
Chapter Five

Floating around in my tank I noticed a change in my previous pure black vision.

Not that my vision had come fully, at best it could be described as an undefined grey blob but that's better than nothing right.

It means my body is finally adapting to what those morons did to me.

Sadly I am in so much pain thanks to it that I once more delve into my memories to distract myself for the time being.

Now where was I? Oh yeah Macaca the dumbass was just captured by the ninja's of the Hidden Stone.

The same guys pretending to be bandits to sow discord between the land of Fire and Wind.

Of course despite my dislike of the guy and my joking thoughts of disposing of him myself I began planning ways to save him.

Hell this might even be a learning experience for him and curb some of his more annoying tendencies.

Sakumo Sensei and Rugosa seemed to agree that we had to rescue him too regardless of the mission.

I didn't know how I felt about that though as I knew it was this mentality that would eventually lead to Sensei's suicide in canon.

"Oh well not much I can do about it now anyways" I thought as I simply put it to the back of my mind and thought about the here and now instead.

The three of us formed a plan and began storming the "bandit hideout" to retrieve our wayward team mate.

Thanks to Rugosa and her Byakugan we had a pretty detailed idea of the hideouts layout.

We also knew there were only four individuals inside other than Macaca.

Normally this would put the three of us at a disadvantage but with my Shadow Clones we should be able to pull through if we used them correctly.

Thankfully I had recently come up with a technique that will allow the Shadow Clone to fight at long range and limit the chance of it being destroyed.

I had come up with this as I knew their durability was spotty at best.

As such we entered the old run down base that seemed to come straight out of "Evil Layers Monthly".

We entered stealthily in a diamond formation.

Sakumo Sensei at the front, Rugosa at the rear and myself and my Shadow Clone picking up the sides.

As soon as we entered I immediately began using the technique I created with a little inspiration from another anime of my previous life.

Although I described it previously Rugosa gasped with shock being the only one able to actually see it with her Byakugan.

Hearing her surprise instantly put a grin on my face as I was rather proud of myself for creating this technique.

Once the setup was accomplished we made just enough noise for the enemy ninja's to realise we were here.

And as expected the came out almost immediately with a heavily beaten Macaca tied up with big ugly anime tears and snot covering his swollen face.

The leader of the group was a tall well build fellow typical of the Hidden stone with short spikey brown hair and an Antonio Inoki jawline.

However his most defining characteristic is the large scar that ran from his left cheek to his temple.

The others looked like your standard cannon fodder or background characters, not that I was even going to take them lightly even if that was the case.

"Looky looky boys. Seems the Leaf Ninja are just as soft as I expected. They simply couldn't abandon their little friend here" their leader said as her ran a Kunai over Macaca's throat in an attempt to intimidate us.

"Oh so it's you" Sakumo Sensei said.

"Ah recognise me do you White Fang" replied the leader of the Stone Ninja's.

"Indeed we met up in battle once during the war" Sakumo said.

"What was it now? Oppai right" Sakumo said garnering a chuckle from myself and my clone.

The Stone ninja scowled. "Oppie but you know that" he replied with a growl.

Sakumo simply shrugged none committedly.

"I'm glad it was you we lured here White Fang. I can finally have my revenge" he said as he indicated his scar.

I sighed as this was all very boring in my opinion. I just wanted to get it over and done with and frankly the pitiful drama that was unfolding wasn't really holding my attention.

"So what's the plan here? Surrender or you kill Macaca here" Sakumo asked.

"Pretty much" Oppie agreed.

After all his Earth Release was naturally weak against Sakumo Sensei's Lightening Release and he knew it.

"Yeah not gonna happen" I said speaking for the first time during this whole interplay.

"No one asked you brat?" Oppie growled.

I sighed as I gave a bored stare at the enemy Jonin.

I knew I probably couldn't beat him at this point even with my tricks as he was obviously quite experienced.

Saying that Sakumo Sensei would have no trouble, and it's not like I can't make things easier for Sakumo Sensie by putting Oppies heart in a case of momentary disarray.

"I'm bored now" I said in a low tired drawl that would make any Nara proud.

"Don't look down on us boy" Growled meat shield number 1.

"Yeah we are Chuunin and eat little Shit's like you for breakfast" meat shield number 2 added.

"You eat pieces of shit for breakfast" I replied pulling out the classic Happy Gillmore reply causing the dumbass to falter before he roared in a rage and darted towards me with his buddy just a fraction behind.

Oppie watched on expecting his team-mates/subordinates to instantly crush me but his hopes were quickly dashed.

"What the hell!?" He yelled as Tweedle Dumbass and Tweedle Dong sucker both froze in place.

However one look made it abundantly clear they were being restrained by something invisible given the twinges of their muscles as they attempted to pull free.

I gave a disrespectful yawn and began checking my nails to infuriate Oppie and it worked a charm.

"Brat what did you do?" he demanded.

"You honestly think I'll tell you. Man you must be dumber than even these two sacks of shit" I replied.

Oppie roared with rage and looked like he was about to attack me any moment except he hadn't yet seen through how I restrained his minions.

His eyes darted around until realisation struck.

"Chakra Strings huh" he said.

He couldn't see the strings themselves but after fighting the Hidden Sand for as long as any other ninja had they could spot the effects said strings produced instead.

It was however incredibly difficult to do and took intense concentration to spot.

"Give the man a prize" I said.

"Very well" Sakumo Sensei said as he suddenly appeared behind Oppie.

His short sword glowing white with Lightening Chakra as he plunged it right through Oppies chest.

Oppie staggered forward and dropped to his knees.

His hands rose to his chest which was now dripping crimson.

"Boss" the two captured minions roared.

"Shu" Sakumo said with a resigned sigh.

I nodded. I wasn't too happy about this next part but I knew it was a necessity.

I tightened the Chakra Strings that held the two captive they screamed momentarily before being dissected into little chunks.

I looked on as my breathing became ragged.

Rugosa who had used the distraction to rescue Macaca and play her part in the mission, placed her hand on my shoulder in as soothing a manner as possible given the circumstances.

Eventually my breathing calmed and Sakumo Sensei asked "feeling better?"

I nodded but remained silent not trusting my voice right now.

Sakumo simply nodded and turned to Rugosa.

She informed him that while we kept the enemy occupied she raided their stash storing everything worthwhile within a storage scroll along with the help of my Shadow Clone.

The fact was the Rugosa who was with us at the time was actually a Transformed Shadow Clone of mine allowing the real one to move about undetected.

It was all part of the plan as she needed to also find any evidence of the Hidden Stones involvement which she pulled off with aplomb.

Thanks to this the lands of Wind and Fire will be able to impose some heavy tariffs on the Hidden Stone and Land of Earth.

We made did some on site first aid making sure Macaca's life wasn't in any danger before we stored Oppie's body for examination back at the Leaf.

"I........I'm s.....ss....sorry" Macaca stammered.

"Just don't do anything so dumb again next time" I replied in a cold emotionless tone.

I was normally less than pleased with him but given I just had to kill for the first time because of him I'm even more pissed off. If I wasn't keeping such a tight reign on my emotions at this moment I was libel to throttle the guy.

It was clear he didn't appreciate my attitude but nodded none the less seemingly understanding why at least.

After all this would have been a much easier mission if not for him breaking formation and getting himself discovered by the enemy.

Sakumo Sensei however soon gathered out attention saying we were ready to return to the Leaf which we did as fast as our feet could carry us.