
Shun Uchiha: One Click Upgrade

An Otaku gets his soul transformed through a ripple in time and space. This guy’s name is Shun Uchiha! With the help of the One Click System, Shun quickly becomes an existence for beyond the level of Shinobi. Join us as we watch him grow up into the next Madara, and becomes the God of the Narutoverse and the God of the….Uchiha! Era: Warring State Period Other Stories: Naruto:Gojo Satoru in the Narutoverse, Aizen Uchiha: Strongest Instant Upgrade System

Kamery_Driver_1580 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

Clan Alliance Betrayal, Mysterious Savior


"My power far surpasses yours, Hashirama"

Said Shun with his iconic arrogant smile, he is now the most powerful man in the world surpassing them all.

"I still have the Uzumaki Clan, Shun."

Said Hashirama with a victorious smirk on his face, that says I won this time, but he doesn't know that he is so wrong.


"Are you talking about the Uzumaki Clan that is killing your Clan members?"

Said Shun with a smirk on his face, he knew Hashirama would say this, so it is a good idea to bring up this now.

"What are you talking about?!!"

Shouted Hashirama with a questioning look in his eyes, he started to go through multiple possibilities in his head.

"Look over to the Ancestral Hall"

Said Shun with a smile on his face, he wants to further break Hashirama's will by showing him the Uzumaki Clan's true colors.

"Be-betrayal, they're allies with your Uchiha Clan."

Said Hashirama as his eyes dulled with hopelessness, he thought that he was finally one step ahead of Shun, but he was just dreaming.

"You see that Hashirama, I'm always one step ahead."

Hashirama saw as the Uzumaki Clan is slaughtering his remaining Clan members without remorse or mercy in their eyes.

"This was your plan"

Said Hashirama with hatred in his eyes, Hashirama now hates Shun more than anything in this world.

"Bye-Bye, Hashirama"

When Shun was about to kill Hashirama with his Zanpakuto, a strange man with a black cloak appeared barely stopping him.


Shun's eyes narrowed, he tried to see who is behind the hood, but he couldn't get a good look of this assailant.

"Oh, who are you?"

Said Shun with a horrifying smile on his face, he is surprised that this mask assailant can hold is sword up albeit barely.

"I'm no one"

Said the mask assailant in an emotionless voice, this mask assailant must be a good fighter, because he can hold down Shun's sword.


"How about I just take that mask off myself"


Shun disappears in a white and golden light completely surpassing the Mangekyo's perception limit, the mask assailant barely dodged because of his combat experience.

"So fast"

Said the mask assailant with murderous intent in his eyes, the mask assailant knows that he is no match for Shun.

"Interesting, you also have Mangekyo Sharingan, are you a rogue Uchiha?"

Said Shun with an intriguing look on his face, he really wants to know who is this mask assailant who saves Hashirama.

"Who are you?"

Said Hashirama with difficulty, his arm is missing, blood is constantly spilling out of his body making his already rigid expression worse.

"Someone who is going to save"

Said the mask assailant with conviction in his voice, he knows that this battle will be the hardest and toughest battle he has to fight.


Said the Mask assailant as a turquoise Susanoo appeared directly destroying the ground, even a little flow of lava is pouring out of the Earth.

"I'll kill you!!"

Said the mask assailant as he rushes towards Shun with killing intent in his eyes making the Ancestral Hall shake on the ground.

"Wood Style: Great Buddha Technique!!"


A Huge White Wooden Buddha statue rose from the ground directly towering over the Susanoo with ease making the mask assailant's Susanoo look like garbage.

"Wood Style!!"

Said the mask assailant as his voice begins to shake with fear and uncertainty, he never would've thought that Shun also has a better version of Wood Style.

"I'll take that mask off your cold, dead body"

Said Shun with outstanding killing intent in his voice, even the mask assailant is shaking with fear all over.



The battle begins as the two huge behemoths clashes down against one another causing time to freeze.

The mask assailant tried to outmaneuver the giant Buddha Statue, but he couldn't as his Susanoo got picked up and slammed to the ground.


Huge chunks of dust rose from the ground clouding the battlefield and the spectator's line of sight.


The mask assailant yelled in pain as his Susanoo just got destroyed with mere ease causing him to take the brunt of the damage.

"Gotta you now"

Said Shun coldly as he disappears in a burst of speed and arrives in front of the mask assailant's eye.

"You don't deserve to be an Uchiha"

Said Shun as he slashes downward with speed that far surpasses the Mangekyo's perception limit.




Blood flew up in the air as the mask assailant's right eye got slashed leaving a deep bloody scar going down to his neck area.


The mask assailant didn't stay long as he disappears with Hashirama on his back.

Shun watches as the mysterious mask assailant disappears into the Forest.

"I'll see you soon, Uchiha Madara"

Said Shun with killing intent in his voice.

"Gran Rey Cero"

After saying those words, a golden-white Gran Rey Cero appeared on Shun's finger tip, the Gran Rey Cero starts to spiral.



Shun watches as he fired the Gran Rey Cero to Madara's direction, the spectators watch in horror as they saw the entire Forest disappear.

"One Click System"

["Does host wants to One Click Max out the Gran Rey Cero?"]


["Congratulations host for One Click maxing out the Gran Rey Cero."]


"This Gran Rey Cero can almost destroy an entire village by itself."

Said Shun as a satisfied smile appeared on his, this attack might be another one of his trump cards.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


"What is that attack?

Said Madara with fear in his voice, he saw a white and gold energy ball in the air, it flew towards Madara's direction.

Madara saw the entire Forest disappears, like it was never even there, directly destroying the power scale in his heart.

"Shun has grown to this extent, if he gets any more powerful, me and Hashirama won't survive 5 seconds against him."