case Kazuichi wanted some alone time in his place.

Well, they were right on that assumption.

The moment Kazuichi arrived at the foot of his home, he immediately rushed inside and took in the familiar smell of the place. Arisu's scent lingered in the vicinity, but he didn't mind it at all. The place still felt like his home, and it soothed his soul.

"I... I tried to keep everything as is. Do you want me to fix the bath for you. I've already cleaned your room and replaced your bed sheets before I left... so you could head over there and get some rest." Arisu gently said as if she was the wife welcoming her husband after a tiring day's work.

"I'll leave you to it. Well then, if you'll all excuse me." Kazuichi's face lit up as he headed up the flight of stairs and headed straight to his room.

As for Tris and the others, they were left in the living room. Without further ado, they uncomplainingly positioned themselves on the sofa, sinking into the soft pillowy seats as they were lulled to their slumber.

Arisu practicing before marriage ahhahha

Thank you so much for reading >//< Updates have been irregular recently, but I try to update at least twice or thrice a week.

No action yet though... please look forward to the next chapters >//<

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