
Chapter Three

I was taking a small break from attempting to learn Sage Mode.

After all working hard every day can be a detriment to ones health.

As such I was laying next to one of the places abundant waterfalls and enjoying as the cooling feel of the spray especially given how warm it is today.

Next to me is none other than Gamabufo who is as usual staring off into space and moving his hands back and forth before his large yellow eyes.

Just a few minutes earlier he told me I was crazy when we were talking about the possibilities of there being Gods in this world.

Of course he didn't believe me that God was an oiled up muscle guy who repeatedly flexed his pecks at you and was remarkably good dancer.

I smirked at my stoner friend who had let all that roll of his back as though it never happened.

"Man I wish I could be that carefree" I thought.

But no I had what felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders.

Not in the literal sense of course.

Even with me being here the child of prophecy thing is still on track.

Still a person's individual problems can sometimes seem just as world ending can't they not.

I closed my eyes trying to find a way to centre these chaotic thoughts in my mind but it all drifted back to the past.

Back when I was only a year and change out of the Academy.

I had become a Chunin then joined the Anbu and found an odd sort of home on team Honoo.

Aquilla and I were borderline inseparable too.

I remember thinking that maybe for the first time in this life the first pangs of puberty were beginning to take hold as whenever she was around I found myself thinking only of her.

Then there were times I would scold myself for thinking such pointless thoughts. Especially when I had people like Danzo out there to contend with.

To say my mind was a mess would be an understatement.

Then came the time when Aquilla and I were sent out on a mission.

It was the first mission where it was just the two of us.

Our goal was to assassinate a shady business man names Shibo who was using underhanded means to forge his own trade route within the Land Of Fire.

Normally that would be quite an easy mission but rumour had it that he employed at least one Missing Nin from the Land of Grass for his protection.

To ascertain the situation Aquilla and I both infiltrated the mans business' from different directions.

Aquilla took on the role of one of his store clerks while I worked in the back loading and unloading goods.

Gaining entrance was rather easy all it took was a minor Genjutsu and some transformations to disguise us both and we were set.

Fortunately the Ninja we heard about wasn't under any stretch of the imagination a Sensor Nin.

What they were however was a natural born killer with a large bounty in the Bingo Book.

Her name was Kamisori.

She is a stunningly beautiful with finely platted auburn haired woman that appears dainty and meek especially in her Yukata.

But don't let her looks fool you as she is a well known Jonin level Kunoichi and Kenjutsu Mistress likely on the level of Sakumo Sensei and the Seven Shinobi Swordsmen of the Mist.

Equally as famous was the blade she kept hidden up her Yukata sleeve, none other than one of the fabled Kusanagi swords.

Due to this it didn't take long for Aquilla and I know this mission wouldn't be an easy one.

It didn't help that no matter where our target Shibo went she was sure to follow.

In the end we decided to simply divide and conquer.

I would handle Kamisori, well more like stall her really while Aquilla takes out Shibo.

Fortunately he didn't have any other Ninja's on staff as he splurged on getting a top notch one in Kamisori over many scrubs.

I can't say I blame him as I prefer quality over quantity also.

And so few weeks after we had infiltrated his organisation and were sure nobody suspected us we made our move.

Shibo was on his way to the home of one of his mistresses in the next town over when we struck.

When Kamisori Shibo and his thug like minions were far enough away from town I instantly littered the roadway with the Shuriken Shadow Clones.

Kamisori to her credit instantly brought up a partial Earth dome to protect herself and Shibo.

However I appeared instantly behind them with an almighty BANG! as my technique created a sonic boom.

She pushed Shibo to the side and drew her sword.

I was amazed at just how fluid her movements were as it all took place in less than a second before a CLANG! of her sword meeting my Tanto echoed in the area.


My Thunder Substitution repeatedly rang out as I used it to keep ahead of the vastly more skilled and experienced Kamisori.

I also threw in my Chakra Strings across the area too to try and slow or subdue her but her combat instincts were impeccable.

While unable to see them she cut through them with her Kusanagi sword almost as soon as I tried to enclose them on her.

It didn't help that her sword seemed to vibrate with an audible hum as a the high frequency vibrations increased it's cutting edge by an untold amount.

If I had to guess I would assume it was this Kusanagi sword used Wind Release Chakra to do so.

"Man Asuma would love that" I thought to myself thinking of the future leader of Team 10.

CLANG CLANG CLANG sounds reverberated and echoed before I clicked my tongue in frustration.

My Tanto was now on it's last legs.

Her sword had really done a number on it.

"Man if only I could use Armament Haki" I lamented.

Fortunately our plan had worked.

With a lot of sweat on my part I managed to separate Kamisori away from her employer and his thugs.

"Aquilla should have that dealt with in no time" I thought.

"Crap!" I yelled as a horizontal slash almost took my head off in that small moment of distraction.

I ducked just in the nick of time but not before several strands of my spikey brown hair were scattered to the wind.

"Too close" I thought as I put my focus where it should be and that was in this fight.

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! I used my Thunder Substitution again but unfortunately the more I use it the more she was starting to see through it, a testament to her skills as a Shinobi.

"This is the problem with letting an elite see your moves more than once" I groused.

Fortunately for me I'm not just a one or even two trick pony.

Sure my Chakra Strings might be useless but they had done enough to distract her while I set something else up.

BANG! went my Thunder Substitution one last time and Kamisori sneered at me.

Her sword heading straight for my heart.

My eyes opened wide as a breath hitched in my throat.